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As a villain, I just want them to behave 22

Chapter 22: The Princess’s Reinforcement

“You’re telling me the plan to smear the Kate family failed?”

“And you’re telling me the blame landed on the Divine Church?”

“And you’re even telling me Anderson is crippled?!”

Hilna clutched her heaving chest, her face flushed.

How many times now?

In just over a day, her plans had failed one after another. It seemed that from the moment she targeted Kailun, nothing had gone right.

A wave of frustration washed over her.

Phils’ seduction failed. Sending Phils to Kailun’s house to lose her virginity failed. Anderson’s attempt to sabotage the Kate family’s business failed…

Hilna felt a wave of dizziness.

Not only had these plans backfired, but they had also forced her into a premature confrontation with the Second Prince. The Divine Church was an organization she deeply feared. Antagonizing them at this stage was not in her best interest.

Many were unaware of the true nature of the Divine Church. It was a powerful organization with branches across the entire continent, advocating balance and harmony.

However, in recent years, their expansion had become alarmingly aggressive, their actions contradicting their own creed.

If not for their limited influence in the Xiya Kingdom, Hilna wouldn’t stand a chance against the Second Prince, who had their backing.

“Your Highness, what should we do now? Should I apologize to the Second Prince?” Kostja asked cautiously.

“Apologize?” Hilna shook her head. “Why should we apologize? We did nothing wrong. If their products are faulty, they should be held accountable. We’ll proceed with a thorough inspection of their goods and production facilities, aiming to cut off their funding.”

“But that means we’ll be facing both the Grand Duke and the Second Prince! We can’t do that, Your Highness! We’re not strong enough to fight them both!” Kostja was horrified by Hilna’s audacious plan. No matter how clever the princess was, she couldn’t possibly win against a united front.

“Are you questioning me?” Hilna’s gaze turned icy.

“N-No, Your Highness…”

“Then do as I say. Ask no further questions. I will achieve victory. I will not surrender this kingdom to outsiders!”

Hilna dismissed Kostja with a wave of her hand. “You may leave. I’ll inform you of the next step later.”

“As you command, Your Highness.”

Kostja bowed deeply, unable to muster any defiance against the princess.


Once Kostja left, Hilna released a heavy sigh, her face etched with exhaustion.

This confrontation with the Divine Church meant she had to temporarily abandon her plans against Kailun. A two-pronged attack would only lead to her downfall.

The Second Prince was a fool who thought he was cunning. He would surely retaliate once he learned of her actions. Her priority now was to counter his moves.

Fortunately, she hadn’t openly antagonized Kailun yet. She could easily explain away today’s incident. The Grand Duke’s side could still be managed.

If possible, she even wanted to sway Kailun to her side, ideally creating a scenario where the Second Prince and the Grand Duke would destroy each other.

“Perhaps I’ll have to ask my little sister for help. Hopefully, she can distract Kailun.”

The image of a petite figure flashed through her mind. She hadn’t wanted to involve the younger princess, but it seemed necessary now.

Hilna, plotting to manipulate Kailun, was unaware that he already saw through her facade.

With some time before her afternoon class, she changed into a more formal outfit and headed for the royal palace.

Meanwhile, Kailun enjoyed a peaceful nap, waking up at precisely two in the afternoon.

He got dressed and glanced out the window. Anna had fallen asleep on the swing, while Carol was still diligently studying her magic book. He left his room and found Roden waiting for him in the garden.

He learned of Hilna’s attack on the Magic Shop. She had acted even faster than he anticipated. He had expected her to strike in the evening.

However, this was a welcome development. Shifting the blame early on would alleviate a lot of pressure. Now, he held the initiative.

“Is Princess Hilna ready to face my wrath?”

A sly smile spread across his face. He was now the hunter.

However, dragging the Second Prince into this wasn’t without risks. The Divine Church backing him was an organization even Kailun had to tread carefully around. If not for their limited influence in the Xiya Kingdom, he would have been even more cautious.

Unlike the clueless Hilna, he had a clear understanding of the Divine Church.

It was precisely because he knew their weaknesses that he was confident in manipulating both sides.

“The Silver Moon Knights will arrive in two days, correct?” He double-checked their estimated arrival time.

“Yes, Young Master. Less than two days.” Roden nodded. “However, Duke Stamp seems to be mobilizing his troops in secret. I suspect he’s up to no good.”

Stamp was the other duke in the Xiya Kingdom. Although they shared the same title, the Stamp family paled in comparison to the Kates.

Despite their ducal status, their wealth and military might were only a quarter of the Kates’. Their only notable asset was their vast territory, which the king deeply trusted them with.

Moreover, their land held numerous undiscovered mineral deposits, a crucial resource for Hilna’s rise to power in his past life.

As for the reason behind Stamp’s troop movements, it was simple. The old king was on his deathbed. He had to return to the Royal City to maintain order.

In Kailun’s past life, Hilna had seized this opportunity to secure Stamp’s support, gaining the strength to defeat the Second Prince.

“I’m aware of that. However, their territory is quite far from the Royal City. They won’t arrive for at least five days. By then, we’ll have control of the city. He’ll be caught between a rock and a hard place. I’ve had my eye on his fertile lands for quite some time.” A predatory gleam flickered in Kailun’s eyes.

“Understood.” Roden nodded. “Young Master, the carriage is ready. Shall we depart for the academy now?”

Kailun: “…”

It was rather ironic. He was plotting to take over the entire kingdom, yet he still had to attend school.

However, the thought of all the “leeks” waiting for him at the academy calmed him down.

This tranquility was short-lived. As he arrived at the academy gates, he spotted a familiar petite figure.

“What’s that little devil doing here?!”

He stared in disbelief at the girl with fiery red hair, just like his own.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Huh? Is the little sister so terrifying?


not work with dark mode