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As a villain, I just want them to behave 10

Chapter 10: Discovering a Traitor, Level 4

‘What’s going on?’ Hilna shot Phils a questioning look.

She never expected to find a strange maid instead of Kailun upon barging in.

‘I have no idea~’ Phils returned an innocent look.

Hilna: “…”

She couldn’t help but notice Phils subtly rubbing her chest, her brow furrowed as if in pain.


As Carol and the two others exchanged bewildered glances, Kailun emerged from a nearby corner and sauntered towards the Seventh Study Room entrance.

He greeted Hilna with a casual tone, “Teacher Hilna, long time no see. It seems like just yesterday we last met. What brings you to the study room today?”

Indeed, Hilna was a teacher at the Royal Magic Academy, though her subject was Potioneering, with each class meeting twice a week.

At only twenty-three, Hilna was not only beautiful but also possessed exceptional talent in potioneering. As one of the Five Great Beauties of the King’s City, she was well-versed in strategy and manipulation, holding sway over the kingdom’s intelligence network.

Today, she wore a long red dress, her short red hair framing her shoulders. She clutched a thick potioneering textbook to her chest, accentuating the curves of her figure.

Taller than most girls, she stood at 170cm, only half a head shorter than Kailun.

Compared to Anna and Carol, Hilna exuded a mature and intellectual aura, a charm unique to experienced women.

Kailun held no fondness for this woman.

“Class ended, and I’m here to prepare some materials. You may disregard me,” she said, glancing at the other girls she had brought along. “You may leave now. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

Her face remained impassive, a gentle, yet fake smile plastered on.

“Yes, Teacher. Please take your time. We’ll come back another time to learn about the new potions.”


“See you next class, Teacher.”

As the clueless girls filed out, Paul, who had been watching the drama unfold from behind, became conspicuous.

Noticing everyone’s gaze on him, Paul scratched his head awkwardly. “Just passing by, just passing by.”

He hurried away, disappointment evident in his demeanor.

If Kailun remembered correctly, in his past life, Paul had waited outside the room and had worn a gleeful expression upon seeing Kailun dragged out, bruised and battered.

With the bystanders gone, Kailun approached Phils, feigning nervousness.

Ignoring Princess Hilna pretending to read at the table, Kailun stammered, “Um… Miss Phils, is there something you wanted to tell me?”

He acted like a naive boy facing a girl for the first time, his awkwardness palpable.

Witnessing this, Hilna rolled her eyes. With such an incompetent heir, the Kate family was nothing to fear.

The astute Phils immediately grasped Kailun’s intentions. Playing her part, she grabbed his hand seductively.

“I like you, Kailun. I want to be your wife, or even a concubine. Will you give me a chance?”

Phils’ eyes sparkled. Putting on this act in front of Princess Hilna thrilled her, a strange sense of pleasure blooming within.

[Phils’ current favorability towards you is 40. You have received a 40% attribute bonus.]

Kailun: “But… but we don’t even know each other.”

His acting was on par with Phils’.

Phils: “That’s not a problem. I like you, and I’ll work hard to make you like me too…”

Her enthusiasm heated the atmosphere, the reins of the performance firmly in her grasp.

Princess Hilna was pleased with Phils’ performance. Although she was puzzled by Kailun’s fortunate escape, with Phils around, their plan could be re-implemented anytime.

It was just a delay of a day or two, nothing major.

Her good mood even prompted her to open her book and prepare for her lesson, her guard lowered significantly.

Thanks to Kailun’s consistently ordinary demeanor, she had never considered him a threat.

One was scheming, one was acting, and one was observing and analyzing.

Carol was the observer. Her innate ability allowed her to easily discern genuine emotions, leading her to a rough understanding of the current situation.

If her deductions were correct, this was a plot orchestrated by Phils and Hilna against her master.

However, her master had cleverly turned the tables, prompting Phils’ betrayal and deceiving Princess Hilna. Carol was awestruck by his strategic brilliance, her gaze towards Kailun unconsciously laced with admiration.

[Carol’s current favorability towards you is 65. You have received a 65% attribute bonus.]

Kailun: “???”

Holding Phils’ hand, Kailun shot Carol a puzzled look. Why was she suddenly having a self-revelation?

Thanks to the two actors’ dedication, Kailun and Phils quickly established their “relationship.” Just as Kailun was about to lead Phils away, Hilna called out.

“Phils, stay for a moment. Your class is next, and I have some tasks for you.”

“Alright then.”

Phils reluctantly released Kailun’s hand, sticking out her tongue playfully. “Sorry, I’ll have to make it up to you next time. How about we meet after school?”

“Okay, after school it is.” Kailun glanced longingly at Phils’ hand.

“Let’s go, Carol. Let’s find a place to rest. I don’t feel like attending the next class.”

As usual, Kailun opted to skip class, leading Carol out of the study room.

The academy’s teachers had little control over noble students. Even if Kailun flirted openly or skipped class in front of Hilna, it wouldn’t be an issue.

Besides, at seventeen and unmarried, they were already considered “leftovers” in this world. If not for the extended lifespan of mages, their parents would have been frantic.

Before leaving, Carol snuck a glance at Hilna. For some reason, she disliked the woman too.


After confirming Kailun and Carol’s departure, Hilna closed the study room door.

“That Kailun is truly useless. However, we should be grateful to him. If not for his incompetence, I wouldn’t dare to make a move against the Duke’s family. But before that, I need to know why it wasn’t Kailun with you in the study room, but an unknown maid.”

Hilna fixed a scrutinizing gaze on Phils.

In the past, Phils could withstand such scrutiny, but now, with her allegiance shifted, she felt a surge of resentment.

Compared to Hilna’s condescending attitude, she preferred Kailun’s forceful approach, even if it involved threats and manipulation. After all, she had lost half a move in this game of schemes.

Yes, Phils only admitted to losing half a move. That meant she hadn’t completely lost.

Composing herself, Phils began to deceive the princess. “It was all a coincidence, you see. This is what happened…”

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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So this lass is into competent, dominating men? Interesting, but it is not enough for Kailun to let her off the hook.


not work with dark mode