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As a villain, I just want them to behave 5

Chapter 5: Carol’s Devotion

“Excellent! It suits you perfectly!” Kailun declared, admiring Carol as she nervously smoothed her hands down the front of her new maid dress.

During lunch, they had exchanged names, and he had learned that she was now homeless. She had sold her meager dwelling to pay for her mother’s funeral.

It presented him with the perfect opportunity.

“Am I… worthy of wearing such fine clothes?” Carol asked, her fingers tracing the smooth, luxurious fabric.

“Consider it a gift, a token of apology,” he replied gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “As we discussed, you will work for me, and I will provide you with everything you need. I have no doubt that you possess extraordinary talents.”

Given time, she would become a force to be reckoned with.

“But…” Carol hesitated, overwhelmed by the rapid turn of events.

“Then let us formalize our arrangement.” Kailun produced a golden scroll. “This is a Soul Contract. Once signed, you will serve only me, and I will provide for all your needs. Whether you wish to master magic or… seek justice for your mother, all you need to do is ask.”

He wasn’t taking any chances. He would bind Carol to him, ensuring her loyalty.

After all, he had no desire to be betrayed again.

Of course, this was just a precaution. He knew in his heart that Carol was not the betraying kind.

Carol studied the contract, carefully reading every word.

Essentially, she would become his personal maid, responsible for all aspects of his life, including (but not limited to) his meals, his clothes, his living arrangements, his magical training, his protection, and… his bed.

Essentially, anything and everything a maid could be asked to do… and then some.

The demands were numerous, but the rewards were substantial. The sheer number of gold coins promised to her made her head spin.

Did she truly deserve such wealth?

In the slums, you could buy a beautiful girl for a single silver coin, let alone a gold one.

For the first time, young Carol began to grasp the vast gulf that existed between different classes in this world.

In her innocence, however, she failed to notice the strange symbols etched into the corner of the contract, written in a language she didn’t recognize.

Right now, this contract represented a chance to escape her current life, a chance to build something new. And if she was being honest, a small part of her desperately wanted to seize that opportunity.

Kailun’s kindness, the delicious food, the beautiful clothes, the unexpected warmth he offered… they gave her a reason to hope, to cling to life.

If giving herself over to him, heart and soul, was the price she had to pay, then so be it.

She had nothing left to lose.

Finally, she made up her mind. Biting her finger, she signed her name.

“Carol.” No last name.

Kailun remembered the rumors he had heard in his past life, the whispers that Carol’s father had abandoned them when she was just a baby. It seemed the rumors were true.

“From this day forward, you are mine,” he said, meeting her gaze with unwavering intensity. “I swear on my soul that you will not regret this choice.”

He pricked his own finger, signing the contract beneath her name. Kailun Kate.

The scroll flared to life, crimson light engulfing them. Two threads of blood-red energy shot towards their foreheads, disappearing into their minds, anchoring the contract deep within their souls.

[You have formed a bond with the important character Carol. Current Favorability Rating: 60.]

[Reward: You have gained 60% of her Attribute Points, totaling 100.]

He ignored the fact that the system had conveniently rounded down the decimal points.

Feeling the connection between their souls solidify, he cast a healing spell, erasing their wounds.

With an hour to spare before afternoon classes, Kailun instructed his butler to procure several more… modest maid outfits for Carol. He then dispatched Roden to the Royal Magic Academy with a message: Kailun Kate would, from this point forward, be attending classes with a personal attendant.

Naturally, the academy was happy to accommodate the whims of a Duke’s heir. A hefty “donation” took care of any potential objections.

Truth be told, Kailun, with his memories of his past life, had no need for formal education. But… there were still so many ripe leeks within the academy walls. And besides, attending classes would give Carol a chance to learn and grow.

He reset his attributes back to their original state, giving him a pool of 310 Free Attribute Points to allocate.

He needed to increase Carol’s Favorability Rating. And decrease Anna’s.

Poor, unsuspecting Anna. She had no idea what horrors awaited her.

At 2:20 pm, students began filing back into the classroom.

Paul, Anna’s younger brother, was chatting and laughing with his friends as they entered the room. He froze, his smile vanishing.

Kailun, the Duke’s heir who usually skipped class, was not only present, but he had brought a girl in a maid outfit with him.

She seemed small and delicate, almost fragile, as if she hadn’t been eating properly. Her white hair and crimson eyes, however, were impossible to ignore, lending her an air of otherworldly beauty. And yet… there was something about her, a hint of something unsettling beneath the surface.

Her maid uniform, though well-made, was surprisingly modest, covering almost every inch of her skin. Even her hands were gloved. Only her legs, clad in black stockings beneath a short black skirt, hinted at anything remotely alluring.

Out in public, Kailun hadn’t dared to subject her to the full “absolute territory” treatment.

Even with the conservative outfit, however, the former street urchin possessed an undeniable magnetism. Though far from her full potential, heads still turned as she passed.

Who wouldn’t want such a beautiful and obedient little maid by their side?

In an institution like the Royal Magic Academy, where only the wealthiest could afford tuition, servants were a rare luxury.

Paul’s eyes lit up at the sight of Carol. Abandoning his companions, he approached their desk, his gaze lingering on the girl sitting beside Kailun. “Kailun, is this your family’s new maid? I don’t believe we’ve met.”

His tone, a practiced blend of false camaraderie and entitlement, made Kailun want to punch him.

[Paul’s current Favorability Rating towards you is -30. Gaining 30% of his Attribute Points.]

See? Smiling to your face, while secretly plotting your demise. Typical protagonist behavior.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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What kind of hidden trap was on the contract? I really want to know.


not work with dark mode