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As a villain, I just want them to behave 15

Chapter 15: Experience Points

“Are… are you satisfied now?”

Ten minutes later, Kailun’s wish was granted. Anna stood before him, clad in the maid outfit.

Compared to the still-developing Carol, Anna’s figure was devastatingly alluring. The low-cut top accentuated her curves, her ample bosom threatening to spill out.

The deep ravine between her breasts was a testament to her generosity.

Freed from the constraints of her uniform, she seemed even more magnificent.

The ultra-short skirt was a sight to behold. Even the slightest movement threatened to expose the treasures beneath, offering tantalizing glimpses of her youthful charm.

As for the thigh-highs, they were undoubtedly mankind’s greatest invention.

Not only did they provide a smooth and comfortable sensation, but they also exuded an irresistible allure, unlocking a whole new world of possibilities.

And nestled between the skirt and the thigh-highs lay the sacred territory known as the absolute territory, the perfect spot for a lap pillow.

Above, one could explore hidden wonders. Below, one could nuzzle against the smooth fabric. And in between, one could experience unparalleled softness.

Unwilling to waste such a precious opportunity, Kailun lifted his head from Carol’s lap.

He patted the empty space beside him. “Come sit here.”


Anna had no choice but to obey, carefully maneuvering her way over.

Even as she adjusted her skirt, she dared not pull too hard. Any excessive force would reveal the strange silver markings on her lower abdomen. For some reason, she found them even more embarrassing than her panties.


A soft gasp escaped her lips as she settled onto the lounge chair.

The skirt was so short that only a thin layer of fabric separated her from the cool surface. The moment she sat down, a shiver ran down her spine.

Before she could fully register the sensation, a warm pressure enveloped her thighs. Kailun had rested his head on her absolute territory and was shamelessly rubbing against her.

[Anna’s current favorability towards you is -75. You have received a 75% attribute bonus.]

As expected, her favorability had plummeted. Anna’s heart remained as honest as ever.

Kailun loved this about her. Bullying someone so genuine filled him with a perverse sense of satisfaction.

As he savored the feel of Anna’s long legs, he noticed a pair of resentful eyes on him.

It was Carol, upset that her spot had been stolen.

Kailun adjusted his position to face her. “Jealous now, aren’t you? I told you to drink more milk and eat more papaya at lunch, but you wouldn’t listen.”

Recalling their lunch, Carol pouted and rubbed her stomach. “I couldn’t drink anymore! I was stuffed! One more sip and I would have exploded!”

“Still making excuses? I’ll have to punish you.”

He pulled Carol into his arms and lay down, cradling her close.

Despite his words, he simply held her gently, stroking her hair with a soothing rhythm, like petting a cat.

[Carol’s current favorability towards you is 70. You have received a 70% attribute bonus.]

Carol was truly easy to appease. If only she knew that his other hand was currently exploring Anna’s thigh-highs, her favorability wouldn’t be rising so steadily.

With his head resting on soft, supple legs, a cute girl in his arms, and two successful favorability harvests under his belt, Kailun felt like the ultimate villain.

“What about me? Have you forgotten about me?!”

Phils, unable to bear the silence any longer, jumped up.

Kailun patted Anna’s leg as if suddenly remembering. “Oh, right. Phils. If I’m not mistaken, Princess Hilna sent you here. So, you’re here to bear my child, right?”

Phils rolled her eyes. “You know why I’m here, yet you ignore me? Am I not as pretty as Anna?”

“Sorry, but there’s a queue. Tonight, it’s Anna’s turn.” He nuzzled Anna’s leg and patted Carol’s head.

Anna: “!??”

“No way, I have to go back tonight. My family will get suspicious.”

Although she knew this day would come the moment she signed the slave contract, she wasn’t ready to surrender her most precious possession to this devil.

“How dare a mere slave talk back to her superiors! She deserves to be punished!” Phils fanned the flames.

“You could say you’re staying at a classmate’s place to study magic,” Carol suggested helpfully.

Anna: “…”

Her heart sank. Why me?

Kailun surprised her by saying, “Fine, if tonight’s not possible, then forget it.”

“Thank you, you’re a good person.” Relief washed over Anna.

Kailun patted her leg again. “Silly girl, don’t you know you’re supposed to show your breasts when expressing gratitude?”

Anna: “???”

[Anna’s current favorability towards you is -80. You have received an 80% attribute bonus.]

Poor Anna, once again at Kailun’s mercy. This time, she didn’t mention going home.

Having exhausted his options with Anna, Kailun finally turned his attention to Phils. He asked, his tone slightly more serious, “Tell me, what exactly is Princess Hilna’s plan?”

Phils didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she glanced at Anna.

Understanding her concern, the “kind-hearted” Kailun reassured her. “Don’t worry about Anna. She’s my slave. If she breathes a word of this to anyone, I’ll have her cut out her own tongue.”

Anna: “…”

Would this devil please just die already?!

[Anna’s current favorability towards you is -85. You have received an 85% attribute bonus.]

Another unexpected favorability harvest.

Perhaps only Carol, with her ability to see through people’s hearts, would find Kailun’s words kind.

She knew the truth behind every word he uttered.

“Fine, I’ll tell you everything.”

Phils shrugged. “Princess Hilna’s plan is simple. She wants me to have a child with you and record it with a recording stone. Tomorrow morning, I’m supposed to report you to the academy with the recording stone as evidence. When you arrive for class, her people will arrest you, and then she’ll target your family’s businesses.”

“And what are your thoughts on this?” Kailun asked.

Phils’ eyes gleamed with excitement. “While I’m not opposed to having your child, I’m not keen on sharing the recording with anyone. I say we strike first. Before Princess Hilna can react, we launch a full-scale rebellion…”

As he listened to Phils’ passionate speech, Kailun couldn’t help but think: maybe she was the real villain here.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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How amusing.


not work with dark mode