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After Failing to Find Immortality 6

Chapter 6: Changling County

“Have you heard? The main peak of Mount Taiyi, dozens of miles from our Changling County… it vanished into thin air in broad daylight!”

“Are you serious?!”

“I swear! The farmers working the fields saw it with their own eyes!”

A young waiter, while wiping down a table, gestured dramatically with his left hand. “They said a thick fog descended, the clouds swirling like a scene from a fantastical tale. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. And when the fog cleared… the peak was gone!”

“They say it was the newly emerged Taiyi Immortal Sect, returning to seclusion after deeming the mortal realm unworthy.”

“Huh? I heard it was the Peerless Great Dao Immortal Sect!”

“You’re both wrong! It’s the Heavenly Profound, All Things as One, Unsurpassed Proof of Dao Sacred Sect! Your information is so outdated.”

“Ah, what a shame. I should have tried my luck at Mount Taiyi. To meet an immortal… what a blessing that would be!”

The lively chatter filled the bustling tavern, fueled by speculation and rumors surrounding the sudden disappearance of Mount Taiyi’s peak.

Lin Tianlu, seated at a table near the window, couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

“The Home Defense Immortal Sect, more like it,” he thought wryly. “It was just a barren mountaintop with some overgrown weeds. How do people come up with these elaborate names?”

Still, he couldn’t deny a sense of relief.

“At least no one seems to know I was the one who came down from the mountain,” he mused, “except for Hua Shuya, of course.”

But she was far too discreet to spread such a tale.

As for Mount Taiyi…

Its disappearance had been so sudden, so utterly baffling, that he was still trying to wrap his head around it.

Hua Shuya had witnessed it too, of course. And in her awe, she had attributed it to his “immortal powers,” her eyes practically sparkling with reverence.

He had tried to explain, but she had simply smiled knowingly, as if to say, “I understand, Master. There’s no need to explain yourself to a mere mortal like me.”

It had given him a headache just thinking about it.

“Can I help you, sir?”

A young waiter approached, his eyes curious as he took in Lin Tianlu’s appearance.

He had worked at this tavern for over a decade, serving countless customers. But there was something about this scholar, with his dusty clothes and faded robes, that intrigued him. He had the air of a pauper, yet his demeanor was gentle, his gaze strangely serene, as if he possessed a hidden strength.

The waiter couldn’t quite place it.

Lin Tianlu pushed the thought aside and placed his order. “A cup of clear wine and a few side dishes, please.”

“Right away, sir!”

The waiter bustled off, his initial curiosity replaced by professional courtesy.

Soon, a tray of food and a steaming cup of wine were placed before him.

Lin Tianlu picked up his chopsticks, his gaze lingering on the simple yet appetizing dishes.

He hadn’t eaten in over a fortnight.

The first couple of days on the mountaintop, he had been consumed by hunger pangs. But as the days turned into weeks, his body had adapted, the need for sustenance fading into the background.

But now, surrounded by the sights and smells of civilization, his stomach grumbled in anticipation.

Although, if he were being honest, he would have preferred a burger and fries.

Or maybe some fried chicken.


He was about to take a bite of the marinated beef when he paused, a faint smile playing on his lips.

He glanced at the doorway.

A small figure quickly ducked out of sight.

“You can come out,” he said gently. “There’s no need to hide.”


A small head peeked cautiously around the doorframe.

Lin Tianlu chuckled. “Of course. A scholar never breaks his word.”

The child hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around the tavern as if gauging the reactions of the other patrons. Seeing that no one was paying him any attention, he scurried over to Lin Tianlu’s table.

He was no more than ten years old, his face smudged with dirt, his clothes patched and threadbare. A street urchin, barely scraping by.


Lin Tianlu took a sip of his wine.

It was… weak.

Like water with a splash of alcohol.

The boy eyed the food warily for a moment, then, unable to resist the allure of a hot meal, he dug in, his small hands shoveling food into his mouth with a desperate hunger.

Lin Tianlu noticed the unhealed cuts and bruises on the boy’s arms and neck, his heart sinking.

This world… it was a harsh place.

No matter the era, no matter how prosperous a nation might seem, there would always be those who struggled to survive.

As they ate, the waiter who had taken his order approached, his expression hesitant. “Sir, about the boy…”

“Bring him some food,” Lin Tianlu interrupted, pushing a small silver coin across the table. “And make sure he gets some meat.”

The waiter’s eyes widened. “Thank you, sir! You’re too kind!”

He snatched up the coin and scurried off towards the kitchen.

The boy stared at the departing waiter, his eyes wide with a mixture of awe and disbelief. He had forgotten to even chew his food.

“What are you looking at?” Lin Tianlu asked, amusement flickering in his eyes. “The money, or the man?”

