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Come, Let Me Take You Home 24

No. 24 Igniting the Spark of Love

“Huff… huff… huff…”

My ragged breaths echoed through the quiet basement of the entertainment complex.

I straightened up, took a deep breath, and assumed the offensive stance Luo Wei had just taught me, holding two playing cards between my fingers.

“You’re exceeding my expectations. I thought you would be exhausted after half an hour.”

Luo Wei, dressed in his black suit and top hat, stood five meters away, a playing card in his hand. His face was devoid of sweat. He exuded confidence and a cheerful energy.

He had been sparring with me for an hour, showing no signs of fatigue. Was it because men naturally had more stamina than women, or was he simply that strong?

“Is there something you’re protecting? Or someone you want to save?”

He raised an eyebrow, a cryptic smile on his face. “If there is, tell us. We’re all friends here, right, Xiao Bing Bing?”

He reached for Lu Yibing’s lollipop, but she kicked him away effortlessly.

“Haha, Pai Ge, aren’t you afraid her brother will come after you if you keep teasing her?”

“I heard he treats her like a precious treasure. You’re doomed, Pai Ge. Start preparing your funeral money.”

The other members, who were smoking and playing cards, chimed in.

“It’s fine. Bing Bing wouldn’t snitch on me.”

Luo Wei returned to his position. “Yi Yao, how about we call it a day?”

I glanced at the clock on the wall. “It hasn’t even been an hour.”

You promised to teach me the Pai family’s secrets, and now you’re ending the session after a few minutes of playing around?

My answer seemed to surprise him. “Aren’t you tired?”

“Being tired has nothing to do with how much I need to learn.”

When you worked for someone, your boss didn’t care if you were tired, if you had family problems, or if your friends were sick. They paid you to work because you were profitable. No one cared about you for no reason.

Just like now, Luo Wei was willing to teach me these fighting techniques because he needed my talent.

“Yi Yao.”

He noticed the exhaustion on my face, sheathed his card, and walked over to me.

“We know what you’re going through.”

“There are many things in this world that we can’t change. All we can do is adapt and move forward. Dwelling on the past or worrying about the distant future will only destroy you.”

“When Bing Bing was young, her father abandoned her in the mountains because she was a girl. Her current master found her and raised her. I was also abandoned by my parents when I was sick. Only my uncle refused to give up on me. He stayed by my side in the hospital for three months. And then a miracle happened. See? Reality isn’t always so cruel.”

He patted my shoulder. “You’re the fastest learner and the most talented girl I’ve ever seen. I was only planning to teach you the basic stance and hand gestures today, but you’ve already mastered the fundamentals in just one hour.”


“But you haven’t grasped the mindset, the spirit of the Pai family. Or perhaps, in your current state, you’re incapable of learning it.”

I thought for a moment, then lowered my head. “A friend of mine is dying.”

“Yes, Lan Zhuoyue. He’s your good friend.”

He held out a few playing cards. “Pick one.”

I randomly chose a card and flipped it over. Two of diamonds.


“See? I asked you to pick a card, and you did, without hesitation. But you didn’t even question why I asked you to do it.”

“I thought you were going to perform a magic trick.”

“Exactly. Humans are creatures of habit, bound by their assumptions. That’s why so many people live mediocre lives. You assumed I wanted to perform a magic trick. But I’m not a magician. If someone who’s not a magician acts like they want to perform a magic trick, you automatically assume they’re going to do it. It’s a simple concept, but when you’re caught up in your own thoughts, it’s hard to see.”

I looked up at him, confused.

“Your friend, Lan Zhuoyue, is sick, and you’re heartbroken.”


“We did some research. Lan Zhuoyue doesn’t have many friends. You’re practically his only friend at school. He’s seriously ill, yet you’re the one who’s burdened by his illness. Have you ever wondered why it’s not you who’s sick?”

His words struck a chord within me.

It was like wandering through a vast desert, searching for an oasis, only to realize that the oasis had been following me all along.

“Yi Yao, you’re his friend. It’s up to you to decide what to do. We won’t interfere. But I hope you can learn to let go, for your sake and his.”

He walked back to his position, drew a card, and assumed a fighting stance, tossing his top hat onto a nearby table.

“Since you’re so eager to learn, let’s get serious. I’ll show you the true spirit of the Pai family.”


I wiped the sweat from my forehead, gripped the cards in my hands, and went through the motions of the Pai family’s offensive stance, ending with the signature Z-shaped hand gesture.

I understood now.

