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As a villain, I just want them to behave 30

Chapter 30: She Called Me a Good Person

The next morning, Kailun rose from Carol’s bony chest, gazing at the sleeping girl. He reached out and ruffled her hair playfully.

Last night, Carol had simply served as a bed warmer and a cuddle buddy. He hadn’t done anything untoward to her.

Yet, despite this, her favorability had increased by five points, much to his delight.

He could trick a pure soul like Carol into bed a hundred times!

Of course, “trick” was just a figure of speech. No one could deceive Carol, not with her innate ability to see through people’s hearts.

“Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s the weekend, so no classes, but we have a lot to do today.”

After waiting a few minutes, he finally resorted to pinching her nose to wake her up.

“…Sorry, I’m getting up.”

Carol blinked sleepily, her eyes still heavy with slumber.

The bed was so soft and comfortable, like a cloud. She had drifted off to sleep instantly and didn’t want to leave its embrace.

However, she hadn’t forgotten her duties. She gracefully hopped off the bed, her translucent nightgown clinging to her slender frame, leaving small indentations on the soft mattress.

She retrieved a few fresh clothes from the wardrobe and returned to his side.

“Please raise your arms, Master.”

“Please spread your legs, Master.”


Kailun basked in her attentive service, almost losing himself in the moment.

This was the future final boss, the legendary World-Ending Witch.

Who would have thought that she would become his personal maid?

This sense of accomplishment and conquest was even more satisfying than his attribute gains.

After dressing him, Carol fetched a basin of water and helped him wash his face and brush his teeth. The entire process took about fifteen minutes.

“Do you have any other instructions, Master?” She asked earnestly, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead.

Kailun pointed to the wardrobe. “Go change into something nice. I’m taking you out to do something you’ve been looking forward to.”

“Really?” Carol’s eyes lit up at the thought of the beautiful dresses hanging inside.

“Unless you prefer to wear that ridiculously short maid outfit or just your nightgown.” He eyed her suggestively.

“…I’ll go change right away.”

Flustered by his gaze, she quickly retrieved a light blue dress from the wardrobe.

It was the most modest-looking garment among the collection. She paired it with a pair of white sandals.

The light blue complemented her pale skin, her exposed arms and legs drawing attention. The white sandals revealed her ten delicate toes.

Under Kailun’s watchful gaze, they curled nervously against the soles, as if awaiting his judgment.

He watched her change, his eyes lingering on her every move. “Not bad. Quite cute. If you drank more milk and ate more papaya, I might even have more adjectives to describe you.”

He gestured towards his arm, leaving a space just wide enough for her to slip hers through.

It took her a moment to understand his intention. Blushing furiously, she scurried over and linked her arm with his.

“Let’s go. We’ll have breakfast first, and then we’ll take care of that matter you’ve been waiting for.”

“The matter I’ve been waiting for?”

“That’s right.”

After breakfast with Carol and Anna, Kailun led Carol out of the manor. Anna’s knowing gaze as they departed amused him.

If he didn’t have so much to do today, he would have stayed and teased her further.

He helped Carol into the carriage. Accompanying them were Roden, Philip, two coachmen, and two assistants.

The coachman who had bumped into Carol had been dismissed.

“To the Xiaoyao Street, near the slums.” He instructed the coachman, peering out the window.

Roden and Philip exchanged surprised glances.

Xiaoyao Street was located at the border between the slums and the main city. It was a chaotic mix of black markets and the Royal City’s infamous red-light district.

Everything there was cheap, whether it was goods or services.

Their surprise stemmed from the nature of the place. However, they remained silent, adhering to their roles as obedient subordinates.

“What are we doing on Xiaoyao Street, Master?”

Carol was more familiar with the street than Roden and Philip. Her mother used to sew cheap clothes for a shop there.

She still remembered her mother working tirelessly from dawn till dusk, earning only a handful of copper coins each day. They were lucky if they could afford a few stale loaves of bread.

If the local thugs came to collect their “protection money,” they would go hungry.

Perhaps it was because of Carol’s white hair and red eyes, seen as a sign of bad luck, that even the thugs kept their distance, fearing they might be contaminated by her misfortune.

Carol was bad luck, while money was good luck. That was their belief.

Memories flooded her mind, bringing tears to her eyes.

Warm droplets trickled down her cheeks, only to be caught by a gentle hand.

Kailun wiped away her tears. “If you need to cry, come to me. I’ll offer you a shoulder to lean on. As for why we’re going to Xiaoyao Street? It’s for you, silly girl. Have you forgotten the promise I made when we signed the contract? Those who have caused you pain will face retribution. As the personal maid of a villain, you should understand this.”

He pulled her into his arms, instilling his philosophy in her.

They were both victims of the world’s cruelty. That was why he empathized with her.

They were both villains, one a pitiful and tragic figure, the other the world’s ultimate destroyer.


Carol looked up at him, her eyes filled with distress. “In my heart, you’ll always be the best person. So please don’t be sad. Even if you become a villain, I’ll stay by your side.”

Sensing the deep sorrow emanating from him, she poured out her feelings, her tears flowing freely.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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The best girl!


not work with dark mode