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As a villain, I just want them to behave 23

Chapter 23: Complex and Twisted Emotions

The girl was none other than Vivian, Princess Hilna’s half-sister.

Personality-wise, she was Hilna’s polar opposite. Beneath her innocent and kind exterior lay a cunning and mischievous heart.

Kailun had suffered greatly at her hands in his past life, especially during his imprisonment. For some reason, the little princess had taken an interest in him, subjecting him to countless pranks and torments.

Driven by curiosity, she had forced him to play with various “toys,” leaving him with nothing but unpleasant memories.

Thankfully, she had only indulged in superficial experimentation, never truly crossing the line. Otherwise, he might have broken long ago.

He loathed her for her actions.

However, this loathing paled in comparison to his hatred for Hilna. The reason for this discrepancy lay in the twisted and perverse nature of their relationship.

While Vivian constantly tormented him, she also brought him delicious food, kept him informed about the outside world, and became his sole source of information.

She would chat with him, joke with him, and even teach him advanced magic.

In a way, she had been a crucial mentor in his life. With her alluring lips, nimble fingers, and silk-clad feet, she had opened his eyes to a whole new world.

He had to admit, it had been… enjoyable.

This twisted pleasure had become his only outlet during his long imprisonment, leaving him with a complex mix of emotions towards her.

He saw her as a deviant, but not one he found entirely repulsive.

The phrase he heard most often from her during that time was, “Be my dog, won’t you?”

Unfortunately, she never received a positive response.

After his release, he rarely heard from her. Hilna, now Queen, had announced her intention to marry Vivian off to a prince from a neighboring kingdom.

However, just days after receiving this news, he learned of Vivian’s sudden death from illness, the day before she was to be sent away.

He never investigated whether these two events were connected, as he was preoccupied with other matters at the time.

However, one thing was certain: his hatred for her had diminished significantly from that moment on.

Even now, he couldn’t decipher his true feelings for her.

He loathed her, yes.

But he also felt a strange sense of closeness. After all, she had been his first, in a way. He had experienced everything but the final act.

It was precisely because of these complex emotions that he was so stunned to see her.

The difference now was that the roles were reversed.

To avenge her past torments, he would bully her relentlessly, striving to push her favorability to its lowest point.

And if possible, he would then raise it again.

Bad girls deserved to be punished. As for rewards, those would have to wait until her favorability turned positive.

Kailun, the villain, had set his sights on a new target. A triumphant fanfare echoed in his heart.

“You must be Kailun. My sister has told me so much about you.”

While Kailun observed Vivian, she was doing the same to him. After a brief eye contact, she skipped over to him, her dress swirling around her.

Despite being of legal age, she looked like a child, radiating innocence and charm.

Without prior knowledge, no one would suspect the twisted mind hidden beneath her sweet exterior.

Kailun believed that it was the corrupt environment of the royal palace that had warped her. In his past life, he had likely been her outlet for frustration.

In the depths of that dark dungeon, she had broken taboos, defied expectations, and indulged in acts that contradicted her angelic appearance.

“Hello, I’m Kailun. And what exactly did your sister say about me?” He suppressed his emotions and crouched down to her level, like a kind older brother.

“How rude! Asking a girl about another girl’s opinion of you! You must have no female friends!” Vivian raised an eyebrow, her large, expressive eyes blinking rapidly. Upon closer inspection, she resembled a younger version of Hilna.

Kailun puffed out his chest. “You’re wrong. I have plenty of female friends. And even a few female slaves.”

[Vivian’s favorability towards you has decreased by 10 upon learning of your promiscuous lifestyle.]

As expected, her favorability dropped effortlessly.

“Oh? Really? My sister was considering betrothing me to you to strengthen the bond between the royal family and the Duke’s family. But it seems that’s no longer an option.” She feigned disappointment.

Kailun reached out and patted her head. “Don’t worry, it won’t affect anything. I still have plenty of concubine positions available. If you’re interested, Princess, you’re welcome to claim one. In fact, I’ll have my father write to the king tonight to request your hand in marriage. You may be small, but you’re quite adorable.”

[Vivian’s favorability towards you has decreased by 20 due to your creepy behavior. Current favorability: -30. You have received a 30% attribute bonus.]

“No, no, I have to go to class now! It’s about to start! Goodbye!”

Vivian’s smile turned stiff as she hurried away.

She had researched Kailun beforehand, believing he might be an interesting target. That was why she had agreed to Hilna’s request.

However, upon meeting him, she found him to be a vulgar and promiscuous individual. He wasn’t even worthy of being her dog!

“I didn’t expect that little devil to be an important character. But why did she disappear so early in my past life?” Kailun mused, watching her retreating figure.

His probing had revealed her true purpose. It was Hilna’s doing, as he suspected.

However, his creepy behavior had scared her off. She was unlikely to harbor any romantic notions towards him now.

But this wasn’t over. Just because she wasn’t interested in him didn’t mean he couldn’t be interested in her.

If she hadn’t used that knife in his past life, he wouldn’t have felt such strong aversion towards her.

“Young Master, have you taken a liking to the little princess?” Roden, noticing the uncontainable smile on Kailun’s face, chuckled. “Once your plan succeeds, both princesses will be yours for the taking. No one will be able to defy your commands.”

Kailun quickly composed himself. “You misunderstand, Roden. I simply find this amusing.”


Princess Vivian

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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…….I see. Quite the complicate relationship.


not work with dark mode