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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 37

Chapter 37: Can I Just Butcher Him?

Qin Chu found himself enveloped in darkness, unable to see anything except soft mounds pressing against his cheeks.

Busty indeed!

Though Ekaterina was one of Qin Chu’s most reviled foes, second only to Loseweisse, in the previous loop he had treated her like a dear elder sister.

The deeper the love, the more intense the hatred.

Yet he could not deny – Ekaterina’s physique was truly peerless.

At thirty-six years old, her skin remained as porcelain-smooth as a maiden’s. Moreover, having already attained Martial Goddess-tier strength, Ekaterina’s lifespan far exceeded regular humans. Her thirties were practically irrelevant.

Years of rigorous training sculpted her athletic yet ravishingly sexy figure. The suppleness of her skin may well exceed all other women of the Hero Squad.

In that previous loop, her brazen actions likely stunned Qin Chu speechless, preventing him from detecting Ekaterina’s completely flat, emotionless delivery of those saccharine words.

On the other side, Loseweisse stared openmouthed, utterly shocked by Ekaterina’s bold move.

Good heavens, Loseweisse had merely instructed her to gently entice Qin Chu a little, taking it one step at a time – being overaggressive could backfire.

Yet she never expected Ekaterina to be so daring, fully utilizing her… assets.

However, such blatancy may not necessarily prove very effective. In Loseweisse’s view, Qin Chu seemed plagued by severe insecurities, especially towards accomplished, high-status women. This inferiority complex only allowed him the audacity to make advances on servant girls and the like.

Well, the timing was about right.

Having Ekaterina embrace him stiffly matched how Qin Chu might initially freeze up in shock. But he would eventually recover his senses.

Once Qin Chu felt breathless, he began struggling frantically. One hand landed on Ekaterina’s toned waist, seeming to push her away.

This was exactly how he reacted in the previous life. Yet no matter how hard one tries, perfectly replicating past actions without the slightest deviation was remarkably challenging.

Qin Chu only intended to dislodge Ekaterina, but the fine material of her dress proved too slippery. His hand slipped down past her waist…landing on a shockingly ample curve.

“Hey, is that part of your act too?”

Shub-Niggurath, having keenly observed Qin Chu’s performance, could not help commenting sarcastically at this scene.

“No, that was a pure mistake.”

“Definitely not intentional.”

Qin Chu inwardly excused himself as well.

Ekaterina’s entire body instantly stiffened, even seeming to tremble slightly.

Though Qin Chu could not see, Shub-Niggurath witnessed it clearly – Ekaterina’s crimson tresses wafted without wind, flickering embers dancing amid those scarlet strands. The room’s temperature seemed to spike abruptly, the very air warping with heat.

Biting her lip hard enough to draw blood, Ekaterina was clearly struggling to contain herself, on the verge of a frenzy as her incensed gaze sought Loseweisse’s.
Without a doubt, she was silently asking:

Can I just butcher him?

Shub-Niggurath giggled uproariously at this comical scene, thoroughly amused.

Ekaterina teetered on the brink of exploding, deeply regretting persuading Loseweisse to postpone immediately subjugating Qin Chu. This bastard deserved instant slaughter.

Loseweisse shook her head vigorously, mouthing frantic signals as her lips soundlessly formed two words – Jie Luo, reminding Ekaterina to endure any indignities for his sake.

Only after Loseweisse’s desperate pleas did Ekaterina barely regain control over her rising fury, managing not to detonate on the spot.

But continuing to embrace Qin Chu proved intolerable. She hastily released him.

Qin Chu staggered back several paces, panting heavily like a drowning man freshly surfaced, his face flushed as he instinctively averted his gaze.

After catching his breath, he regarded Ekaterina with veiled complexity. “This…this lady…what was that about?”

Hmm, blushing – definitely embarrassed.

After all, for a man as insecure as Qin Chu only daring to approach servant girls, facing an accomplished beauty like Ekaterina would understandably make him too shy to even approach. His shyness was quite normal.

Loseweisse inwardly sneered, though her fair features remained an amiable smile. “Lord Hero, this is Ekaterina, a member of the Hero Squad come to tutor you in martial arts and battle qi. Her personality is just rather…unrestrained. Please pay it no mind.”

“Ekaterina, you should still rein yourself in a little. Such disrespect towards the Lord Hero is unbecoming.”

Ekaterina forced a wry smile. You think I wanted to act like that? Wasn’t it you who said I needed to engage in occasional intimacy to entice Qin Chu away from Angelica?

Damn it, the bastard practically drooled all over my chest.

She felt utterly defiled, itching to scrub herself raw with an entire bar of soap.

Loseweisse smoothly introduced both parties before Qin Chu invited them inside to discuss commencing his tutelage in the Heavenly Continent’s powers.

Since Ekaterina lacked local lodgings, she would temporarily reside in this palace quarters as well to “ensure the hero’s safety”.

Qin Chu clearly understood – safety was merely an excuse, monitoring was the likelier truth.

Yet he did not refuse this arrangement, readily agreeing.

Soon Qin Chu noticed Loseweisse furtively glancing at him, as if struggling to broach some issue yet uncertain how to voice it. So he provided an opening for her. “Holy Maiden, is there some issue with my face? You keep staring…”

Loseweisse’s lovely features flushed slightly as she perfected the image of an innocent maiden. “Ah, my apologies, it was rude of me…It’s just, Lord Hero, why do you appear so…disheveled? Did something happen?”

Qin Chu sheepishly patted his wild, seaweed-like locks. “These past few days hunting demon beasts in the city left me no time for appearances. Please excuse my unsightliness.”

Loseweisse seemed outraged. “But where is Angelica? I don’t see her…”

“Grooming her master is one of a maid’s primary duties. The master’s unseemliness reflects the maid’s shame. Angelica is simply too unqualified.”

Loseweisse would not pass up any opportunity to censure Angelica and undermine her standing with Qin Chu.

“Could it be because the Lord Hero hails from another world, you assumed he was unaware of this realm’s proprieties and thus grew negligent?”

Qin Chu waved his hands hurriedly. “No no no, this isn’t Angelica’s fault.”

“I heard Angelica was an excellent cook and wished to sample her culinary skills, so she went alone to the Rublens Market to purchase ingredients. She likely won’t return until evening.”

Loseweisse paused briefly.

Alone, to the Rublens Market?

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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“This man blushed far too easily – merely glimpsing an exceptional woman made him crimson with embarrassment.” – Every MC ever.


not work with dark mode