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As a villain, I just want them to behave 3

Chapter 3: The Girl Destined to Become the Final Boss

[You have chosen Option 3. The favored protagonist’s elder sister currently has a -70 Favorability Rating toward you.]

[Reward: You have gained 70% of her Attribute Points, totaling 210. (This reward is permanent and will increase as she grows stronger.)]

[Evaluation: You are a bully who lords over both men and women, unrestrained by morals or scruples. The greater the impact you have on the main characters, the greater the rewards you will receive.]

“210 points, not bad at all. As expected of a top student. She’s already much stronger than I am.” Kailun stroked his chin, examining his rewards with satisfaction.

[Name: Kailun Kate]

[Age: 17]

[Rank: First Order (Apprentice Mage)]

[Strength: 7]

[Constitution: 7]

[Spirit: 11]

[Magic Power: 28]

[Agility: 7]

[Available Free Attribute Points: 210]

[Talents: Apprentice Villain, Reset Master, Mental Pollution]

[Apprentice Villain: Currently only increases your capacity for pleasure.]

[Reset Master: Allows you to reset and redistribute your Attribute Points at any time without limitations.]

[Mental Pollution: Your words and actions are more likely to corrupt others.]

“Mental Pollution… to corrupt?” Kailun muttered, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

The other Talents were fine, but this one seemed a bit strange.

Reset Master was easy enough to understand. It allowed him to change his attributes at will. Not a power to be underestimated, as its applications were potentially limitless.

Honestly, his previous Talents were pretty lackluster. Anna was only a year older than him, but already far stronger.

But if he could push her Favorability Rating down to -100, he’d gain all her power.

“Let’s see… who else is close to Paul? There’s that viscount’s daughter who’s his childhood friend… and that young aunt of his who runs a shop… hmmm, quite a few leeks ripe for the harvest.”

The thought of those connected to Paul made Kailun’s eyes gleam with predatory light. They represented a source of immense potential benefit. Simply killing them would be a waste.

He touched his neck, the phantom pain of decapitation still fresh in his memory. The despair, the utter hopelessness of that moment… he wouldn’t soon forget it.

If he remembered correctly, today was the catalyst for everything. This afternoon, he was supposed to have a private meeting with a female student who would then throw herself at him. Before he could react, the eldest princess would barge in with her guards, accusing him of assault, and fabricating evidence to support her claims.

He’d then be imprisoned. His mother, upon hearing the news, had rushed from their estate to plead for his release, only to be ambushed and murdered on the road. The entire entourage had been slaughtered, leaving no witnesses.

Simultaneously, his family’s businesses, the backbone of their power within the kingdom, had been systematically destroyed. Within a month, they were financially ruined.

Then came the relentless waves of attacks that ultimately led to the downfall of the once mighty Kate family.

Looking back, the eldest princess had played her hand masterfully. Each move had been carefully calculated, leading to her inevitable rise to power as the undisputed queen.

Perhaps she had seen the Kate family as a threat, an obstacle to her ambition.

But her victory had not come without a price. The Kates’ desperate counterattack had plunged the kingdom into chaos. Within months, they had lost a quarter of their territory.

If not for the timely intervention of the so-called “protagonist,” the kingdom might have been destroyed.

“That wicked woman… wanting to be queen.” Kailun scoffed. “Not if I have anything to say about it. The younger princess, though… she seems… suitable. Perhaps I should give her a little push in the right direction.”

He exited the library, strolling down the main avenue of the Royal Magic Academy, ignoring the stares and whispers that followed him. As the sole heir to the Duke, he was a figure of great importance. But his magical abilities were nothing to brag about. After more than a decade, he was still just an Apprentice Mage.

He had been mocked and ridiculed countless times.

The old him might have ignored them, but this new Kailun… he would make sure they all paid for their disrespect.

He wandered aimlessly around the academy grounds, not bothering with classes. When lunchtime arrived, he was the first one out the door.

“Master Kailun, you seem to be in a good mood today.” Roden, his loyal butler, was already waiting for him at the academy gates.

“Not bad,” Kailun replied, a flicker of wistful fondness in his eyes as he looked at the familiar, aging face. Roden had remained loyal until his dying breath, fighting to protect him. If not for his sacrifice, Kailun knew he wouldn’t have survived that day.

He stepped into the luxurious carriage that awaited him, calling out to Roden, who sat astride a magnificent steed.

“Oh, right. Prepare some clean maid outfits for me. Black stockings, short skirts, the works.”

“Of course, Master Kailun.” Roden didn’t ask questions. He simply nodded, committing the order to memory.

As the carriage rolled smoothly down the street, Kailun gazed out the window, memories of the Royal City, both pleasant and painful, flooding his mind.

“Master, those people at the corner up ahead. I believe they are your friends. Shall I invite them to the manor for a meal?” Roden’s voice pulled Kailun from his thoughts.

He followed his gaze and spotted Anna and Paul standing on the street corner. They seemed to be arguing, the air thick with tension.

Kailun sneered. “Friends? They’re nothing but heartless wolves in sheep’s clothing. Let’s take a different route.”

He wasn’t ready to see Paul yet. Not while he could still taste the urge to drive a knife through his heart.

No, a clean death was too merciful. He’d rather see the look on Paul’s face when he, Kailun, toyed with his beloved elder sister, seduced his childhood friend, and humiliated his precious aunt.

He would take everything from Paul, piece by piece, just as Paul had done to him.

These were prime leeks, and he would savor every moment of their slow and painful demise.

Roden filed away the information, contemplating how he should conduct himself in the future should he encounter these so-called “friends.”

The carriage veered off the main road, moving deeper into the city and then turning onto a narrow, less-traveled street. Eventually, they arrived at the edge of the Royal City’s slums.


The carriage lurched to a stop, the sound of metal grinding against metal echoing in the air.

Kailun leaned forward to see what had happened. A young woman, cloaked in a tattered garment, lay sprawled on the ground. Her white hair spilled out from beneath her hood, like spun moonlight.

“My apologies, Master. The girl ran out into the street. ” The driver’s voice was apologetic, but Kailun could tell he didn’t care whether the girl was hurt.

But Kailun’s gaze was fixed on the fallen girl. His voice was barely a whisper, filled with disbelief and a touch of awe.

“This can’t be… My luck wouldn’t be this good…”

[Name: Carol]

[If not for your intervention, she would become the final boss!]


As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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Wao, this was a good and unexpected surprise.


not work with dark mode