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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 17

Chapter 17: I Am Your Only Sanctuary 


Qin Chu’s voice echoed in Candice’s ears. Though no different from common names in this world, she felt it extraordinarily powerful, perfectly befitting this enigmatic existence.
Only such a beautiful, formidable name could match his profound mystique.

“Great Lord Horus, I have one final question…” Candice was deeply awed by the Egyptian deity’s moniker Qin Chu casually borrowed.

Qin Chu spread his hands. “I’m in an agreeable mood today.”

Recognizing the mighty Horus had granted her leave to inquire, Candice’s face brightened with anticipation.

This formidable lord didn’t seem the difficult type, at least when favorably disposed – he had so readily divulged his deepest secret, his aura underwhelming yet relaxed demeanor suggesting she posed no real concern.

Moreover, his precise knowledge of Brave Squad member Benson’s travel route and the demon prince’s hideout…

When enraged, Candice witnessed an illusion of mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, the coppery reek assailing her nostrils amidst that crimson haze.

Though Qin Chu never overtly demonstrated his power, Candice grew increasingly convinced he was an ancient, terrifyingly mighty entity.

Before such an uncanny elder, even when affable, she dared not overstep, their temperaments notoriously fickle – one wrong word could provoke disastrous ire.

Clenching her fists, she lightly rapped her chest.


“Great Lord Horus, I know not what conflict arose between you and the Brave Squad, nor do I pry…to aid you in this modest errand you cannot personally undertake is Candice’s honor.”

“If the great Lord Horus has any other needs in future, Candice gladly serves.”

Candice first stated her stance, hopefully maintaining Horus’ good mood, at least preventing any deterioration.

“There is just one point Candice truly desires an answer – why do you seem to know my story as if witnessing it yourself…” No, far beyond witnessing – her entire 21-year life unfolded under his scrutiny, a chilling realization.

Lacking resolution would plague her endlessly.

Qin Chu smiled faintly. “You told me yourself…”

“Huh?” Candice gaped. “That’s impossible, today is definitely our first encounter…”

“Some things cannot be grasped simply through words,” Qin Chu replied inscrutably.

Bewildered, Candice stared wide-eyed, utterly lost.

Was Lord Horus one for riddles? Not an admirable habit.

Stealing a glance at him, wondering if the great lord had seen through her mental critique.

Yet the moment she looked up, her gaze met his fathomless, starry eyes already observing her with a smile.

Instinctively recoiling, she realized with a chill that her irreverent thoughts had surely been perceived, hastily suppressing them.

Fortunately, the magnanimous Lord Horus did not rebuke her over such trivialities.

Finally, Qin Chu spoke in a low, resonant tone.

“My eyes…”

“Penetrate millennia…”

“When I beheld you, I saw through your heart, your past, and your future…”

Candice’s expression grew increasingly strange. This was too far-fetched – what eyes could pierce one’s heart, see through past and future?

Undeterred by her skepticism, Qin Chu continued, “You have endured much, appearing mature yet your heart remains an innocent child’s…”

Candice moved to protest before he overrode her objection. “Your sole desire is acceptance.”

“Be it human or demon, you only yearn for somewhere to belong.”

“This is your fatal flaw – demons scorn your human taint while humans abhor your demonic heritage…”

“You dwell among humanity, enjoying this life yet dreading exposure’s consequences you clearly comprehend yet refuse to face…”

Candice’s lips trembled as color drained from her face.

“You struggle with your current path, craving demons’ acceptance yet unwilling to fully betray humans. Such weakness will prove your undoing…” Qin Chu’s voice hardened. “Across ages, the middle road only leads to ruin.”

“You know demons will never truly embrace you, merely exploiting a useful tool to be discarded once valueless.”

“And humans will never accept you either – even if you defected, divulging all you know, once your worth is expended, they’ll kill you too…”

Correct – this was precisely what occurred in Qin Chu’s previous life.

He lacked any mystical millennia-piercing sight – his knowledge came directly from Candice herself.

Four years later, she finally reached her limit, unable to endure straddling both sides any longer. She revealed her identity to human authorities in hopes of clemency.

Though officially pardoned, after exhausting her intelligence value, Brave Squad members executed her citing her demonic blood marking her as an inevitable turncoat.

Candice’s eyes grew hollow with despair.

As Lord Horus stated, she understood this harsh reality yet clung to faint, lingering hope.

But now Qin Chu mercilessly stripped that illusion, forcing her to confront her hopeless future.

Her face contorted with barely restrained anguish. “Then…what should I do?”

“Simple,” Qin Chu replied calmly. “You need not seek demon or human acceptance, only find one who acknowledges you – that alone suffices.”



Candice froze, staring vacantly at Qin Chu for a long moment before trembling, “Lord Horus, you would…acknowledge me?”

“Of course. To me, all life is equal – demons, humans, birds, beasts, fish, insects – merely varying manifestations of existence. No inherent distinctions.”

“I am your sole sanctuary!”

Qin Chu’s deep, alluring resonance entered Candice’s ears, her heartbeat seeming to accelerate.

Abandoned by her father, used as a tool by her mother – rejected by humans yet scorned by demons – she believed herself unwanted in this world.

Yet this man inspiring her terror and awe offered to acknowledge her being.

A gentle warmth blossomed within her heart as an overwhelming impulse surfaced.

Before it could swell further, Qin Chu continued, “But you require a declaration of fealty…”

“Fealty?” Candice didn’t understand.

“A demon approaches here…”

“Kill it, severing all ties to demonkind.”

Qin Chu intended to bring this woman under his thrall!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode