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After Failing to Find Immortality 16

Chapter 16: Seeking Guidance

Hua Shuya stumbled backward, her back hitting a pillar with a thud. Her arm throbbed, her fingers numb from the force of the blow.

She winced, discreetly flexing her hand.

This old man… he was incredibly strong.

Despite his age, his internal energy was far beyond hers, likely surpassing even the Azure(Green) Spirit realm!

If he hadn’t held back, and if she hadn’t instinctively unleashed her newly grasped sword intent, she would have been disarmed within a few moves.

“I never thought I’d be outmatched by a mere slip of a girl. You possess remarkable skill for one so young.” The old man sheathed his sword, his gaze sharp and appraising. “Tell me, did you defeat the spirit at the fabric shop last night?”


Hua Shuya frowned. “What are you talking about?”


The old man’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

She wasn’t the one who had vanquished the spirit?

Then who—

“Oh, we have a guest?”

A voice, calm and unexpected, echoed from behind them.

The old man whirled around, his eyes widening as he saw Lin Tianlu standing in the doorway.

“This… how is this possible?!”

The scholar, slender and handsome, looked like any other young man.

But his entrance had been utterly silent, his aura undetectable. If he hadn’t spoken, the old man wouldn’t have even known he was there!

As he studied the scholar more closely, he felt a strange unease, a sense of being drawn into an abyss, his own sword intent faltering under the weight of an unseen power.

Who was this man?

The old man’s heart pounded in his chest, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

He had traveled the world for decades, encountered countless masters and prodigies, but he had never met anyone like this!

He tightened his grip on his sword, his eyes hardening, channeling his energy, preparing for a confrontation.

“Master, you’re back!”

Hua Shuya’s voice, laced with relief and joy, startled him.


“Why are you both holding swords?”

Lin Tianlu entered the courtyard, his expression a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Had they been fighting?

He discreetly focused his senses, his hand hidden within his sleeve.

Before either of them could respond, he moved with lightning speed, snatching the sword from the old man’s grasp.

“Sir, you’re a bit old to be wielding such a dangerous weapon. What if you accidentally injured someone? The medical bills would be quite steep.”

The old man: “…”

Lin Tianlu sighed inwardly, relieved that the old man had been slow to react. He wouldn’t want to get into a sword fight.

“Hua Shuya, put your sword away. It’s not appropriate to fight with an elderly gentleman.”

He sheathed the old man’s sword, ignoring his stunned expression.

And then, he took the sword, placing it on a nearby table.

He patted the old man’s shoulder reassuringly. “Sir, there’s no need to get into a fight with a young lady. It’s dangerous, and if the authorities saw you, you might end up in jail.”

“B-But I…”

“Master, he came here looking for you,” Hua Shuya interjected, seeing that the situation was under control.

“Looking for me?”

Lin Tianlu blinked, surprised.

He turned to the old man, bowing slightly. “May I ask what brings you here, sir?”

“You… you…”

The old man stammered, his hand instinctively reaching for his missing sword.

He was utterly speechless.

He considered himself a master swordsman, and few in the world could disarm him.

But this scholar…

He had taken his sword with such ease.

And he hadn’t even resisted… no, he hadn’t even had time to react!

A wave of cold dread washed over him as he realized the true extent of the scholar’s power.

He bowed deeply, his voice trembling with respect. “Forgive my intrusion, Master. I meant no disrespect. I was merely curious, but I see now that the rumors of a master residing in Changling County are true. I was foolish to underestimate you.”


Lin Tianlu stared at him, bewildered.

What was this old man talking about?

He was confused, but he maintained a polite facade. “Please, sir, there’s no need for such formality.”

“You are too kind, Master.”

The old man straightened up, visibly relieved. He turned to Hua Shuya, bowing again. “And to you, young lady, I apologize for my earlier behavior. I was… overeager.”

“It’s alright, sir. No harm done.” Hua Shuya returned the bow, her expression softening as she saw the respect he now showed Lin Tianlu.

