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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 41

Chapter 41: Angelica’s Will 

How befitting of the arrogant Dark Witch, speaking so boastfully.

Claiming she could simply refine and enhance the potion Loseweisse had already brewed, treating it as trivial.

On the other side, the two nuns had lost patience with Angelica’s continuous refusals, their expressions growing dangerous.

One nun ran her fingers along Angelica’s fair cheek in a menacing caress, tracing down her slender neck before settling threateningly on her waist.

“Angelica, you really disappoint me!”

Angelica seemed triggered by some terrifying memory, her body trembling.

“Let me ask you again – do you wish to cooperate with us or not…”

Despite her fear, Angelica bit her lip defiantly and shook her head. She would never betray her master, no matter what transpired.

Qin Chu was the last ray of light in her dark existence – she did not wish to lose him.

“Aiya, I didn’t want to get so rough.”

The nun’s gaze turned razor-sharp as her fingers curled into a fist pressing against Angelica’s abdomen, suddenly exploding with force at point-blank range.


Her fist slammed into Angelica’s belly.

Instantly, searing agony lanced through Angelica’s very bones, her body instinctively doubling over as tears nearly spilled from her eyes.

The pain was excruciating.

“Don’t worry…” The assaulting nun squatted down, fisting Angelica’s hair to slam her beautiful yet ravaged face into the dirt. “I took great care using my battle qi. My fist left no marks on your stomach, but your suffering will be far more intense than usual.”

Grains of sand cut into Angelica’s cheeks, leaving bloody streaks.

“Familiar feeling, isn’t it?”

Another merciless gut punch slammed into Angelica’s side.

The battle qi felt like innumerable needles piercing her flesh, her body convulsing uncontrollably – she felt as if instantly riddled with a thousand wounds.

Her mouth gaped soundlessly, unable to even scream.

A deep darkness welled up, memories of Loseweisse’s past torments replaying before her eyes.

Why was this happening?

She had already escaped from that hell.

So why must she still endure such suffering?

The searing agonies made Angelica’s body feel scorched.

Her hair was roughly grasped once more, the nun’s lips brushing her ear as that same gentle tone uttered the cruelest of words:

“Did you really think you had gotten away…?”

“Stop dreaming…”

“For the rest of your life, you’ll never escape.”

“You can only live like a dog in the lowest dregs of this world…”

“That is your fate!”

Angelica’s pallid face twisted, her body shuddering uncontrollably as her teeth chattered.

Was this truly her fate?

Whether from anguish or hopelessness, the profound darkness utterly consumed Angelica’s will.

Why was this world so cruel and unjust to her?

“Cooperate with us. As long as you obey, I guarantee you’ll never face such treatment again. You can gain your freedom – no one in this world can ever bully you…”

“But if you refuse to cooperate, I can also guarantee this won’t be the only time.”

Her body had already gone somewhat numb. Perhaps she was simply inured to being beaten at this point?

Yet it still hurt so much.

‘From today onwards, you will derive your existence as a parasite upon me. As long as I live, you will never return to that hell.’

I will not allow others to bully you anymore. If anyone dares harm you…’

‘I will definitely appear before you!’

A ray of light pierced that engulfing darkness – the light of hope.

Her once ice-cold body felt a slight warmth returning.

Her master would come to save her, he definitely would.

That gradually reviving gaze made the nun’s lips tremble. She knew this woman had not been broken by their beatings.

Her heart still persisted, steadfast in the belief that enduring would lead to salvation.

Damn stubborn wretch.

They never intended to torture Angelica so severely. If negotiations failed, simply using the spirit scroll would have sufficed to control her.

But humans all harbored a sadistic impulse.

Especially towards someone previously bullied and abused, that craving was far easier to unleash. Tormenting Angelica brought them pleasure – a former exalted holy maiden candidate now groveling like a dog underfoot, that psychological gratification was irreplaceable.

Since this woman refused to despair, then they would thoroughly indulge in tormenting her…

Of course, there was another reason – their mistress’s orders.

Even if Angelica meekly cooperated, they still had to brutalize her, make her understand her true status.

Driving Angelica into utter despair would also enhance the spirit scroll’s efficacy. Their mistress’s scrolls lacked stability – the more resolute the target, the greater their chances of resisting control.

That savage look made Angelica’s blood run cold.

So terrifying!

She saw one nun brandishing a knife, gesturing menacingly towards her face.

Master, save me!

“You seem to really trust that idiot Qin Chu…”

“But did you know what he’s doing right now? Lady Ekaterina is keeping him company, you know. Who do you think is more exceptional between you and Lady Ekaterina?”

“With Lady Ekaterina present, do you think Qin Chu still cares about you?”

“Of course not. No one would care about a mere maid.”

“You’ll just return to your former miserable existence.”

No, I don’t want that.

“Did you really think Qin Chu took a fancy to you?”

“You give yourself too much credit. At the banquet surrounded by so many beautiful ladies of noble houses, sisters, even princesses – why would he choose you of all people? Because that man is inherently insecure…”

“That man lacks the courage to face exceptional women. He chose you precisely because of your lowly status, feeling uninhibited enough to make advances.”

No, that’s not true. My master is not like that.

“He must have told you he would protect you, never let you be harmed again – something like that, right?”

“But where is he now?”

“He cannot protect you. In this world, no one can protect you…”

Master…he really didn’t come, did he? Has master abandoned me?

Angelica’s eyes gradually became hollow and ashen.

The mental anguish tormented her far more than any physical harm.

Seeing Angelica’s dejected gaze, the two nuns’ faces revealed smug satisfaction.

What a worthless wretch, submitting so swiftly. They hadn’t even finished playing yet. But as long as Angelica remained alive, opportunities would abound – their fun would never end.

“Cooperate with us…Only by cooperating can you gain release,” one nun stated.

“Release…” Angelica murmured.

“Yes, release…If you cooperate, you can live like a dog from now on. Isn’t that better…?”

Like a dog?


Under Loseweisse’s hand for years, she had lived worse than a dog. Even dogs weren’t beaten daily. Even a pile of dog feces wouldn’t have everyone wanting to trample it…

Living like a dog didn’t sound too bad, actually.

Master wouldn’t come. Even if he did, he was no match for these two nuns.

“I…will…coop…” Angelica slowly opened her mouth.

No one could save her, not a single soul.

The two nuns’ expressions grew increasingly smug, savoring witnessing someone’s utter descent into depravity, degeneracy and despair – an unparalleled delight.

This was her will, after all.

“Even…if it costs me my life…I will never cooperate with you.”

Battered yet defiant, Angelica raised her head proudly, eyes once more filled with hope’s light.

At least she had experienced three days of tenderness by her master’s side.

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode