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After Failing to Find Immortality 7

Chapter 7: A Place to Settle, A Body Transformed?

Lin Tianlu strolled leisurely through the bustling streets of Changling County, his gaze sweeping over the shops and houses lining the road. He nodded to himself, a sense of familiarity washing over him.

The architecture, the clothing worn by the townsfolk… it all aligned with his memories of the Tang and Song dynasties. Nothing seemed out of place.

Changling County, though not particularly wealthy, exuded an air of peace and order. The streets were clean, the people courteous, and a sense of tranquility pervaded the air. It seemed like a decent place to settle down.

However, his companion, with her striking beauty and elegant demeanor, drew quite a bit of attention as they walked.

“Look at that poor scholar, his shoes are practically falling apart…”

“Perhaps he was robbed by bandits?”

“Such a pity…”

Whispers and murmurs followed them wherever they went.

Lin Tianlu paid them no mind, but Hua Shuya, her brow furrowed in displeasure, quickly steered him towards a nearby fabric shop.

Unfortunately, the shop offered mostly bolts of silk and cotton, with few ready-made garments. Custom tailoring would take several days. Lin Tianlu settled for a simple scholar’s robe that fit reasonably well, eager to shed his worn and faded attire.

As he emerged from the shop, Hua Shuya’s eyes widened in appreciation.

The transformation was remarkable. Dressed in a clean, crisp robe, Lin Tianlu exuded an air of effortless charm. His posture was straighter, his features more defined, his entire presence radiating a newfound confidence. He no longer resembled a down-on-his-luck scholar but a young gentleman from a wealthy family.

“That robe suits you well, Master,” she commented, a hint of admiration in her voice.

“Well, I am a scholar, after all,” Lin Tianlu replied with a chuckle, adjusting his sleeves. “This is the attire I’m most comfortable in.”

Hua Shuya hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a low voice. “Master, back at the tavern… you seemed to have something you wanted to tell me.”

“You’re quite observant, Hua Shuya.” Lin Tianlu raised an eyebrow, a playful smile curving his lips. “It was nothing major. I simply wanted to caution you about giving such a large sum of money to a beggar child. It could easily attract unwanted attention, and he wouldn’t be able to defend himself against those who might try to take it from him.”

Hua Shuya’s expression turned serious.

“But you needn’t worry,” Lin Tianlu continued. “He’s a clever lad. He spent the money wisely, exchanging it for food. Your generosity wasn’t wasted.”

“I… I hadn’t considered that,” Hua Shuya admitted, her cheeks flushing with guilt.

“You have a kind heart, Hua Shuya. That is commendable. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Lin Tianlu smiled gently. “In fact, I should be thanking you. If not for your generosity, I would be lost in this unfamiliar town, with nothing but the clothes on my back.”

Hua Shuya waved her hands dismissively. “Please, Master, don’t mention it. You saved my life. This is the least I could do.”

Lin Tianlu chuckled, finding her flustered reaction endearing. “Very well. Let’s go see this house you’ve arranged for me.”

“This way, Master.”

A short while later, Lin Tianlu stopped in his tracks, his jaw dropping as he stared at the building before him.

“This… this is what you meant by ‘a small token of gratitude’?”

The house was a sprawling, traditional courtyard residence, its architecture elegant and refined. It was far grander than anything he had expected.

Hua Shuya beamed. “Since you’ll be staying in Changling County for a while, Master, I wanted to make sure you had a comfortable place to reside.

I spoke with several local brokers, and they all agreed that this house has the best feng shui and the most beautiful scenery. The previous owner was a scholar, so the house is fully furnished and even has a library filled with books and scrolls. It’s ready for you to move in.”

“You… bought it?” Lin Tianlu stammered, his mind reeling.

This house… it was far too extravagant. Even renting it would be beyond the means of most ordinary people.

He opened his mouth to protest, but the look of eager anticipation on Hua Shuya’s face stopped him. He couldn’t bring himself to refuse her generosity.

