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As a villain, I just want them to behave 17

Chapter 17: Seeking Understanding

In his letter, Kailun detailed the royal family’s stance towards his family and the plans they had concocted against him.

He emphasized the gravity of the situation. If they didn’t act now, their destruction was all but guaranteed.

Deploying the Silver Moon Knights to the Royal City and discreetly surrounding it was a crucial first step.

This maneuver had to remain hidden. If the royal family or other nobles caught wind of it, it would create unnecessary complications.

After sealing the letter in a special envelope, he handed it to Roden.

“Same as always. I want a reply as soon as they receive this.”

“Understood. I’ll inform you the moment their response arrives.”

Roden placed the letter inside a small blue box and channeled his mana into the magic circle etched on its surface.

The box pulsed with spatial energy, its contents threatening to break free.

In this era, utilizing spatial magic arrays was the most efficient way to deliver messages.

However, this method had its limitations. Ordinary citizens couldn’t afford it, and even many nobles could only manage short-distance transmissions.

With that taken care of, Kailun finally relaxed.

Ultimately, his lack of personal strength was his greatest weakness. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have to resort to such measures.

“Roden, there’s one more thing.” He leaned back in his chair, massaging his temples.

“Just say the word, Young Master. I’ll even offer up this old body if that’s what it takes.” Roden chuckled, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

Only in front of Kailun did he truly act his age.

“I need you to shut down all our family’s businesses in the Royal City over the next few days. Only the main store in the city center will remain operational. However, replace all our magic storage rings with those produced by the Second Prince’s faction. Most importantly, discreetly transfer all movable assets back to our territory. This must be done with the utmost secrecy.”

He wasn’t taking any chances. To prevent Princess Hilna from resorting to desperate measures, he had to ensure their businesses remained untouched.

In his past life, she had orchestrated a smear campaign against them. She had her people purchase their products, tamper with them to cause explosions, and then have the “victims” stage protests at their stores.

With public opinion on her side, she dispatched her forces to “investigate” and subsequently seized all of their assets.

The financial loss had been crippling, but the damage to their reputation had been even more devastating. No one would purchase expensive and potentially dangerous products from them.

As for the Second Prince, he was Princess Hilna’s sworn enemy. Shifting the blame and letting them tear each other apart was the ideal solution.

“Thank you for everything.” Kailun offered a sincere thanks as he made his way to his study.

Dinner that night was a lively affair, with Carol, Phils, and Anna present.

Phils and Carol sat on either side of Kailun, while Anna sat opposite him.

“Eat up. You’ll need your strength for later.” Kailun offered Anna a concerned look.

Anna: “…”

She bit her lip, her already foul mood worsening.

She regretted everything. Stealing from the library, signing the slave contract, it was all a mistake.

If she gained nothing from this, she would be utterly devastated.

“You promised to show me your family’s scrolls. You promised to nurture my talents and provide me with the resources I need. If you can’t keep your word, then just send me back to prison!” She finally snapped.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Kailun could tell she was on the verge of a breakdown.

An emotionally unstable person wouldn’t provide him with much amusement. He set down his utensils and chuckled. “Anna, are you underestimating me? Do you really think I would lie about something like this? As long as you serve me wholeheartedly, I’ll fulfill all your requests. I may deceive women’s bodies, but I never deceive their hearts.”

“And that’s something to be proud of?” Phils scoffed.

“Just eat your food. If you were half as well-behaved as Carol, I might even let you join in on the fun tonight.” He shoved a piece of apple into her mouth.

The Kailun of this life may have been young in appearance, but mentally, he was far more mature. The immense pressure he faced required an outlet.

“No way! I refuse to share!” Phils shook her head after swallowing the apple.

As a noblewoman, she abhorred the promiscuous behavior common among her peers.

She had chosen Kailun not just for his power, but also for his relatively clean lifestyle.

As far as she knew, he never attended those scandalous noble gatherings and had no known lovers. That was why she dared to dream of becoming his wife.

Kailun chuckled. “What about you, Carol?”

“I… I… don’t know…” she mumbled, her gaze fixed on her plate.

He ruffled her hair, changing the subject. “We’ll save that for another time.”

He wouldn’t touch Carol until she had regained her health. Despite her breathtaking beauty, her frail body did little to stir his desires.

He preferred them a bit more…substantial. After all, he enjoyed nothing more than ravishing self-righteousness.

And what good was righteousness if he couldn’t even palm it?

“I’m full.” Anna pushed her plate away after a few bites.

“My room is the largest one on the third floor. Go clean yourself up.” He dismissed her with a glance.

[Anna’s favorability -2]

His dismissive attitude made her clench her fists.


Her anger condensed into those two words. She brushed away her tears and fled, her hurried footsteps echoing through the room, unable to mask her sobs.

“There’s something I don’t understand. You’re not an unreasonable person. Why are you so harsh towards Anna?” Phils was genuinely curious. She couldn’t fathom his motives.

“Because I hate her. Or at least, the old me hated the old her. Besides, I am the villain, am I not? It’s only natural for me to act the part.”

“I suppose so.” Phils didn’t dwell on it.


Carol’s spoon clattered against her bowl.

She stared at Kailun, the only one who sensed the deep-seated sorrow hidden beneath his playful facade.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like the food?” he asked, his concern for Carol genuine.

“No, it’s delicious. It’s just…”

“Just what?”


Some questions were best answered on her own.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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She is the one, the only one who can save him.


not work with dark mode