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As a villain, I just want them to behave 25

Chapter 25: The Desire to Lead His Sister

“You’ve heard about the incident at the Magic Shop, haven’t you?” Hilna asked casually as they walked, her tone light and conversational.

“The Magic Shop? Yes, Roden mentioned it this afternoon, but I wasn’t paying much attention. Is there something I should know?” Kailun feigned ignorance.

He acted as if he genuinely didn’t care, which put Hilna at ease.

If he was still the same incompetent Kailun, all she had to do was prevent him from being swayed by the Second Prince.

Of course, the ideal scenario would be to instigate a conflict between them, letting them weaken each other. That would be the most beneficial outcome for her.

“Well, I wanted to explain the situation. It was all a misunderstanding. My subordinates…” She trailed off, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her elegant profile.

“I trust you, Teacher Hilna. Surely a teacher wouldn’t harm her student, right?” Kailun interrupted, his gaze innocent and trusting.

His eyes held both admiration for her beauty and respect for her as a teacher. This blend of emotions made his expression seem incredibly genuine.

Despite her supposed animosity towards him, Hilna found herself averting her gaze.

A pang of guilt stabbed at her heart.

As an instructor, she had always fulfilled her duties diligently.

In the past, she could easily justify her actions with various excuses. But facing Kailun now, her hypocrisy was laid bare.

She was, after all, a selfish person.

“I’m glad you think so. If you don’t mind, you can call me ‘sister.’ It would be an honor to have such an outstanding younger brother. What do you say? Would you mind having a sister like me?”

She met his gaze, her rose-scented perfume filling his senses.

Her beauty was flawless. Even at such close proximity, he couldn’t find a single imperfection.

Her cold, regal features stirred a primal urge within him.

He wanted to dominate her, to leash her, to parade her around his garden like a prized possession.

She was exquisite, a beautiful and thorny rose. Anyone who dared to approach would be pricked and used.

Vivian wanted a pet, while Hilna treated everyone like one.

His gaze traveled down her slender neck, past her delicate collarbone, to the hint of cleavage peeking from her blouse. He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing.

He pretended to be overwhelmed by her charm, averting his gaze. “Of course I wouldn’t mind… but…”

“There are no ‘buts.’ You have to believe in your potential. Why else would I go through all this trouble to tutor you?” She gently patted his head, her lies practically dripping from her lips.

If not for the need to maintain this charade, he might have kissed her right then and there. At this distance, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

However, gaining a “sister” was a welcome development. It would make his revenge all the more satisfying.

“…I’ll do as you say.”

Hilna had been tempted to seduce him herself, but the cost was too high.

In her mind, everything had a price. She could achieve the same result using Phils and Vivian. There was no need to sacrifice herself yet.

“Good. Then let’s begin your lesson, dear brother.”

She released his hand and led him towards her private office, her emotions carefully masked.

Kailun seized the opportunity to squeeze her hand, his fingers tracing patterns on her palm.

She maintained her serene smile, unfazed by his boldness.

Hilna thought too highly of herself. Even his subtle advances failed to elicit any emotional response, let alone affect her favorability.

Her composure dampened his enjoyment.

As they reached the office door, she released his hand.

“Kailun’s here. Let’s begin our lesson.”

She entered the office, addressing Phils and Vivian, who were already waiting.

Phils greeted him with a barely perceptible smile, while Vivian shot him a disdainful look.

If not for Hilna’s orders, she wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room as him.

So far, everything was proceeding normally. Hilna set up a small blackboard and briefly explained the reason for the extra lesson before launching into her lecture.

Kailun, Phils, and Vivian were seated on the same long bench, with him strategically placed between the two girls.

This wasn’t a lesson; it was a blatant seduction attempt.

Kailun rested his hand on Phils’ thigh and nodded approvingly. He appreciated such straightforwardness. If only Hilna would join them on his lap, it would be perfect.

[Vivian’s favorability towards you has decreased by 10 due to your inappropriate behavior. Current favorability: -40.]

Vivian, seated to his right, noticed his wandering hand and glared at him.

Before she could even formulate a mental complaint, his arm snaked around her waist, his fingers gently caressing her side.

She shot Hilna a pleading look, but the princess ignored her.

Creep! Scum! Pervert!

Her eyes conveyed her silent accusations. However, her expression only fueled his excitement.

‘Yes, yes, yes! That’s the look! I must have looked the same way back then!’

Lost in his enjoyment, he unconsciously tightened his grip on Phils’ thigh, ripping her stockings.



The sound of tearing fabric and Phils’ soft moan echoed through the small office.

All eyes turned to Kailun. Phils blushed and lowered her head. Vivian glared at him with disgust. Hilna sighed in exasperation.

If only he had been more discreet, she might have pretended not to notice.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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not work with dark mode