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After Failing to Find Immortality 2

Chapter 2: A Maiden Encounters an Immortal, A Game of Black and White

The young woman standing before him appeared to be around seventeen or eighteen years old. Her features were delicate and flawless, her black hair cascading down her back like a silken waterfall, hinting at a captivating allure. A thick, fur-lined cloak, designed to ward off the mountain chill, enveloped her slender frame, but it did little to conceal her surprisingly mature figure.

So it was true: beautiful maidens really did appear out of thin air, even in the depths of the mountains.

A wave of complex emotions washed over Lin Tianlu, prompting a soft sigh to escape his lips.

However, it seemed that his weeks of solitude had tempered his spirit, for the sight of her stirred only a ripple of excitement within him.

The fact that another living soul had stumbled upon him on Mount Taiyi was far more astonishing than the fact that she happened to be a beautiful young woman.

An awkward silence hung between them as they stood there, gazing at each other.

Lin Tianlu set down his Go stone and rose to his feet, clearing his throat. He decided to break the ice.

But as the words formed in his mind, he hesitated.

What was he supposed to say?

Based on the memories he had inherited from the deceased scholar, he knew that the current era resembled the Tang and Song dynasties, with only minor differences in customs and culture. But the language was still undeniably ancient, full of archaic expressions and formal pronouncements.

If he opened his mouth and uttered a string of modern slang…

Wouldn’t she find it utterly bizarre?

As he struggled to find the right words, the young woman suddenly straightened her posture and bowed deeply. “This humble one, Hua Shuya, greets the immortal master of this sacred mountain!”


Lin Tianlu blinked in confusion.

Immortal master? Was she referring to him?

He glanced around discreetly, confirming that they were indeed alone. Then, in a tentative voice, he asked, “What makes you say that, young lady?”

“Throughout the Xima region, it is said that Mount Taiyi is home to a hidden sect of immortals, where celestial beings impart their wisdom and disciples cultivate extraordinary powers, attaining eternal life.”

Hua Shuya bowed again, her voice clear and melodious. “On my journey up the mountain, I encountered no signs of human habitation, no sources of food or water, no dwellings or shelters. Only you, master, sat alone at the summit, engrossed in a game of strategy.”

“Such tranquility and leisure… surely only an enlightened immortal could possess such serenity and capability.”

She raised her head slightly, her bright, clear eyes sparkling with a strange intensity.

She really did have beautiful eyes, Lin Tianlu thought. But the way she was looking at him, it was as if she had stumbled upon some priceless treasure. It was a little unnerving.

Uncomfortable under her gaze, Lin Tianlu returned the bow awkwardly. “Your deduction is sound, young lady. However, I am no immortal. I am but a humble scholar who stumbled upon this place by chance. The descent proved too treacherous, so I have been stranded here, making do as best I can.”

“A scholar?”

Hua Shuya’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Now that she took a closer look, the “immortal master” was indeed dressed in simple, coarse robes, his appearance no different from any other young man her age. He certainly didn’t exude the aura of a powerful, otherworldly being.

Could it be that she had been mistaken?

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she opened her mouth to speak, but then a thought struck her, stopping her in her tracks.

—Wait a minute!

The summit of Mount Taiyi was perpetually shrouded in cold, damp mist. The air was thin and frigid. Even with her warm cloak, she had been shivering throughout her ascent.

But this young man…

He was wearing nothing but a thin scholar’s robe?!

And as she observed him more closely, she realized that she couldn’t sense his presence at all!

Having practiced martial arts since childhood, thanks to her family’s wealth and influence, Hua Shuya possessed a keen eye and a sharp intuition. She could tell at a glance whether someone was accustomed to a life of luxury or hardship, whether they possessed inner strength or were merely putting on a facade.

But this young man… she couldn’t read him at all.

He was standing right in front of her, yet he was invisible to her senses, as if he had merged seamlessly with the surrounding environment. He was like the mountain mist itself, ethereal and elusive.

His features were handsome and refined, his gaze deep and unreadable. Despite his lack of adornment, there was an intangible aura about him, a sense of otherworldly detachment that she couldn’t quite place.

She had never encountered anyone like him in all her nineteen years!

Not even her parents, or even her renowned grandfather, possessed such an enigmatic presence.

But for such an extraordinary individual to refer to himself as a “humble scholar”… could it be a test? A deliberate attempt to conceal his true nature?

With this thought in mind, Hua Shuya’s tone became even more respectful. “This one will heed your words, master.”


Lin Tianlu was taken aback by her unwavering formality.

He decided not to dwell on it and asked, “Tell me, young lady, did you ascend this mountain alone? And for what purpose?”

Hua Shuya bowed again. “Master, I was passing through the Xima region when I heard rumors of a hidden immortal sect on Mount Taiyi.

At first, I dismissed them as mere folklore. But then, a fortnight ago, I heard strange, echoing cries resonating from the mountain, as if the immortals themselves were making their presence known. And as fate would have it, an elder in my family has fallen ill, his health failing with each passing day. Desperate to find a cure, I resolved to seek out the legendary sect and plead for their assistance. Unfortunately, a thick fog descended upon the mountain, making the ascent impossible until recently.”

She paused, then added, “As for my companions, they lacked the strength to reach the summit and are currently resting at a lower altitude. I alone made it this far.”

