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Come, Let Me Take You Home 7

No. 007 An Unexpected Blessing Amidst the Drizzle

The next morning, I woke up groggily in the warm sunlight.

Was it all a dream?

The distinct weight on my chest reminded me of the previous day’s events.

I was Yi Yao, the Yi Yao who had died from a serious illness and transmigrated into the body of a suicidal girl in a parallel world.

The small alarm clock by my bed displayed the time: 8:15 AM.

It was Yi Yao’s habit to wake up before 9 AM every day, even on weekends, to have breakfast and exercise.

Skipping breakfast was detrimental to one’s health. Having died once due to an unhealthy lifestyle, I knew this all too well. So, I decided to maintain this particular habit of Yi Yao’s.

I got out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed into a clean set of clothes, completed a Taekwondo routine in the living room, made myself a simple yet nutritious breakfast, and finally sat down at the computer desk.

I had to admit, having a girl’s body felt incredibly light. There were no awkward morning surprises, and I didn’t have to worry about injuring myself while stretching.

However, a girl’s body was also much more sensitive. Last night, after dinner with Dati and the others, perhaps out of habit from my previous life, I accidentally brushed against a certain area while showering, and it took me a good half hour to finish. By the time I put on my pajamas, my face was beet red.

Yi Yao wasn’t the cute type. She had inherited her mother’s delicate features and possessed a figure that could only be described as perfect. Long, slender legs, healthy tanned skin, and a figure that left no doubt about her gender. With her short hair, she looked quite handsome.

Dad had left early. I remembered that I would be home alone for the rest of the day, free to do as I pleased.

After booting up the computer and logging into the Heavenly Fire Forum, I was greeted by nearly 99 notifications.

Clicking through them one by one, I realized they were mostly expressions of awe and admiration.

“I can’t believe you can write code like that!”

“Oh my god! I spent the entire night working on that problem, and your solution is the correct one! You have my respect.”

“Thank you for answering my question. I learned a lot. May I ask which company you work for? Our boss is interested in speaking with you.”

“You must be a researcher in this field, right? Could you tell us where you work?”

“Hello, I have a private matter I’d like to consult you on…”

“Are you there? Your skills are impressive. We are the largest software company in Upper Capital City…”

The messages went on and on. Feeling my eyes getting strained, I turned off the notifications and went straight to the Q&A section. I effortlessly answered all the new questions before logging off.

This wasn’t my main task for today.

The forum was my backup plan. With my newfound reputation, I wouldn’t have to worry about money. Besides, this forum would experience explosive growth in two years. It wouldn’t hurt to familiarize myself with the community beforehand.

My priority today was to deal with Long Fei.

No way was I going to have a boyfriend, even if it was just for show.

Based on Yi Yao’s memories, this Long Fei did have feelings for “me.” My first order of business was to let him down gently.

The easiest way to break up a couple was to create distance.

Even the most passionate couples would eventually drift apart if they lived far away from each other.

Besides, Long Fei and I weren’t even dating.

My plan was to hack into Long Fei’s father’s company, help them overcome their current crisis, and then use that as leverage to get Long Fei to leave the city and attend a different school.

After all, I was a girl now. Even if my plan failed, I could always just say, “I don’t have feelings for you,” and be done with it.

Just as I finished writing the hacking program and was about to put my plan into action, I heard a knock on the door.

I thought I had misheard. Three seconds later, the knocking came again.

Dad was back this early?

I glanced at the clock on the wall. I couldn’t recall what time Dad usually came home on this particular day. With a sigh, I got up and opened the door.

A delicate figure reeking of alcohol collapsed into my arms.


I quickly caught the unconscious girl. I almost dropped her in surprise when I saw her face.

It was the Taekwondo girl, Xiaodie, the one I had fought at the food stall last night.

“Hey, wake up.”

I shook her roughly, but she showed no signs of regaining consciousness. Instead, she clung to me like an octopus.

What was going on now?

I couldn’t just leave her passed out in the hallway. With a sigh, I carried her into the living room and laid her down on the sofa.

A rich girl like her must have a phone, right?

Unlike last night, she was dressed in a beautiful dress and high heels, as if she had just come from a party. This made my search much easier. I found her phone in her pocket within seconds.

Luckily, her phone wasn’t locked. I opened her contacts, found the entry labeled “Dad,” and dialed the number.

The call connected quickly. A man’s voice answered, “Hello? Xiaodie, is that you?”

“Hello, I’m…”

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

As if on cue, the phone chose that exact moment to die.

Of all the…

I went to my room, found my charger, and plugged in her phone. After waiting for it to power on, I dialed the number again.

“Hello, the number you have dialed is out of service due to unpaid bills. Your current balance is -0.01 yuan…”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Left with no other choice, I used my own phone and dialed the number displayed on the screen.

“Hello? Xiaodie? Where are you fooling around again? Get back here this instant!”

The man on the other end seemed to have been expecting my call. He didn’t even wait for me to speak before launching into a tirade.

“Uncle, it’s… it’s Xiaodie’s friend.”

I struggled for a moment before settling on the word “friend.”

“Oh? Where’s Xiaodie? Let me speak to her!”

I glanced at the girl, who was still sound asleep on the sofa, and shook my head. “Uncle, you misunderstand. Xiaodie stayed at my place last night. She’s still asleep. I just realized I hadn’t informed you, so I called.”

