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As a villain, I just want them to behave 24

Chapter 24: An Invitation to a “Party”?

“Kailun, Kailun, have you heard anything about my sister?”

Paul rushed over the moment Kailun entered the classroom.

He was far from the confident and charismatic figure he would become in the future. Right now, he was just an ordinary boy with a touch of cunning.

Perhaps that was why Kailun wasn’t particularly interested in him. He preferred toying with Paul’s sister and childhood friend.

“I’m sorry, Paul, but I haven’t received any news about Anna yet. But don’t worry, I’ve sent out a lot of people to look for her. I’ll contact you immediately if we find anything. And if anyone dares to harm her, I’ll…” He paused, his voice hardening. “I’ll make sure they suffer the same fate.”


“I mean, if anyone dares to hurt Anna, we’ll make them pay.” Kailun calmly corrected himself.

“No, Kailun, you’re too kind. If anyone hurts my sister, we should kill their entire family!” Paul clenched his fists.

As expected of the protagonist. Always resorting to genocide. Kailun decided to take notes.

“I understand. Next time we encounter an enemy, we’ll kill their entire family. No, that’s too merciful. We’ll kill all the men and enslave the women. Especially the pretty and clean ones. We’ll take them home and keep them for ourselves.”

Kailun’s intense gaze sent a shiver down Paul’s spine. He felt like Kailun was targeting him.

But they were friends. They hadn’t had any disagreements. He couldn’t understand why Kailun would target him. He dismissed the feeling as a mere illusion.

Paul and Anna shared a deep-seated hatred for nobles. When they were young, their beautiful mother had been abducted by a minor noble. Their father, threatened by the noble’s power, had done nothing.

After just half a month, their mother was returned, broken and battered. She died a few days later.

They had reported the incident to the enforcement squad, but nothing came of it.

This was the source of their hatred, and Kailun understood it.

However, the irony was that their revenge wasn’t directed at the noble who had wronged them. Paul’s future justification was that the culprit had left the Xiya Kingdom and held a high position, making him untouchable.

This “untouchable” excuse made Paul’s supposed hatred seem laughable. The most amusing part was that he eventually became the very thing he despised: a noble.

Looking at the self-righteous “hero” before him, Kailun almost questioned his surname. Why did the future Paul constantly bring up his deceased mother?

Perhaps it was due to their differing ideologies that Paul and Anna eventually parted ways.

Anna continued her path of revenge, while Paul remained the pure and noble hero.

He was called the protagonist, but Kailun saw him as a clown.

It was a shame he hadn’t witnessed the moment Paul was crushed by the final boss, Carol. That was his biggest regret from his past life.

He had left the stage too early, missing out on many interesting events.

“Kailun, my friend, I’ll leave my sister in your capable hands. Don’t worry, when we find her, I’ll put in a good word for you.”

Unable to bear Kailun’s intense gaze any longer, Paul excused himself and returned to his seat.

Kailun chuckled knowingly. Paul was still too boring at this stage.

The afternoon classes were uneventful. Kailun struggled to stay awake as he listened to the simple and straightforward lessons.

As he left the classroom after school, he bumped into a flamboyantly dressed woman.

She wore a revealing outfit and heavy makeup, like a courtesan from one of the Royal City’s shady establishments.

Her pungent perfume made him wrinkle his nose and take a step back.

“Lord Kailun, would you do me the honor of attending a banquet at The Youlan(Orchid) Castle tomorrow evening?”

She leaned closer, giving him a generous view of her cleavage.

His first thought was, “She’s inviting me to an org*.”

His second thought was, “Seriously? With those assets?” Did she really think he was a naive virgin?

He had tasted Anna, one of the Five Great Beauties of the Royal City. This woman was far from his league.

“Thank you for the invitation, but I’m afraid I must decline. I’m a student at the Royal Magic Academy, and my only focus is on my studies.” He took another step back. He had no interest in attending such events.

“Are you sure? This banquet is hosted by His Highness. He specifically requested your presence.” She was surprised. Few dared to refuse the Second Prince.

“Is it an org* hosted by the Second Prince? I mean, is the banquet hosted by the Second Prince?” His thoughts had slipped out.

He couldn’t believe someone was actually inviting him to an org*.

The Second Prince had a peculiar taste. He disliked innocent girls, preferring experienced women. Not quite “married women,” but definitely “worldly.”

He was known for hosting extravagant and scandalous parties. He was practically the king of org*es in the Xiya Kingdom.

“The Youlan(Orchid) Castle is His Highness’s private residence. Naturally, he is the host.”

“Alright, I accept.”

Realizing the Second Prince’s motive, Kailun agreed.

He wasn’t attending out of curiosity. He was simply using this opportunity to bait a bigger fish.

If the Second Prince was trying to befriend him, what would Hilna do?

He was eager to find out.

“Do you need a companion, Lord Kailun? If not, I can introduce you to someone. I guarantee you’ll have an unforgettable experience.” She winked suggestively.

“I have a companion.” He replied coldly.

He brushed past her, dismissing her as a mere messenger.

“Well, well, well. Teacher Hilna, are you waiting here to tutor me?”

He rounded a corner and found Hilna waiting for him.

Learning of his acceptance of the Second Prince’s invitation had unsettled her. If Kailun sided with the Second Prince, her position would become precarious.

She had no choice but to force Vivian’s hand.

“Let’s go. It’s time for your lesson. But today, you’ll be joined by Vivian and Phils. I expect you all to get along.”

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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not work with dark mode