Lin Tianlu’s heart skipped a beat.

The echoing cries… those were his karaoke sessions?

He had been belting out songs at the top of his lungs, and his voice had carried all the way down the mountain?

He glanced at Hua Shuya, searching her expression for any sign of amusement or recognition. But her face was serious, her gaze unwavering.

It seemed that no one had deciphered the true meaning of his impromptu performances. Otherwise, he would be mortified.

Well, at least he had sung mostly in Japanese and English. No one here would understand those lyrics.

Still, it seemed he had attracted quite a crowd.

His eyes lit up. “Tell me, young lady, do you have a way to descend the mountain?”

“Indeed, master,” Hua Shuya replied. “I had my companions secure a series of iron chains along the most treacherous sections of the path. With care, it should be possible to climb down.”

Relief washed over Lin Tianlu.

Finally, a way out of this predicament!

As pleasant as his mountaintop existence had been, he was starting to resemble a wild hermit.

Hua Shuya hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Master, if you don’t mind my asking… what brings you to this desolate place?”

Lin Tianlu chuckled. “A series of unfortunate events, you could say. I’ve been trying to keep myself occupied while I figure out a way to get down. This game, for instance, is a rather enjoyable way to pass the time.”

“This game?”

Hua Shuya glanced curiously at the Go board on the stone table.

Black and white stones were scattered across the grid in a seemingly random pattern. It looked no different from the casual games played by commoners in the streets below.

Although her true passion lay in martial arts, Hua Shuya was no stranger to intellectual pursuits. She had dabbled in calligraphy, poetry, and even strategy games like Go. But from what she could see, this immortal master didn’t seem to grasp the basic principles of the game. His moves were haphazard, nonsensical… wait a minute.

Her eyes widened as she stared at the board, her attention completely captivated by the seemingly chaotic arrangement of stones.

How could this be?

There was a strange harmony to the seemingly random placement of the stones. It was as if each move, no matter how illogical it appeared, had been made with deliberate intent, culminating in a breathtakingly complex and elegant configuration.

The more she studied the board, the more she sensed the profound depth hidden beneath its surface. It was as if the game itself held some profound truth, some hidden wisdom that resonated deep within her soul.

Sensing her fascination, Lin Tianlu chuckled. “Are you interested in my humble game, young lady?”

“Master… would it be possible… for me to play a few moves?” Hua Shuya’s voice trembled slightly.

“By all means. Feel free.”

Intrigued, Lin Tianlu rolled up his sleeves, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes.

He had been alone on this mountain for over a fortnight. The prospect of a game with a well-educated young woman, even if it was just a casual game of Go, was a welcome distraction.

“Thank you, master. You honor me with this opportunity.”

Hua Shuya took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and sat down opposite Lin Tianlu.


But the moment she settled onto the stone stool, her eyes widened in terror, her breath catching in her throat.

The gentle smile on the young man’s face vanished, replaced by an expression of terrifying intensity. An aura of immense power erupted from him, engulfing her like a tidal wave. It was as if the heavens themselves were collapsing around her, threatening to crush her very soul.

In that instant, Hua Shuya felt utterly insignificant, like a speck of dust caught in a hurricane. The surrounding mountains crumbled and dissolved into nothingness, the sky shattered into a million pieces, and the stars themselves seemed to blink out of existence.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. The world around her snapped back into focus, leaving only the young man seated across from her, his smile once again in place.

But something had changed.

The familiar landscape of Mount Taiyi had vanished. In its place stretched an endless expanse of stars, a cosmic tapestry of swirling galaxies and shimmering nebulae. And at the center of it all, she saw a giant Go board, its gridlines formed by constellations, its stones represented by planets and moons.

The young man’s smile held a hint of amusement as he picked up a black stone.

“Well then, young lady,” he said, his voice echoing through the vastness of space. “Since you seem hesitant to make your move, I believe I shall go first.”

His words reverberated through her very being, shaking her to her core.

As he placed the stone on the cosmic board, the fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist around them. Stars shifted in their orbits, galaxies collided, and black holes yawned open, consuming all in their path.

Hua Shuya stared at him, her eyes wide with terror, her face drained of all color. In that moment, she felt utterly powerless, like an ant facing a god.

Her gaze fixed on the black stone as it descended towards the board…

And then, everything went black.


A soft thud echoed through the silent air as Hua Shuya collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


The smile on Lin Tianlu’s face froze. He stared at the young woman lying at his feet, her body racked with tremors, a thin trickle of blood staining her lips.


—What just happened?

They were just playing a casual game of Go. Why was she suddenly unconscious and bleeding?

Could it be… that she was trying to scam him?

After Failing to Find Immortality

After Failing to Find Immortality

Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Lin Tianlu, after enduring countless hardships and traversing treacherous mountains and rivers, finally ascended the long-dreamed-of immortal mountain, seeking the path to immortality.

However, upon reaching the summit, he discovered that the immortal mountain lay in ruins, the sect eradicated, leaving only broken walls and rubble.

Looking back at the bottomless abyss below the cliff, Lin Tianlu couldn't help but sigh towards the heavens.

Could someone please send him back down?

This whole immortality thing… he didn't want to pursue it anymore.


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not work with dark mode