“Please, Master, come inside…”


A small firework exploded in the distance, its colorful sparks scattering across the twilight sky.

Hua Shuya’s brow furrowed, but she quickly recovered, bowing to Lin Tianlu. “Master, please excuse me. That signal indicates an urgent matter that requires my attention. I must go.”

“An urgent matter?”

“It’s probably… some escaped criminals,” she replied vaguely.

“Go, Hua Shuya. I’ll take care of things here.” Lin Tianlu smiled reassuringly.

“Thank you for your understanding, Master.”

With a final bow, Hua Shuya turned and hurried away.

The afternoon passed quickly, the sky fading from azure to a deep indigo.


Lin Tianlu wiped his hands on his robe, surveying the spacious main hall of the house with a satisfied smile.

It was a beautiful home, well-maintained and tastefully decorated.

The only downside was that he was completely alone.

“It’s a bit lonely,” he mused, “but at least it’s peaceful.”

He retreated to his room, his expression turning serious as he unpacked the few items he had brought with him from Mount Taiyi.

He laid them out on a table: the broken jade pendant, the Go board and stones, the rusty sword.

“Time to figure out what’s going on,” he murmured to himself.

First things first…


He sat down on the bed, crossing his legs awkwardly, and closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breathing.

Neither the scholar whose body he now inhabited nor his former self had any experience with cultivation or meditation.

He could only try to mimic the techniques he had read about in fantasy novels.

As he focused his mind, he felt a subtle shift within him. Tiny points of light, like miniature stars, flickered into existence, swirling and dancing within his body.

He could see them clearly, even with his eyes closed.

“Could this be… spiritual energy?”

Excitement surged through him.

He delved deeper, his consciousness pushing past layers of darkness and uncertainty.


A deafening roar echoed through his mind, like an ancient bell tolling.

His meridians, once dim and sluggish, lit up with a brilliant light. Waves of energy surged through him, washing over every bone, every muscle, every cell in his body. It was as if he were being remade from the inside out.

“This… this is…”

He was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the experience.

When had this transformation occurred?

The spiritual energy flowing through him was warm and invigorating, forming a perfect cycle of renewal and regeneration.

And as his senses expanded, he realized that the energy wasn’t confined to his body. It was everywhere, emanating from the very ground beneath his feet, swirling and coalescing around him until the entire room was filled with a shimmering mist, transforming his humble abode into an ethereal wonderland.

With every breath, he drew in more energy, his body buzzing with vitality.

“Where is all this energy coming from?”

He was baffled.

If he were some kind of cultivation prodigy, he might be able to understand. Perhaps he had stumbled upon a hidden technique, or received guidance from a wandering immortal.

But he had no memories of cultivating, no knowledge of such practices. Where had this power come from?

“Could it be… that I swallowed something in that cave? Something that triggered this transformation?”

He pondered the possibility, his mind racing.

He focused his attention inward, peeling back layers of energy, seeking the source of this newfound power.

And as the mists parted…

He saw it.

A towering mountain, suspended within his very being.

Its peak pierced the heavens, its slopes cloaked in swirling clouds and shimmering light. An aura of ancient power radiated from it, filling him with a sense of awe and wonder.

He recognized it instantly.

His jaw dropped.

“…Mount Taiyi?!”

After Failing to Find Immortality

After Failing to Find Immortality

Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Lin Tianlu, after enduring countless hardships and traversing treacherous mountains and rivers, finally ascended the long-dreamed-of immortal mountain, seeking the path to immortality.

However, upon reaching the summit, he discovered that the immortal mountain lay in ruins, the sect eradicated, leaving only broken walls and rubble.

Looking back at the bottomless abyss below the cliff, Lin Tianlu couldn't help but sigh towards the heavens.

Could someone please send him back down?

This whole immortality thing… he didn't want to pursue it anymore.


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not work with dark mode