The boy flinched. “He… he never lets me come inside,” he mumbled.

Lin Tianlu chuckled. “It’s his job to keep order. If beggars were allowed to wander in and out as they pleased, it would disrupt the other customers. And then he would be the one getting punished.”

The boy nodded silently, his gaze fixed on his plate.

Lin Tianlu considered lecturing the boy about the harsh realities of life, about the importance of hard work and perseverance. But what was the point? Without money, without opportunity, such words were meaningless.

“This meal isn’t free,” he said, watching as the boy’s eyes widened in alarm. “But if you answer a few questions for me, I’ll gladly pay for it.”

The boy swallowed nervously. “What… what do you want to know, sir?”

“Do immortal sects exist?”

“I-Immortal sects?” The boy shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ve never heard anyone speak of them… except in stories.”

So they were nothing more than legends?

That would explain why his predecessor and Hua Shuya had set off on their respective quests.

Perhaps this world… had no place for immortals.

Lin Tianlu considered his next question carefully. “What about… otherworldly beings? Demons, ghosts, spirits…”

The boy hesitated, shaking his head before nodding slowly.

“Which is it?”

“I… I don’t know for sure,” he stammered, his hands fidgeting nervously. “I’ve never seen any ghosts or demons myself. But I’ve heard stories… And unlike the immortal sects, the adults… they talk about these things with fear in their voices. And… there have been strange deaths in town.”

“Strange deaths?”

“Just a few days ago… a concubine died in the Li household,” the boy whispered. “I saw them carrying her body out. It was wrapped in white cloth, and there were Taoist priests chanting and performing rituals. It was… unsettling.”

Lin Tianlu’s interest piqued.

Just then, the tavern’s atmosphere shifted. The chatter and laughter died down, replaced by an expectant hush.

Lin Tianlu turned to see a young woman enter the tavern, her every movement radiating an air of grace and refinement.

It was Hua Shuya.

She had removed her heavy cloak, revealing a figure that was both elegant and alluring. Her features were as striking as he remembered, her smile warm and welcoming. But there was an undeniable air of authority about her now, a presence that commanded respect.

She approached their table and bowed gracefully.

“Please forgive my intrusion, Master,” she said, her voice soft yet firm. “I hope I haven’t interrupted your meal.”

“Not at all. I’m not particularly hungry.” Lin Tianlu smiled, finishing his wine. He rose to his feet. “About those men who accompanied you…”

“Everything has been taken care of, Master,” Hua Shuya replied. “Their families have been compensated, each receiving one hundred taels of silver, along with silk, grain, and other necessities. I’ve also arranged for their children to receive an education at the local academy.”


Lin Tianlu choked back a gasp of astonishment.

This wasn’t just generosity. This woman… she was wealthy!

He had only been in Changling County for a day, but he had already gleaned a basic understanding of the local economy. One hundred taels of silver was a small fortune, enough to live comfortably for years.

The beggar boy, seated beside him, stared at Hua Shuya with wide, disbelieving eyes.

That kind of money… he couldn’t even fathom such a sum.

Hua Shuya frowned slightly. “Is something amiss, Master? Was my compensation… insufficient?”

“No, no! It was more than generous!” Lin Tianlu assured her, waving his hands dismissively. “I simply wasn’t aware that… your family was so well off.”

“We have been blessed by our ancestors,” Hua Shuya replied modestly.

She glanced at the boy seated beside him. “Master, who is this young man?”

“Just someone I offered a meal to.”

“I see.”

She smiled warmly at the boy, reaching out to ruffle his hair gently. “You have found favor with an immortal, young one. Consider yourself fortunate. Here, take this. Buy yourself some new clothes.”

She pressed a silver ingot into the boy’s hand.

Before the stunned boy could react, Hua Shuya had already turned and exited the tavern, her departure as swift and graceful as her arrival.


The boy stared at the silver ingot in his hand, his fingers tightening around it as if to make sure it was real.

“An… immortal?”

He stood there for a long moment, his mind reeling. Then, with a newfound determination, he slammed the silver ingot down on the table.

“Waiter! I want to trade this… for food!”

After Failing to Find Immortality

After Failing to Find Immortality

Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Lin Tianlu, after enduring countless hardships and traversing treacherous mountains and rivers, finally ascended the long-dreamed-of immortal mountain, seeking the path to immortality.

However, upon reaching the summit, he discovered that the immortal mountain lay in ruins, the sect eradicated, leaving only broken walls and rubble.

Looking back at the bottomless abyss below the cliff, Lin Tianlu couldn't help but sigh towards the heavens.

Could someone please send him back down?

This whole immortality thing… he didn't want to pursue it anymore.


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not work with dark mode