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As a villain, I just want them to behave 28

Chapter 28: Anna’s Flexible Bottom Line

“Inscribing magic circles on one’s body is indeed powerful, but the side effects are significant. If not controlled properly, one could be consumed by magic and reduced to ashes. More importantly, it can lead to corruption by a strange force, causing mental instability. But what exactly is this strange force? I’ve examined countless forbidden scrolls, and none of them explain it.”

Anna sat surrounded by a mountain of forbidden scrolls, containing not only secret information but also dangerous and forbidden knowledge.

Kailun had granted her access to these scrolls, fulfilling his promise to provide her with the resources she desired.

However, the deeper she delved into her research, the more she sensed something deliberately concealed.

It seemed the forbidden scrolls held a true taboo.

Initially, she had shared Paul’s ambition, planning to inscribe magic circles on her own body. But after extensive research, she discovered the inherent risks and abandoned the idea.

Immersed in her studies, she had even forgotten about her predicament as Kailun’s slave.

Her sorrow gradually faded as she lost herself in the pursuit of knowledge.

Kailun returned to the garden and found Anna engrossed in her research, while Carol lay asleep on the table. He quietly approached and draped his coat over Carol.

He gently stroked her hair, a fatherly smile gracing his lips.

If only everyone was as pure and kind as Carol. Then he would be the only villain in the world.

Anna sensed his presence and glanced at him.

Seeing his genuine smile, she couldn’t tell which version of him was real.

Could a devil truly smile like that?

She closed the scroll, lost in thought.

Kailun, noticing her gaze, walked over and embraced her from behind. His hands rested on her flat stomach, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin.

“Your brother asked me to help find you today. He said you were missing. It seems he cares about you quite a bit. He didn’t even want to involve the academy. I wonder if he has something to hide. Oh, and he even offered to split his scholarship with me to find you. Quite generous, don’t you think?”

His words were like a devil’s whisper, his sharp tongue slicing through her defenses.

“Don’t try to sow discord between us. Do you really think I’d believe you?” Anna retorted coldly.

He chuckled, pleased by her icy glare. “I’m not interested in your belief. I’m more curious about your brother’s reaction when he sees you with a big belly in ten months. Hmm, not only did I help him find his sister, but I also gave him a niece or nephew. I’m such a good person. Buy one, get one free. Not everyone can offer such a deal.”

Fear flickered in Anna’s eyes. She looked down at his hand on her stomach, wondering if she could actually be pregnant.

She had felt a strange fullness in her abdomen all day. Could it be…

The more she thought about it, the more terrified she became. She only had to serve him for a year to gain her freedom. During that time, she could not only improve her strength but also earn a considerable amount of money. She could convince herself to endure it.

But what if she was truly carrying his child?

What would happen to the baby if she left?

Should she get rid of it?

No, that was too cruel. The child was innocent. It was all Kailun’s fault.

Should she give it up for adoption?

Equally cruel. What if the adoptive parents were terrible?

Should she raise it alone?

A childhood without a father was incomplete. Wouldn’t that be repeating her own childhood trauma?

As her thoughts spiraled, a subtle shift occurred. She even started brainstorming potential names for the child.

If only Kailun knew what was going through her mind. He would have laughed for a year.

“Don’t worry, I’ll raise the child after you leave. I’ll give her the best education, the best clothes, the best food. And I’ll tell her that her mother was a bad woman. A bad woman who toyed with my heart and then abandoned me, leaving me all alone. I’ll tell her all sorts of terrible things about you, making her hate you for the rest of her life…”

He whispered in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe, his gentle voice delivering the cruelest words, piercing her heart.

Trying to numb herself with self-deception?

He wouldn’t give her that luxury.


As he predicted, his words finally broke her.

Freshly transitioned into womanhood, her heart was at its most vulnerable. His words struck a chord, triggering her maternal instincts.

She could be cruel to others, even to him, but she couldn’t be cruel to her own child. It was an innate instinct.

Having been deprived of maternal love herself, this instinct had grown stronger over time, becoming her Achilles’ heel.

“You can’t be so cruel! Do whatever you want to me, but don’t do this to my child!” Her icy facade crumbled, replaced by a desperate plea.

But begging a villain for mercy was a futile endeavor.

He traced a circle around her navel with his finger. “If you don’t want me to do this, then obey me. Don’t look at me like I owe you a fortune. Don’t be sarcastic or cold. When I return, greet me properly. Massage my shoulders when I’m tired. Offer me a lap pillow when I’m sleepy. Have the kitchen prepare food when I’m hungry. And warm my bed at night. And most importantly, do all this willingly.”

He could force her to do all this through the contract, but it was far more satisfying to have her serve him willingly.

Thanks to his unique talents, he realized that pushing her favorability to its lowest point was no longer feasible. He might as well enjoy her company.

“I… I understand.”

After a fierce internal struggle, Anna finally relented.

[Anna’s favorability towards you has increased by 10. Current favorability: -40.]

It seemed that after breaking her bottom line, she no longer had one.

The possibility of a child had significantly increased her tolerance for him.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Wao, Heavenly Villains are awesome. His corruption skill is a total cheat to conquer women.


Wao! That girl broke so hard!


not work with dark mode