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As a villain, I just want them to behave 4

Chapter 4: A Classic Case of Seduction

[Name: Carol]

[Age: 16]

[Rank: 0]

[Strength: 5]

[Constitution: 5]

[Spirit: 50]

[Magic Power: 99]

[Agility: 9]

[Talents: Magic Master, True Perception]

[Magic Master: Magic is her plaything. Even without training, her abilities far surpass those of some who have spent years honing their craft.]

[True Perception: She can discern truth from falsehood, good from evil. Treat her kindly.]

“Well, that’s a bit pointed,” Kailun thought, stifling a chuckle.

Even he, knowing what he did about her future, was stunned by her stats and Talents. He hadn’t misjudged her power, exactly, but he had underestimated the sheer scope of her potential.

In the future, this girl, Carol, would become a legend. Driven to despair by humanity’s cruelty, she would flee human civilization and find refuge among the denizens of the abyss. There, her power would grow exponentially, until she became a nightmare for the entire human world.

The White-Haired Witch of Calamity. The Demon God of the End. The Harbinger of Despair. These were just a few of the titles bestowed upon her.

What little Kailun knew about her came mostly from legends and whispered rumors. They painted a picture of a beautiful, white-haired girl whose every gesture brought death and destruction.

If the timeline was correct, Carol had recently lost her mother and was currently lost in a haze of grief and despair.

It explained why she had walked into the path of his carriage. Either she had a death wish, or she was so consumed by grief that she hadn’t been paying attention.

Ignoring the coachman’s startled expression, Kailun threw open the carriage door and jumped out. After a quick examination, he determined that her injuries, thankfully, were minor. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her back into the carriage.

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Just take us home.”

With those words, he slammed the door shut and drew the curtains.

He gently laid Carol down on the plush seat. She looked so small and frail, like a wounded bird.

At sixteen, she was barely five foot two. Her body was thin and delicate, her white hair dry and brittle from lack of proper nourishment. Her clothes, a simple, dirt-stained cloak that looked like it was made of burlap, did little to protect her from the elements.

“Fortunately, her injuries aren’t serious. A second-order healing spell should do the trick.”

Kailun allocated his free Attribute Points to Spirit and Magic Power, increasing his Spirit to 30 and Magic Power to 219. At this level, he could cast most second-order spells.

He felt a surge of power course through his body. From this moment on, magical bottlenecks were a thing of the past.

With his attributes now quantifiable, he could theoretically cast any spell, regardless of his official rank, as long as he had sufficient Spirit and Magic Power.

“If I remember correctly, the inscription for a second-order healing spell is…” He snapped his fingers.


A pale blue magic circle appeared in his palm, radiating a gentle warmth.

Holding his hand over Carol’s wounds, he channeled his magic, repairing the damage. A minute later, he dispelled the spell.

Though her injuries were healed, Carol didn’t wake up immediately. Kailun decided to let her rest.

Looking down at her pale face, he thought about his own life. They were both victims of circumstance. One abandoned by humanity, the other framed and murdered by those he had trusted.

Fate had brought them together, two villains in the making. It was almost comical.

And if he was being honest, this world was probably beyond saving.

He had no desire to play the hero. All Kailun cared about was his own pleasure and amusement.

Besides, hadn’t he, in a way, done humanity a favor by taking their future destroyer under his wing? The least they could do was thank him.

“We’ve arrived, Master Kailun,” Roden announced softly from outside the carriage.

“Thank you.” As he responded, he noticed that Carol had awoken. She was watching him, her expression wary.

“I apologize for the accident,” he said, offering her a warm, genuine smile. “I’ve healed your injuries. You should be feeling much better now.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “It was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention…”

She seemed intimidated by him, her gaze darting nervously around the carriage. “Can you let me out now? I’ll find a way to repay you for the treatment.”

Her first thought upon waking was how to repay him for healing her injuries. Clearly, she believed that anything magic-related came with a hefty price tag.

“Don’t be silly. It was our fault, not yours.” Kailun reached out and gently ruffled her hair.

She was so naive, so innocent. A far cry from the ruthless, jaded woman she was destined to become.

“Why?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn’t pull away from his touch.

She didn’t understand why he had helped her. Why he was being so kind. To her, people like her… they were considered expendable. Their lives held no value.

Except for her family, she had known nothing but scorn and fear. In the eyes of most, her red eyes were an ill omen, a mark of misfortune.

As if to prove their point, her loved ones had died, one after another. Just yesterday, her mother, the one person who had loved her unconditionally, had breathed her last.

She had been on her way to the river, ready to end her miserable existence.

“There’s no need for ‘why.’ Consider it a twist of fate,” he said gently. He gave her hair one last pat. “Come now, enough of these dreary thoughts. Let’s get you something to eat. Consider it my way of apologizing for the accident.”

In the end, she couldn’t refuse his offer. They sat together at a table laden with a feast fit for royalty. Carol stared at the food, overwhelmed.

Then, Kailun placed a chicken leg in her hand, and all bets were off. She ate with gusto, a rare smile gracing her face, her pale cheeks smeared with grease.

After the meal, Kailun had her bathe and provided her with a change of clothes. The maid outfit he had originally intended for Anna worked perfectly. Dressed in her new attire, a hint of Carol’s captivating beauty peeked through.

The black and white low-cut maid dress. The sheer black stockings. The tantalizing sliver of skin between the hem of her skirt and her stockings. The short, comfortable shorts she was allowed to wear only inside the manor. All these elements, combined, created a captivating image.

Her white hair flowed down her back, reaching her waist. Her crimson eyes, usually clouded with sadness, now sparkled with a hint of warmth. Though still thin and delicate, her figure was undeniably lovely.

With proper care and nutrition, she would blossom into a true beauty.

Throughout the entire process, Kailun, using his knowledge of her personality and her current emotional state to his advantage, gently guided her, steering her towards the path he had chosen. Carol, lost and alone, simply followed his lead.

Did he have any intention of letting her go?

Absolutely not. Meeting Carol was the greatest stroke of luck he had encountered since his rebirth.

As a villain, what was a little light manipulation between friends?



As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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He picked up a heavenly treasure, why would he let it go?


not work with dark mode