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As a villain, I just want them to behave 27

Chapter 27: Kailun: Paul, You Must Study Hard!

He had managed to push her favorability to -50 in a single day. At this rate, they might even have a child by tomorrow.

He had tormented Vivian and enjoyed himself in the process. Such mutually beneficial outcomes were his favorite.

He withdrew his slightly damp finger and placed it on Phils’ thigh. As a true playboy, he believed in equal opportunity, at least in appearance.

However, Phils didn’t appreciate his gesture. She blocked his hand with a fierce determination.

Sensing the lingering moisture on his finger, she shot him a reproachful look.

He mentally labeled her as “too immersed in her role.”

He spent most of the hour-long lesson engaged in a silent battle beneath the table, finding a strange amusement in toying with the girls.

Afterwards, he even invited Vivian and Hilna to his house, but both declined.

He was disappointed. If they had agreed, he could have achieved a double kill tonight.

With both sisters under his control, he wouldn’t have to carry dangerous magic scrolls for protection when dealing with Hilna.

As a cautious villain, Kailun was always prepared.

He left the office with a lingering sense of satisfaction. Phils, after exchanging a glance with Hilna, followed him out, leaving the two princesses alone.

“You’re a liar! You tricked me!” Vivian glared at Hilna, her face devoid of its usual cheer.

“You’re still too young, Vivian. You don’t understand. If I hadn’t done this, we might have faced a far worse fate. Do you want to be sold as a courtesan in some back alley?” Hilna accepted her sister’s hatred with indifference. As long as Vivian obeyed her, she was still useful.

After all, she was a princess. Even as a mere plaything, she held a certain allure.

Vivian’s petite and adorable appearance appealed to many hidden desires. Why not exploit that to her advantage?

“You’re a liar! I hate you!”

“If hating me makes you feel better, then hate me all you want…”

“Kailun, did Princess Hilna lose her mind? Why is she suddenly being nice to you instead of targeting you?” Phils asked, clinging to his arm as they left the office.

Their earlier reactions had been mostly for show. She wasn’t truly angry, and even if she was, her emotional intelligence wouldn’t allow her to reveal it.

“Before I answer that, you need to figure out who’s behind the Youlan(Orchid) Castle.”


“The Second Prince, Lodis.”

“It’s him?!”

Even Phils couldn’t help but gasp. Realizing that she had almost asked Kailun to take her to that banquet, a blush crept up her neck.

The Second Prince was notorious not only for his backing from the Divine Church but also for his scandalous lifestyle. Countless individuals in the Royal City considered it an honor to attend his parties.

Phils’ beauty had once caught his eye, but he had demanded that she gain some “experience” before approaching him. She had, of course, politely refused.

She may have been ambitious, but she wasn’t willing to degrade herself for it.

Then, a more pressing matter occurred to her. She tightened her grip on his arm. “You’re not actually planning on attending his banquet, are you?”

The thought of him attending such a depraved event filled her with unease. She didn’t mind him having multiple wives and concubines, but she couldn’t bear the thought of him entangled with those unsavory women.

“I’m a bit curious, but I prefer beautiful and clean women. I won’t throw myself away for a party like that.” He chuckled, enjoying her anxious expression. “Besides, haven’t you figured it out yet? Where’s the clever Phils I know?”

“You mean both the Second Prince and Princess Hilna are trying to win you over?!”

Kailun’s subtle hint was all she needed. “That explains Hilna’s strange behavior today. It makes sense with the Second Prince involved. Poor Vivian. She’s just a pawn in Hilna’s game. She looked like she was about to cry when you were bullying her earlier.”

“This is just the beginning. There are even better days ahead for them. Bad girls will eventually become slaves!”

His words carried a hint of malice, directed partly at her.

She was baffled. She hadn’t done anything to offend him, had she?

She couldn’t understand.

After leaving the academy, Kailun escorted Phils home before checking on their shop. He confirmed that Philip remained loyal and then headed home.


Paul coughed up a mouthful of blood in his room.

However, his pale face was lit up with excitement.

After countless attempts, he had finally succeeded. Using the knowledge from the forbidden scroll, he had successfully inscribed a small magic circle on his body.


He chanted, his body glowing with a faint blue light as mana coursed through him.

With a light step, he floated forward, his speed several times faster than an ordinary person.

As expected of the protagonist. His talent for magic was undeniable. Even Kailun was envious. Perhaps the only one who could truly surpass him was Carol, the final boss.

“The success of Windwalk proves that this path is viable. With some modifications, I can inscribe even more magic circles on my body. This will not only eliminate casting time but also significantly reduce mana consumption. If I add mana storage and large-scale attack circles, I’ll become a true weapon of war!”

He muttered excitedly, forgetting about his missing sister and his drunken father.

At this rate, with enough magic circles and resources, he could achieve an incredible rate of growth. This was the key to his rise to power.

[Due to Paul’s diligent study and practice, you have received 100 free attribute points based on your favorability ratio.]

Kailun received this good news the moment he stepped through his front door.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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not work with dark mode