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As a villain, I just want them to behave v1 c2

Chapter 2: The Eternal Brand

“No way! I would rather be expelled, imprisoned, even beaten to death, than sign this!” Anna retreated two steps. She would die before signing a Slave Contract. Her life would be utterly ruined if she did.

A Slave Contract meant surrendering one’s body, mind, and soul to a master. Once signed, everything she was belonged to someone else.

Anna’s refusal was expected. Kailun hadn’t actually anticipated her obedience.

But it didn’t matter. If a lifetime was too much to stomach, how about a year?

“Don’t be so quick to refuse. We can discuss the terms. How about changing the contract duration to one year? I’ll cover all your living and school expenses during this period. And if you perform well, you’ll even get a salary. Ten gold coins a month, to start.”

Kailun brushed her hair aside, his voice a low and tempting purr. “My family’s estate is quite large, and we possess many magic scrolls. The kind of Forbidden Scroll you just tried to steal? I have piles of them in my warehouse. All yours to peruse, if you agree.”

In this world, knowledge was the most valuable commodity. Class was the hardest barrier to break. And the human heart, the most difficult to decipher.

Stealing knowledge meant ten years in prison, at the very least. At worst, a public execution.

Though Kailun had shortened the contract from a lifetime to a year, he was utterly confident that he could completely break her within that time.

Did she think she could just walk away after reaping the benefits?

Absolutely not.

Feeling his male presence so close, Anna turned her head away, her heart pounding.

Compared to being expelled and thrown in prison, Kailun’s proposal wasn’t entirely unacceptable.

But the thought of becoming his plaything… it chipped away at her dignity, filling her with shame.

“Anna, you wouldn’t want everyone to know you’ve been stealing valuable academy property, would you?”

As she hesitated, Kailun’s words shattered her last defenses.


“I hate you!” she spat out, her voice choked with despair.

With those words, her agreement was made.

She told herself that she only needed to endure this one year. Then she’d still have a future. And when she finally escaped his clutches, she would make him pay for this humiliation. She would destroy him and everything he held dear.

Her eyes burned with venomous hatred as she stared at him. In that moment, Kailun was the most despicable, evil noble in existence.

“Yes, that’s the look. It’s both familiar and strange to see such hatred directed at me.”

As Kailun modified the terms of the contract, he couldn’t help but admire Anna’s enraged beauty. She truly lived up to her reputation as one of the Five Great Beauties of King’s City(Royal City). Her looks alone qualified her to be his plaything.

He wondered what kind of expression her brother would make when he discovered his dear sister had become Kailun’s personal toy…

A thrill of anticipation shot through him, leaving him giddy with delight. He handed the amended contract to Anna.

“Take another look. Make sure everything is in order. If you have no objections, we can proceed with the signing.”

Hidden within a corner of the contract, written in ancient, minuscule script, was an additional clause that Anna would never be able to see without extraordinary means.

Anna remained silent.

She carefully scrutinized every word, reading the document over and over again. As promised, it stated that she would serve as his slave for only one year. During this time, he would cover all her expenses and promised not to give her away to anyone else. In terms of treatment, it was practically unheard of in the world of slavery.

But good treatment or not, she was still a slave!

“Fine… I agree…” she whispered, her eyes welling up. She looked like a pitiful, helpless puppy.

“Now, let me see…” Kailun mused, tapping a finger against his chin thoughtfully. “Where should we place this all-important slave mark?”

The slave mark was a symbol of ownership branded onto the slave’s body. It not only signified ownership, but also allowed the master to control the slave, like a receiver for commands.

Usually, it was placed somewhere visible, like the arm or forehead.

But such a conspicuous location would undoubtedly upset Anna. Being the considerate soul he was, Kailun decided to choose a more discreet area.

Perhaps the inside of her thigh… or maybe her lower abdomen…

Feeling his gaze roaming over her body, Anna closed her eyes tightly, her body trembling. From this moment on, she was his.

This alluring young woman was now a lamb awaiting slaughter. For one year, at least.

“You know,” Kailun purred, “you look quite lovely when you’re not trying to bite my head off. Why are you always so aggressive?”

He lifted her up and sat her down on the table. Then, with unhurried movements, he began to unbutton her school uniform, revealing her smooth, pale stomach, her cute navel, and the enticing lines of her toned abs.

The future Anna may have had a heart of darkness, but for now, she was as pure and innocent as a dove.

“Bastard! Pervert! Lecher!” Anna hissed, her voice trembling with unshed tears.

Her distress only made him want to bully her more.

Kailun bit his finger, drawing blood, and slowly traced lines across her lower abdomen with his bloodstained fingertip.

Gradually, a shape began to form. A beautiful, heart-shaped design, framed by delicate, intertwining flowers, appeared on her skin. It was alluring and strangely seductive.

“Now, I just need to infuse it with my magic power. Try not to resist, okay?”

He then placed his bleeding finger into her mouth, using the opportunity to clean the wound while channeling his magic. His current magical ability wasn’t enough to cast a basic healing spell, so he could only wait for the cut to heal naturally.

“I h-hate you!” Anna mumbled around his finger, her words muffled.

As she spoke, a surge of pure magic flowed from his finger into her, sending a jolt through her body that made her speechless.

As his magic coursed through her, the red markings on her abdomen transformed, turning from crimson to silver. Then, as if reflecting her turbulent emotions, the silver gradually shifted to a soft, delicate pink.

With the contract sealed, the scroll lying on the table burst into flames, turning to ash in an instant.

“Not bad,” Kailun said with a satisfied smirk, withdrawing his saliva-coated finger and casually wiping it on her blouse. “Come to my manor after school today. I have some… tasks for you.”

He winked at the dazed Anna, enjoying the mixture of fear and loathing in her eyes, and strolled out of the library, whistling a cheerful tune.

Anna stared down at the pink mark on her stomach, tears finally spilling down her cheeks.

She couldn’t understand why this devil had chosen to torment her like this.

And Kailun would never tell her that, in the future, she would become one of his killers.

As a villain, I just want them to behave

As a villain, I just want them to behave

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese

In my past life, I was falsely accused of treason despite being a good person. Now, reborn, I only want to be a true villain. As the Duke's son, shouldn't I be allowed to be arrogant and dissolute?

What's that? You want to report me for kidnapping the eldest princess?
No, I kidnapped the younger princess too.

You're accusing me of buying two slaves for the price of one?
Don't slander me! I didn't even pay!

You say the protagonist will tell the world tomorrow that I'm a scumbag?
That's strange, his sister is feeding me grapes right now. It's only fair for a sister to pay her brother's debts, right?

Don't be afraid, I'm not really a devil. As long as you all behave yourselves, I'll put away these little toys.


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freezxp 56D



A perfect start!


not work with dark mode