“Oh… really?” Perhaps my polite tone calmed him down a bit. His voice softened slightly. “Tell her to come home immediately. All she does is fool around outside.”

“Of course, Uncle. I’ll let her know as soon as she wakes up.”

“Alright. I apologize for the trouble she’s caused.”

“Not at all, Uncle. Xiaodie helped me a lot with my studies last night. I’m very grateful to her.”

“Please. Her? Helping with studies? You kids and your lies… What’s your name?”

“My name is Yi Yao.”

“Yi Yao? I don’t recall Xiaodie ever mentioning you… Perhaps I was mistaken. Anyway… As long as Xiaodie is safe at a classmate’s house, I’m relieved. I have some matters to attend to. I’ll let you go.”

“Okay, Uncle. Goodbye.”

I hung up the phone and looked at the girl on the sofa. She was sound asleep, as harmless as a kitten. I carefully adjusted her dress, took off her high heels, and draped a blanket over her.

This felt like playing with fire…

How did she even know my address? Did she ask last night? Do drunk people instinctively go to their nemesis’ house to turn themselves in?

Despite my curiosity, I resisted the urge to dig through her pockets and went to the balcony to grab some ginger. I headed to the kitchen to make some ginger tea with brown sugar.

This was too much. One troublesome dad and one Long Fei were enough. Now, I had the mayor’s daughter on my hands. Perhaps I shouldn’t have gone so hard on her last night.

After spending five minutes preparing the ginger tea, I returned to the living room, only to find the girl sitting up on the sofa, wrapped in the blanket, staring at me with her usual emotionless expression. Her bare feet were surprisingly eye-catching.

“I told your dad you stayed at my place last night. My name is Yi Yao. Remember to get your story straight.”

The girl remained silent.

“If you can’t hold your liquor, don’t drink so much. It’s bad for your liver. You need to take better care of yourself.”

The girl looked up at me, still silent.

“What? You want to fight again?”

I placed the ginger tea on the table in front of her. “You couldn’t beat me last night. Don’t even think about it in your current state. Drink this ginger tea and sober up before you leave. Your dad sounded pretty scary.”


She let out an almost inaudible snort, threw off the blanket, and tried to stand up. However, whether due to dizziness or low blood sugar, she stumbled and nearly fell. I rushed forward and caught her.

She instantly pushed me away, regained her balance, and marched towards the door, her heels clicking against the floor. She fumbled with the doorknob for a while, unable to open the door.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Pull down the latch.”

With my instructions, she finally managed to open the door.

“Next time you’re drunk, don’t just throw yourself at anyone. Not everyone is as nice as me.”

The girl froze, her already flushed face turning crimson.

“Don’t think this means I forgive you for what you did to Qinghao.”

With that, she stormed out, slamming the door shut behind her.

So, she wasn’t an emotionless robot after all. Just a tsundere.

The ginger tea on the table was still steaming. It seemed a waste to throw it away. I picked up the bowl, returned to my computer desk, and continued working on my program while sipping the tea.

Once everything was ready, I entered the familiar IP address of Heavenly Fire Network Technology.

Let the hacking begin!

Streams of data flowed down the dark screen.

Under the command of the “Queen Bee Algorithm,” dozens of programs worked in unison, effortlessly bypassing all firewalls within a minute. I had gained administrator access.

I put down my half-finished ginger tea and opened QQ.

Yi Yao’s QQ account was identical to mine, same username, same password, even the same friends list.

Of course, this Yi Yao had selected “female” as her gender.

I glanced at a small program running in the background. Based on its progress, the encrypted files should be unlocked within two minutes. Then, I could finally negotiate.

I had to admit, I was curious about the hacker who managed to cripple a company as promising as Heavenly Fire for an entire week.

Hackers were categorized into two types: white hats and black hats. White hats hacked for the challenge and to improve their skills. They wouldn’t steal or damage any data. At most, they would copy something that piqued their interest and maybe patch a vulnerability or two before leaving. Black hats, on the other hand, were in it for the money.

Well, I could worry about the hacker later. Right now, I had a Long Fei problem to solve.

Long Teng, CEO of Heavenly Fire Network Technology.

Like father, like son, I guess.

“Surrender now, and I’ll pretend this never happened.”

A message suddenly popped up on the screen.

Although I was the one who deliberately alerted them, I had to admit, their security team was quite responsive.

“I want to make a deal.”

I typed with one hand, still sipping my ginger tea.

“We’re not interested in dealing with amateur hackers.”

The program in the corner beeped, signaling that it had successfully decrypted the files.

“Amateur? I assure you, I’m no amateur. I have something you need.”

I copied the decrypted content into a notepad file.

“Heh, kid, you do realize I can track your IP address and find your home within ten minutes, right?”

“I’m sure your boss wouldn’t want that. I’ve bypassed all your security measures and recovered the compromised superuser password.”


“Superuser password: fclza.8812345. Be my guest.”

Come, Let Me Take You Home

Come, Let Me Take You Home

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2016 Native Language: Chinese
Returning to this familiar yet strange parallel world, Yi Yao watches as scenes buried by time repeat themselves. She must face not only her own existence as a girl but also the relentless teasing of family, friendship, and fate - "I want to walk hand in hand with you, just like this, no matter how many times, I will call your name."


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not work with dark mode