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As a villain, I just want them to behave 29

Chapter 29: The Erudite Kailun

“Good girl. That’s what a mother should be like.”

Kailun nuzzled her cheek. “Let me see what you’re studying. Oh, magic circle inscription. Interesting.”

“You recognize this?” Anna turned to face him, her lips accidentally brushing against his cheek.

She wanted to pull away, but remembering her promise, she settled for a quick peck before retreating.

“Of course I do. This method was popular many years ago. It even spawned a new school of magic. They were called Close-Combat Mages. However, as they inscribed more and more circles, they exceeded their bodies’ limits, causing their forms to change. This transformation was called ‘Fallen.’ Fallen humans were no longer human.”

Pleased by her earlier compliance, he added, “Later, someone attempted to improve this method, increasing the body’s tolerance. But the risks remained significant. I don’t recommend this path for you. You should focus on meditation and building a solid foundation. There will be safer shortcuts for you in the future.”

Anna stared at him, astonished. This eloquent and knowledgeable Kailun was a far cry from the one she remembered.

The more time she spent with him, the more she noticed his transformation. It was as if he had aged years in a single day.

This confidence and maturity were qualities the old Kailun lacked.

“Are you really Kailun?”

“Who else would I be?”

He chuckled and pulled her onto his lap, his hands finding their way beneath her clothes, exploring her sensitive spots. A soft moan escaped her lips as he grazed her skin.

While her heart remained unconquered, her body had been thoroughly molded to his touch after a night of “diligent effort.”

“Tell me, am I still the same Kailun?” He squeezed her gently.

“Pervert…” she whispered, her voice trembling.

Her eyes glazed over as his touch overwhelmed her senses. She leaned against his chest, seeking support.

His strong heartbeat calmed her unexpectedly.

She was undeniably alluring at this moment, a captivating blend of youthful innocence and mature sensuality. Her increasingly heavy breathing stirred his desires.

He traced patterns on her smooth thigh, savoring the feel of her soft skin. Each gentle press elicited a delightful bounce.

Of course, different areas yielded different responses.

To verify these variations, he diligently explored every inch of her, meticulously cataloging the subtle differences.

Perhaps he got carried away, but a bolder idea took root in his mind. He cast a small soundproofing spell, ensuring their activities remained private.


He swept the precious forbidden scrolls off the table, creating a space for her to lie down.


He swatted her most responsive area. “Now, lie down and study diligently. I’ll teach you some new knowledge.”

He picked up a random scroll and placed it in her hand.

Anna: “???”

She initially wondered what he was planning to teach her, but as she lay on the table, her legs and buttocks exposed, realization dawned.

Before she could protest, she felt a chill as her skirt was pulled down.

A cool breeze made her instinctively clench her legs. This exposed feeling was not pleasant.

Thankfully, the chill was short-lived. It was quickly replaced by a burning heat.

Kailun stood behind her, his posture confident. “To help you understand this new knowledge, read the text on the scroll aloud.”

“Hmm… The magic circuit is… hmm, the pathway for mana transmission. This pathway is… tight and difficult to expand. Therefore… forceful mana output can cause… slight damage to the circuit, often accompanied by pain.”

Anna clutched the scroll, her body rocking back and forth on the table, her voice strained and broken, as if suppressing something.

“However, if the mana output is stable and controlled, the magic circuit will experience a comfortable flow. Each cycle of mana accumulation and release is a process of compression. Only by compressing it to its limit can one unleash powerful magic…”

It was the same process, but this time, Anna experienced it in a completely different light. She finally understood the importance of mana control.

[Anna’s favorability towards you has increased by 10 due to your dedicated teaching. Current favorability: -30.]

An hour later, Carol woke up.

She clutched the coat Kailun had draped over her, her heart warming at the sight of him reading a scroll at the table.

However, Anna’s behavior puzzled her. She was meticulously wiping the table with a towel, her face flushed, as if she had a fever.

Noticing Carol’s curious gaze, Kailun said, “Carol, you can warm my bed tonight.”

“Huh? Me?” Carol looked down at her still-undeveloped body, her confidence wavering.

Kailun chuckled and flicked her forehead. “What are you thinking? I just need a warm body to cuddle. I told you, I won’t touch you until you’re healthy.”

The main issue was Anna’s weak constitution. Her magic circuits could barely handle his mana output. A simple replenishment was enough to fill her to the brim. If he got carried away, she might actually break.


Carol felt a twinge of disappointment.

Even she had to admit that her current figure paled in comparison to Anna’s. She wanted him to see her at her best, not as a mere obligation.

As they chatted, Anna set down the towel and touched her stomach.

Although hidden beneath her clothes, she could feel the slave mark pulsing with heat.

And she finally understood the source of that strange fullness in her abdomen…

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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It’s just the second day and she had fallen this much. At this rate, her favorability will reach +100 in less than a week.


not work with dark mode