It was like me and my sister.

She was gone, but she had left me with a wealth of knowledge and a future.

That was her wish, her happiness.

Under the harsh fluorescent lights, I adjusted the baseball cap Lan Zhuoyue had given me.

Luo Wei blurred into motion, charging towards me.

“Queen of spades!”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Although I knew he wouldn’t actually hurt me, the speed and precision of his movements sent a shiver down my spine.


Two more cards whizzed past my ears. His attacks were swift and stylish, overwhelming my defenses.

“King of clubs!”

He leaped into the air and swung the card at my neck. I barely dodged it. He crouched low, his eyes, as sharp as an eagle’s, glinting with amusement.


He moved so fast, he was just a blur of motion. His laughter echoed through the room as he landed a series of blows, leaving white marks on my clothes.


I had never encountered such a fighting style before. His movements were both elegant and deadly, fueled by an almost arrogant confidence.

His laughter shattered my composure.

I retreated, blocking his attacks, but more marks appeared on my clothes.

If he had been using real knives, or if he had unleashed the full power of his cards, I would be dead.


Cards danced through the air, a mesmerizing display of skill and speed. His aura was so powerful that even I, a black belt Taekwondo instructor, was forced to retreat. He cornered me against the wall.


He stopped, drew the two of diamonds from behind my ear, and flipped it over, a faint smile on his face. “The magic trick you requested.”


“Haha, sorry, I got carried away.”

He turned to me, noticing my sweat-drenched clothes. “Feeling better?”

I nodded and stood up. “Much better.”

“Then I take back what I said earlier. Yi Yao, you’re a strong girl… no, you’re stronger than anyone I’ve ever met. We believe you’ll achieve great things, far beyond any of us.”

He tossed me the king of hearts. “Practice the basics I taught you today. I’ll send someone to contact you when the time is right.”

I caught the card and nodded. “I’ll look forward to it.”

I stopped by the bank and, using my newly acquired ID, opened an account and deposited the 100,000 yuan Luo Wei had given me.

I couldn’t forget the looks the bank staff gave me.

The Upper Capital City wasn’t a wealthy city. 100,000 yuan was a significant sum for most people, let alone a sixteen-year-old middle school girl.

“What are you going to do with the money?”

Ouyang Dati, who had somehow appeared out of nowhere, handed me a can of Sprite as I stepped out of the bank.

“Don’t worry, it’s not alcohol.”


I opened the can and took a sip. “Heartbroken?”

He didn’t answer, just glanced at the building across the street. “What do you think of 043?”

I shrugged. “We’ve exchanged maybe five sentences in the past two days.”

“Haha, fair enough.”

He produced a can of beer from thin air and sat down on a bench outside the bank, patting the space beside him.

I sat down, humoring him.

He was a large man, built like a tank. Unlike Luo Wei’s carefree demeanor, his every move exuded strength and power. Just sitting beside him, I felt a sense of intimidation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could punch a hole through a wall.

“To be honest, I’m from the military.”

The setting sun cast long shadows through the trees.

“My family sent me to a training camp when I was young. I only came home recently. And when I did, I learned that my parents had passed away.”

I took another sip of Sprite and looked towards the setting sun. “You people always seem eager to share your sob stories with me.”

Long Fei, Luo Wei, and now Ouyang Dati.

“No, Yi Yao, it’s not that I want to. It’s just… you seem so lost, so lonely. I’ve never met a girl like you. You used to be more fragile, more feminine. Don’t you feel lonely like this?”

“I’d rather be lonely than mediocre.”


“So, what’s your purpose in coming here today?”

“I need your help. Huang Zhiqiang asked me to look after his daughter, Huang Yingdie. You remember her, right?”


“I don’t think I’m the right person for this job. I just came back to Upper Capital City. I don’t have any close friends who are familiar with that little devil…”

“You want me to babysit ‘A-Pian’?”

“Don’t call her that. Have some respect. Your task is to pick her up from school and make sure she gets home safely every day.”

Come, Let Me Take You Home

Come, Let Me Take You Home

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2016 Native Language: Chinese
Returning to this familiar yet strange parallel world, Yi Yao watches as scenes buried by time repeat themselves. She must face not only her own existence as a girl but also the relentless teasing of family, friendship, and fate - "I want to walk hand in hand with you, just like this, no matter how many times, I will call your name."


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Thanks for the chapters~ Everyone around mc seems to have a sad/tragic backstory… I hope they got their happy ending later…


I am sure they will..


not work with dark mode