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As a villain, I just want them to behave 20

Chapter 20: Is She Lying?

Hilna’s intervention prevented Kailun from successfully skipping class. Paul could only grit his teeth and endure it, as he couldn’t reveal his sister’s disappearance to her.

“Kailun, your current strength is at the bottom of the entire academy. If you don’t reach Rank 2 before graduation, you’ll bring shame upon your family. Therefore, I’ll be personally overseeing your studies from now on. Come find me after school today for extra lessons.”

Hilna’s gaze fell upon Kailun shortly after class began. She wanted to see if she could find any weaknesses through close observation.

“That’s… not really necessary, is it?” Kailun feigned reluctance.

“Are you afraid I’ll eat you?”

Hilna scoffed and glanced around the classroom. “Of course, my offer isn’t limited to Kailun. Anyone else who wishes to attend is welcome.”

The students shook their heads vehemently. None of them wanted to spend extra time with the “Demon Instructor.”

Despite her beauty and mature charm, Hilna was known for her ruthlessness.

Rumor had it that she had once broken a student’s limbs for being too slow, leaving them bedridden for half a month.

Paul was tempted to seize the opportunity to get closer to Hilna, but his sister’s disappearance weighed heavily on his mind.

“Alright, I’ll do as you say.” Kailun nodded meekly.

With his preparations in place, he wasn’t worried about being alone with Hilna. While she was looking for an opportunity to strike, he was doing the same.

If he could capture her, it would alleviate a lot of pressure.

He made a mental note to have Roden assemble a team.

Satisfied with his compliance, Hilna returned to her lecture, expertly explaining the intricacies of potioneering.

As an instructor, she was undeniably skilled.

During his lunch break, Kailun returned home to check on the progress of the asset transfer and the location of the Silver Moon Knights.

After instructing Roden to ensure his safety, he retired to his room for a nap.

Upon entering, he noticed the bedsheets had been changed, and Anna, who had been like a limp rag doll earlier, was gone.

He peered out the window and spotted her on a swing in the garden, her gaze fixed on the distance, lost in thought.

Carol sat at a nearby stone table, diligently studying magic. She was fascinated by its mysteries.


Kailun stretched and collapsed onto the soft bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept properly.

Constant vigilance took a toll on one’s mental state. In his past life, he had been on the verge of madness.

Since his rebirth, he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep. Even last night had been spent “working diligently.”

As his head hit the pillow, his bones seemed to melt. All he needed now was a warm, soft body to cuddle.

With that pleasant thought, he drifted off to sleep.

“One magic storage ring, please. The best you have.”

Anderson, Hilna’s subordinate, entered the “Magic Shop” with a heavy heart.

It was one of the Kate family’s chain stores, the only one still operating in the Royal City.

His failure to recruit the knights had resulted in punishment and a new mission to redeem himself.

To regain Hilna’s favor, he had accepted the task of sabotaging the Kate family’s reputation.

“You’ve come to the right place, sir. We just received a shipment of our highest-grade magic storage rings. They’re a bit pricey, but their performance is exceptional. While ordinary rings can only store the mana capacity of a Rank 4 mage, these new ones can store three times that amount. With this ring, you’ll have a significant advantage in both duels and hunts…”

The shopkeeper, Philip, held up a small black metal box, praising its contents.

He had received instructions last night to sell these specific rings to anyone who inquired about magic storage rings, at two to three times the market price.

If anyone was foolish enough to purchase one, they were to be closely monitored.

“Just tell me the price. I’ll take it.” Anderson waved him off impatiently.

Philip smiled professionally. “Three hundred gold coins.”

“What? That’s outrageous! Ordinary rings only cost one hundred! Are you running a scam here?”

Anderson was stunned. Hilna had given him a budget of two hundred and fifty gold coins, which included both the cost of the ring and his compensation.

The shopkeeper’s price was way over budget.

“Sir, please don’t accuse us of such things. This is a voluntary transaction. If you’re not satisfied with the price, you’re free to leave. These are the latest models, after all. It’s only natural for them to be more expensive.”

Philip’s smile faded. He suspected this might be the individual Roden had warned him about.

He discreetly signaled to his assistant, who was observing from the side, and continued to engage Anderson.

“If you’re not interested, sir, perhaps we can show you some other products.” He made a move to put the box away.

“Fine, fine. I was just joking. If it’s truly as good as you say, I’m willing to pay a premium.”

Anderson sighed. To complete his mission, he had to make a concession.

This meant he would have to cover the remaining fifty gold coins out of his own pocket, wiping out his savings.

The pain was real.

“Of course, it’s exceptional. This is our pride and joy.” Philip lied through his teeth. It was clearly a product of the Second Prince’s faction.

“Sir, just to confirm, are you sure you want to purchase this ring?”

“Do I look like I can’t afford it? Let me tell you, I’m about to become a noble! A Viscount, no less!”

As he reluctantly handed over his gold, he recalled the promises Princess Hilna had made.

As long as he completed his mission, any sacrifice was worth it.

“Congratulations in advance, sir. May I know your esteemed name?” Philip counted the coins carefully.

“Remember my name. It’s Anderson Dick.”

He snatched the box from Philip’s hands.

Eagerly opening it, he found a blue ring nestled inside. Its appearance alone screamed quality.

He carefully slipped it onto his magically reinforced finger, the image of the Princess flashing through his mind.

‘Princess Hilna, I will follow in your footsteps. One day, I will stand by your side.’

Closing his eyes, he activated the ring. A surge of chaotic magic erupted from it.


His arm exploded into a bloody mist, splattering the shop.

Anderson: “???”

Hilna had assured him that this magic wouldn’t harm him…

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Holy Freaking Crap! That was so ruthless! As expected from the Heavenly Villain.


not work with dark mode