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As a villain, I just want them to behave 16

Chapter 16: This Milk is Extra Fresh

“While I appreciate your eagerness to bear my children, I’m afraid you’ll have to return home tonight.” Kailun waved Phils off, dismissing her suggestion.

He had to tread carefully until the Silver Moon Knights arrived. Exposing Phils prematurely wouldn’t be beneficial.

Besides, there was something he found rather perplexing. He was clearly trying to bully Phils, yet she seemed to enjoy it, even exhibiting a hint of excitement.

“But how can I? If I go back empty-handed, Princess Hilna will surely question me.” Phils clutched her stomach dramatically.

She wasn’t just a strategist; she was a natural-born actress.

Anna wished she could plug her ears. Their blatant conversation made her incredibly uncomfortable.

“Fine, if you don’t want to go back empty-handed, I’ll fill you up with some milk. I guarantee you’ll be satisfied.” Kailun continued to tease Phils, ignoring Anna’s judgmental stare.

Phils blushed, as if realizing something. “That’s… a bit much, don’t you think? Milk is… well, it’s a bit lewd.”

“What’s lewd about it? I assure you, it’s all fresh milk.”

Ten minutes later, Kailun returned to the garden, carrying five or six bottles of milk.

Phils: “???”

He was actually going to make her drink all that milk?

Kailun activated Princess Hilna’s recording stone, ensuring both he and Phils were in frame.

He grabbed her face, forcing her lips into an “O” shape.


He ripped the cap off a bottle and poured the warm milk down her throat.

Most of it overflowed, spilling down her chin, trailing down her delicate neck, soaking her clothes.

Kailun wore a cruel smirk, while Phils feigned distress.

They were both putting on a show.

Only Carol could sense Kailun’s genuine amusement and the thrill coursing through Phils.

As for Anna, her disgust grew with each passing moment.

[Anna’s current favorability towards you is -90. You have received a 90% attribute bonus.]

[Evaluation: Although you haven’t changed the world yet, you’ve already changed those who hold significant influence over it. When a character’s favorability towards you reaches positive or negative one hundred, you will receive all of their future attribute points. Note: “Future” refers to the time of the host’s death in the previous life.]

“Cough… cough… stop…”

Despite Phils’ protests, Kailun, lost in his thoughts, continued his assault.

Bottle after bottle, he forced the milk down her throat until her stomach bulged, and she could drink no more. She feebly patted his arm, begging him to stop.

Kailun ignored her pleas, continuing his tyrannical act.

[Phils’ current favorability towards you is 45. You have received a 45% attribute bonus.]

He was baffled. He had just subjected her to such humiliation, yet her favorability had increased by five points.

“Excellent performance. You deserve my favor. However, I’m feeling a bit under the weather today. Come back in three days.”

He gave her a knowing look, signaling her to turn off the recording stone.

Phils blinked and discreetly switched it off.

“Not bad, right? That should be enough to appease Princess Hilna.” Kailun placed the half-empty bottle on the stone table.

Phils wiped her mouth with her sleeve and patted her slightly distended stomach. “It should suffice. But my clothes are soaked. I can’t possibly walk out like this. Besides, I’m too full to move.”

Kailun tossed her the recording stone. “Find yourself a room and clean up. I’ll have Carol bring you a change of clothes. You’re staying the night.”

“So, you’re still planning on having your way with me?”


He flicked her forehead.

“Stop thinking about babies all the time. As a proper young lady, shouldn’t you be more reserved? Besides, I told you, tonight is Anna’s turn, not yours.”

He hadn’t planned on bedding Anna so soon, but the system’s notification had accelerated his plans.

He had never intended to win Anna’s heart. With enemies, their bodies were enough.

Moreover, she had played a part in the silver-haired girl’s death.

So, it wasn’t excessive to bully her a little, right?

“How cruel.” Phils dabbed at her nonexistent tears. “You soil my clothes, then toss me aside like a used rag. Boohoo… I’m ruined! No one will want me now~”

Kailun massaged his temples. “Leave now, or I’ll grant your wish right here, right now, in front of Anna and Carol.”

Seeing his serious expression, Phils didn’t dare to linger any longer.

There were plenty of spare rooms in his villa. She could choose any one to freshen up.

Apart from the young maids who cleaned, no one else resided there.

With Phils dealt with, Kailun picked up the remaining milk and approached Anna. “Drink up. It’s a sin to waste food.”

Anna couldn’t hold back any longer. “But you just wasted so much on Phils! Aren’t you the one wasting food?!”

“You’re not wrong. But you’re still drinking this.” He shoved the bottle towards her lips.

“You devil!”

Glaring at him, Anna reluctantly finished the milk.

Perhaps her hatred had reached a point where it couldn’t be lowered any further. His actions didn’t trigger a reaction from the system, much to his disappointment.

“Maybe I should prepare some…” He muttered under his breath, eyeing Anna suggestively.

“Cough! Cough! Cough!”

Anna choked, spraying milk everywhere.

“I’ll be back for dinner. Go clean yourself up.”

With that, he left the garden and sought out Roden to request a special magic letter.

It was still early. He had to inform his parents about the situation in the Royal City and request the deployment of the Silver Moon Knights.

Currently, his family commanded two knight regiments, three infantry regiments, and two mage regiments. Their military might was among the strongest in the kingdom.

Princess Hilna’s desire to eliminate the Kate family was understandable. Their rapid rise to power posed a threat to her throne.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Enemies should suffer hell on earth, if not something worse.


not work with dark mode