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As a villain, I just want them to behave 9

Chapter 9: The Poor Princess Was Robbed Blind

Rumor had it that the Grand Duke’s family was as wealthy as a nation, their military might unmatched, and their talent pool overflowing.

Kailun was here to clarify: these were not rumors, but facts.

It was precisely due to the Kailun family’s growing power that the royal family harbored a secret vigilance, fearing a sudden rebellion and usurpation.

In his past life, the decisive Princess Hilna had seized upon Kailun as a point of leverage, creating the perfect opportunity to seize control of the vast Kate family.

There was no other way. For the Kates, Kailun was their only son, their sole heir. His life held more weight than anyone else’s. Thus, when Kailun was imprisoned, the entire Kate family’s actions were severely restricted.

And it was this restriction that provided Princess Hilna with the chance to press her advantage.

Thinking back on it now, Kailun couldn’t help but curse his past self for being so naive and incompetent.

“So, Miss Phils, what are your thoughts on my proposal?”

Kailun leaned closer, his forehead touching hers, creating an atmosphere of attentive listening.


As an intelligent woman, Phils carefully weighed the pros and cons.

Currently, only a handful of high-ranking individuals knew of the King’s critical condition. With no confirmed heir, the kingdom’s upper echelon was in turmoil.

Compared to those incompetent princes, Phils believed Princess Hilna was the most likely victor. Hence, she had placed her bet early on.

But compared to Kailun, even Princess Hilna seemed to pale in comparison?

She had considered Kailun before, but back then, he was foolish and incompetent, a good-for-nothing heir. She had dismissed the option immediately.

However, looking at the handsome face so close to her now, she questioned her past judgment. The man before her completely shattered her previous perception.

Could it be that Kailun had been hiding his true abilities all along?

Could it be that the Kate family had been preparing for this day?

The more she thought about it, the more Phils felt a chill run down her spine. She had missed a crucial detail.

Moreover, her current options were limited. Either she could firmly support Princess Hilna and risk her family’s demise, or she could become Kailun’s person and serve him.

The former carried immense risk. She didn’t believe she could control the current Kailun.

As for the latter… it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

She didn’t want to be a traitor, nor did she want to admit defeat.

“My time is limited. If you’re trying to stall, I can only wish you good luck when we meet again.” Kailun urged, his patience wearing thin.

Phils’ eyes reddened slightly. “If I choose you, after you succeed, can you spare Princess Hilna’s life?”

“That, I cannot guarantee. It depends on your performance. If you satisfy me, I might consider your request. Although, in my heart, Princess Hilna is the epitome of evil. But keeping a disobedient puppy around for amusement wouldn’t be so bad.”

Kailun didn’t hide his disgust and perverse amusement towards Princess Hilna.

There was no possibility of reconciliation between them. Even if he spared her life, it would only be for his entertainment.

“You truly are a devil. No, you’re the Demon King.” Phils shivered, unable to hold back a murmur.

Kailun brushed aside her hair, revealing her delicate, jade-like ear. He gently pinched it and said, “Thank you for the compliment. If you choose my side, then congratulations in advance on becoming a glorious witch. Excited yet?”

“Not in the slightest. I’m a normal person.”

She obediently tilted her head, allowing Kailun to caress her ear more easily. “I accept your proposal. But let me be clear, I’m only doing this under duress. I haven’t lost yet. Also, if possible, please spare Princess Hilna. Consider it my act of hypocrisy.”

Compared to girls her age, Phils was acutely aware of her advantages and knew how to utilize them.

In her past life, she was half of Princess Hilna’s brain trust. In this life, it seemed she would be her own dog.

“A wise choice.”

Kailun smiled in satisfaction and gently bit her earlobe, leaving a faint mark.


Feeling the slight pain, Phils let out a soft, coquettish moan.

Due to Phils’ unique circumstances, he couldn’t brand her with a Slave Mark or bind her with a Slave Contract for now. This temporary bite mark would serve as proof of her commitment.

As for obtaining a Soul Contract like Carol’s?

She would have to prove her worth through her work.

Afterward, Kailun thoughtfully helped her adjust her lace undergarments, buttoned her clothes, and smoothed out any wrinkles.

Taking advantage of the moment, Phils voiced her concerns. “How should I contact you normally? What if Princess Hilna finds out?”

Kailun patted her shoulder. “Why worry about her finding out? Since your mission failed, why not continue to seduce me openly? You can even be more intimate. That way, not only will she not suspect you, but she’ll be moved by your dedication. Trust me, I understand her better than you do.”

Phils: “…”

The feeling of having her every thought and action calculated was unsettling. Thankfully, they were on the same side. Otherwise, the mere thought of Kailun’s existence would keep her up at night.

As if remembering something, Kailun added, “Oh right, I’ll send assassins to your house to lay low. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not planning anything strange. I just want to ensure your family’s safety. What if they become Princess Hilna’s hostages?”

His words nearly moved Phils to tears.

[Phils’ current favorability towards you is 30. You have received a 30% attribute bonus.]

Hearing the system notification, Kailun looked at Phils in surprise. Why did this girl still harbor good feelings towards him after being bullied like this?

It was strange. According to his plan, her favorability should be negative.

“Is there something on my face?” Kailun’s odd expression caught Phils’ attention.

“It’s nothing. You should focus on how to deal with Hilna. I’ll be going now.”

With that, Kailun activated the Space Displacement Scroll’s anchor point. With a flash of white light, he vanished, replaced by Carol, dressed in a maid outfit.

The two women stared at each other, their eyes filled with complex emotions.

Phils: “Hello?”

Carol: “…Hello.”


At that moment, the study room door burst open. A tall figure in a long red dress, radiating a sharp aura, stormed in.

Hilna froze as her gaze fell upon Phils and Carol.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Where’s Kailun?


Princess Hilna

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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What’s up with the positive favorability?


not work with dark mode