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As a villain, I just want them to behave 12

Chapter 12: This Child is Terrifying

Seeing the scroll on the table, Kailun raised an eyebrow. “What perfect timing. Luck seems to be on my side.”

“Who are you? This is no place for children. Go play somewhere else,” the middle-aged man frowned, a hint of unease creeping into his heart.

Not satisfied with just shooing Kailun away, he turned to the Headmaster behind him. “Headmaster Bullrich, care to explain why you brought someone else to interrupt me? This recruitment drive was Princess Hilna’s direct order. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to leave a bad impression on her.”

The elderly Bullrich waved his hand dismissively. “Now, now, Mr. Anderson, you misunderstand. It’s not that I allowed this young master in, but rather, I couldn’t stop him. Oh, you might not know who he is. Let me enlighten you: he is the sole heir of the Kate family, Kailun Kate.”

The Knight Academy sent a large number of talents to the Kate family every year, maintaining a good relationship. All it took was a single word from Kailun to gain entry.

Moreover, Princess Hilna’s overbearing behavior irked Bullrich. He was more than happy to let Kailun disrupt her plans.

Fair competition and allowing students to choose their own paths were the best outcomes. As a headmaster with a conscience, he had to consider his students’ well-being.

Although Kailun might lack personal achievements, his family’s power and wealth were undeniable. For these graduating knights, the Duke’s family was the ideal choice.

Upon hearing Kailun’s identity, the three girls’ eyes lit up, their gloomy expressions replaced with hope.

Anderson, though arrogant, wasn’t a complete fool. He knew the vast difference in their social standing. The only leverage he had was Princess Hilna’s authority.

He cleared his throat and said, “So, this is the young master of the Kate family. Your reputation precedes you. However, we were clearly here first. It’s rather unethical of you to try and poach these students, Young Master Kailun. What if word of this reaches Princess Hilna and causes a misunderstanding?”

“Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? You’re quite the joker, aren’t you? Princess Hilna is my teacher. We have a great relationship. We even chatted in the same study room just this afternoon.”

Kailun casually took a seat next to the black-haired girl, displaying impeccable manners as he asked, “Do you mind if I sit here?”

“Ah… um, please, feel free. I don’t mind at all.”

She was flattered by his gesture.

This young man held a prestigious position, even the arrogant Anderson had to speak to him politely. Yet, he treated her with such courtesy.

This stark contrast left a positive first impression on Eve.

“You’re so kind. Not only are you beautiful, but you’re also so gentle. I’ve seen your academy records. You’re all incredibly talented individuals. Therefore, I’d like to offer you all employment contracts. Would you grant me this opportunity?”

Kailun’s facade made him appear even more innocent and kind, like a flawless young man.

This image held immense appeal for girls like Eve.

She had always fantasized about having a younger sibling. If only this Kailun…

“Well, I think it’s a great idea…” Eve mumbled, ready to agree.

Carol watched with wide eyes, finding this side of Kailun rather amusing. She made a mental note to tease him about it someday.

As for Anderson, he was about to explode. Why?

Why were they so resistant to his threats and promises, yet on the verge of agreeing to Kailun’s offer within a minute?

And Eve hadn’t even discussed the salary yet! This was practically giving themselves away for free!


Anderson slammed his hand on the table, his teeth gritted. “Young Master Kailun, if we’re competing, then let’s lay our cards on the table. Playing the emotional card is rather undignified.”

He desperately wanted to lash out at Kailun, but reason restrained him.

If he acted disrespectfully, Kailun would have every right to ruin him. Even Princess Hilna wouldn’t be able to salvage the situation. In this world, social class and power were the hardest barriers to overcome.

“You’re right. Then, tell me, what are your terms? Show me what you’ve got.” Kailun’s smile held a hint of mockery.

Anderson clenched his fists, vowing to impale Kailun on the city walls if he ever got his hands on him.

“A monthly salary of twenty gold coins, coverage of a certain percentage of training expenses, three days off per month, bonus pay during holidays… and a thirty-year contract.”

To secure the three talented girls, Anderson had no choice but to sweeten the deal.

This salary was already exceptionally high. Ordinary graduates wouldn’t even earn one gold coin.

Kailun scoffed after hearing the offer. “That’s it?”

He pulled out three standardized contract scrolls and began filling them out in front of everyone. “A monthly salary of one hundred gold coins, full coverage of training expenses, eight days off per month, triple pay during holidays… and a thirty-year contract. Note: Upon contract expiration, Kailun Kate holds the right of first refusal for renewal.”

“He’s insane! Absolutely insane! You’ll regret this!”

Anderson staggered back, aghast at the terms Kailun had written.

This was an offer he couldn’t possibly match. With such benefits, they could attract not just graduating students, but even some of the more powerful instructors at the Knight Academy.

The one hundred gold coin salary was shocking enough, but the full coverage of training expenses was what truly terrified him. The cost of nurturing a knight’s growth was astronomical.

Anderson couldn’t fathom Princess Hilna agreeing to such an expenditure for these three girls.

Even Headmaster Bullrich suspected Kailun was blinded by their beauty.

However, upon closer inspection, he realized Kailun was not only wealthy but also strikingly handsome. His students wouldn’t be at a loss following him. He chose to remain silent.

He understood that in this world, climbing the social ladder required sacrifices.

If he hadn’t married into wealth, he wouldn’t have gone from a commoner to the Headmaster of the Knight Academy.

“Young Master Kailun, are you serious?” Even Eve’s jaw dropped.

Her thoughts mirrored Carol’s from earlier. Was she truly worth that much?

“Is this salary just for being your knight, Young Master Kailun? Are there any other… requirements? Even if you added something to the contract now, we wouldn’t necessarily refuse.” The lively girl winked at Kailun.

“Oh my god, have some shame! Stop it!” The quietest of the three quickly covered her mouth.

Sensing their gazes, Kailun realized they had all misunderstood. However, he chose not to explain. This misconception could be used to lull Princess Hilna into a false sense of security.

Besides, Eve and her friends were indeed beautiful.

Kailun stole a shy glance at them, then lowered his head and pushed the contracts towards them. “So, will you sign?”

The three girls exchanged glances once more, a faint blush creeping onto their faces.

“Should we sign?”

“It would be a loss not to.”

“Are we really signing?”

“I’ll sign if you do.”

“Let’s sign~”

After a brief, silent exchange, the girls signed their names, their earlobes turning a deeper shade of red.

Carol, witnessing the entire scene, was once again impressed by Kailun’s skills with women. Against these innocent girls, her wicked master possessed a devilish charm.

This was how he had tricked her earlier that day.

“You big liar~”

Unbeknownst to Kailun, Carol stuck her tongue out at him.

The middle-aged woman, who had remained silent, stood up and approached the Headmaster, whispering, “Headmaster Bullrich, do you have a list of other outstanding students?”

From the moment Kailun arrived, she knew Anderson stood no chance. The Kate family was simply too wealthy!

Anderson said apologetically, “I apologize, but while you were negotiating with Eve and the others, Young Master Kailun had already secured their agreement.”

The middle-aged woman: “…”

A wave of unease washed over her. She had to inform Princess Hilna immediately.

Without another word, she rushed out of the classroom, heading straight for the Royal Magic Academy to warn the princess about Kailun.

He was nothing like the rumors suggested!

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Hm…Quick question, is Anderson a man or a woman. Also the head master as well? The pronouns switch at the end of the chapter.

Last edited 8 days ago by Reni2425

I like this kind of misunderstanding.


not work with dark mode