“Let’s not stand here awkwardly. Why don’t we all sit down and have a chat?” Lin Tianlu suggested.

The old man’s face lit up. “Excellent idea!”

They settled down in the main hall, and the old man introduced himself, explaining his presence in Changling County.

Lin Tianlu learned that the seemingly unassuming old man was not a disgruntled neighbor but a wandering martial arts master named Mo Hong.

He couldn’t help but be skeptical.

He studied the old man, trying to discern any hint of extraordinary power.

But he saw nothing but a frail old man who looked like he needed help getting up the stairs.

He glanced at Hua Shuya, seeking confirmation.

She nodded discreetly, confirming the old man’s claims.

“But what brings you here, Master Mo?” Lin Tianlu asked, his curiosity piqued.

“To be honest, Master, I’ve been traveling the world for many years, seeking to further my understanding of swordsmanship.”

Mo Hong sighed, his voice filled with a weary longing. “But despite my travels, I haven’t found the breakthrough I seek. Instead, I’ve encountered countless demons and spirits, a constant reminder of my limitations.

I arrived in Changling County a few days ago, intending to rest for a while before continuing my journey. But then I heard about the fire at the fabric shop. They said the flames were unnatural, yet the shopkeeper survived unharmed. I inquired about the incident and learned of your heroic deeds, Master.”

He bowed deeply, his expression sincere. “Changling County is fortunate to have such a powerful protector.”

“It was nothing but a coincidence,” Lin Tianlu replied modestly, waving his hand dismissively. “But you came here looking for me… why?”

“I’m here seeking guidance, Master.” Mo Hong’s voice was firm, his gaze unwavering. “I witnessed your disciple’s skill earlier. She possesses remarkable talent, and I believe she has benefited greatly from your teachings. I was hoping… that you might be willing to share your wisdom with me as well.”

Lin Tianlu stared at him, speechless, his mind reeling.


He was supposed to guide a martial arts master?

He had been nervous about sparring with Hua Shuya. The thought of discussing martial arts philosophy with a seasoned expert filled him with dread.

What if he accidentally pulled a muscle?

“I’m sorry, Master Mo.”

He shook his head regretfully. “I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a method for dealing with spirits. But I have no expertise in martial arts. Hua Shuya’s achievements are due to her own talent and hard work, not my teachings.”

Mo Hong’s face fell, his voice laced with disappointment. “But Master, your aura… it’s so profound, so elusive. You must have reached a level of mastery beyond my comprehension. Even if you only allowed me to observe your daily life, I would be grateful.”

“You’re exaggerating, Master Mo.”

Lin Tianlu considered his request for a moment, then chuckled. “Very well. If you’re so determined to stay, I won’t stop you. I have some free time. We can chat.”

Mo Hong’s eyes lit up. He rose to his feet, his voice filled with excitement. “Excellent! I’ll prepare a feast for us tonight. We can discuss martial arts then!”

“Ah… take care, Master Mo.”

Lin Tianlu watched as the old man hurried away, his steps surprisingly sprightly for someone his age.

He didn’t seem like a martial arts master.

He glanced at Hua Shuya, who was watching the old man with a thoughtful frown.

“He’s very strong, Master,” she said softly. “But… not as strong as you.”

“That’s reassuring.”

Lin Tianlu sighed.

If he couldn’t even defeat a scholar, how strong could he be?

After Failing to Find Immortality

After Failing to Find Immortality

Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Lin Tianlu, after enduring countless hardships and traversing treacherous mountains and rivers, finally ascended the long-dreamed-of immortal mountain, seeking the path to immortality.

However, upon reaching the summit, he discovered that the immortal mountain lay in ruins, the sect eradicated, leaving only broken walls and rubble.

Looking back at the bottomless abyss below the cliff, Lin Tianlu couldn't help but sigh towards the heavens.

Could someone please send him back down?

This whole immortality thing… he didn't want to pursue it anymore.


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Thx for chapter and will the mc have segs in the future?


not work with dark mode