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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 46

Chapter 46: The Holy Maiden was Robbed

In the previous timeline, it was Angelica who carried the drunken Ekaterina back home.

That woman had been drinking in the tavern, competing with over twenty men in a drinking contest. She had single-handedly downed all those burly men, before finally passing out drunk herself.

“I see, then I should hurry up and get there in time,” Shaye nodded, speaking in this manner.

She was delighted to assist Qin Chu in his misdeeds.

Qin Chu wasn’t idle either, turning invisible again and leaving the palace.

“Where are you going?”

“Stunning Love’s effects, Loseweisse couldn’t be unaware of them, right?” Qin Chu raised an eyebrow: “The incomplete version of Stunning Love requires seven bottles to be fully effective… If only one bottle is concocted, Loseweisse wouldn’t recklessly give it to me, as a gap in the sequence would render it all ineffective.”

“Where do you think Loseweisse has hidden the remaining six bottles?”

The Holy See!

Even from the outside, one could clearly see the elegant, beautiful statue of the Goddess of Holy Light, carved from white jade, at the center of the Holy See.

This was the main deity worshipped by the Holy See!

It was said to be a goddess who was both graceful and beautiful, with great compassion.

Next to the statue of the Goddess of Holy Light were seven smaller statues, representing the seven assistant deities.

Qin Chu was very familiar with this place.

Not only because Augustus invited him to far more grand banquets and private gatherings than Saint Monique and Wadsworth combined.

But also thanks to Loseweisse’s efforts.

As a member of the Hero Squad, and the object of Qin Chu’s admiration, Loseweisse would often display a playful, cute personality… Of course, Qin Chu now knew those acts of playfulness and cuteness were all just Loseweisse’s disguise.

The darkness within this woman was blacker than the ink of an octopus.

In short, in front of Qin Chu, Loseweisse often showed behaviors that were not befitting of a holy maiden, such as skipping all the ritual lessons the nuns had to attend; at banquets, she would sneak out with Qin Chu, just the two of them, to go shopping…

Loseweisse’s coquettish, adorable antics had once captivated Qin Chu, making him firmly believe the holy maiden might have feelings for him too.

Now, looking back, he had truly been played for a fool.

However, thanks to this, Qin Chu was very clear about the patrol schedules of the Holy See’s guards, and where the blind spots were.

The outer perimeter of the Holy See had a massive barrier. Without an identity token or an invitation, one would be rejected and forcibly revealed even with invisibility.

Qin Chu didn’t want any unnecessary trouble, so he carefully used a transformation spell to turn himself into a sparrow, then used invisibility to conceal his presence, perching on a tall tree, waiting patiently.

After a patrol of Holy Knights passed by, Qin Chu spread his wings and flew to a corner.

There was a damaged area in the wall, the only small breach in the barrier.

Before the next patrol appeared, Qin Chu quickly slipped through the breach into the interior of the Holy See.

Qin Chu was certain that Loseweisse was not home right now, the woman should be attending a banquet at some lady or princess’ place. Even if Maggie and Sana failed to kill Angelica, Loseweisse would have an alibi.

Loseweisse had invited Qin Chu to her private chambers more than once, so he was quite familiar with the place.

Soon, a standalone two-story building came into view.

The walls were pristine white, symbolizing holiness, with relief carvings of the Goddess of Holy Light.

Perhaps to showcase her pure and upright conduct, Loseweisse’s door only had a regular lock, without even any magical seals.

Then again, the outer barrier of the Holy See was sufficient to keep out those with ill intent, and the nuns and priests inside wouldn’t dare to intrude on the holy maiden’s room.

Loseweisse would never have imagined that Qin Chu, whose personality had changed so drastically, would come visiting.

Glancing around, there were no people in sight.

Qin Chu boldly snapped the lock open.

Loseweisse’s room was about the same as Qin Chu remembered, the whole room in a pale pink tone, exuding a sense of youthful innocence and purity.

There wasn’t much decoration or furniture, just a bed, a wardrobe, a vanity, a desk, and two chairs, that’s all.

Maybe because Loseweisse often lived here, the room was permeated with a fragrance unique to young ladies.

Clothes that Loseweisse had replaced were hanging on the windowsill, even her underwear…

But these weren’t the key points, the important thing was, where had Loseweisse hidden the things she couldn’t let others discover?

After a quick look around, there was almost nothing in the room that could draw attention.

The only places to hide things would be the desk drawers and the wardrobe, but… Stunning Love, such an important potion, Loseweisse surely wouldn’t just leave it lying around, right?

“Hmm? This woman’s magical skills are quite high?” Shaye, who had been focused on improving the Stunning Love potion, suddenly spoke, startling Qin Chu.

“Weren’t you working on improving the potion?”

Shaye waved her little hand casually: “It’s almost done, almost done!”

“There are five magical seals in this room, upstairs and downstairs…”

“Each seal is crafted with great precision, the magical fluctuations are almost completely suppressed. If it weren’t for me, the strongest witch, even you probably couldn’t have sensed them,” Shaye said proudly.

Although she had lost the battle against Qin Chu, in terms of pure magical prowess, he was no match for her.

Such meticulous concealment, the things hidden behind these seals must be extraordinary, perhaps even including the Stunning Love potion.

“Can you break them?”

“Who do you take me for?” Shaye said indignantly, quite offended by Qin Chu’s doubt.

To her, this was an insult. There was no magical seal in this world that Shaye couldn’t break, no matter how advanced Loseweisse’s seals were, they were child’s play to the strongest witch.

Floating down from Qin Chu’s shoulder, Shaye crouched on the floor and drew a pattern with her hand in midair.

It didn’t take long before a slight magical disturbance dispersed, and with a click, a floor tile popped up. Qin Chu quickly went over and, at Shaye’s indication, moved the raised tile.

Underneath was a square hollow, a very small space, barely enough to fit a human head.

And inside, there was only one item – a ring.

A common storage ring of the Heavenly Continent, with an internal space of about three cubic meters, capable of storing small but important items.

Picking up the ring, Qin Chu skillfully used his magical power to activate it, and when he saw the contents, he sharply drew in a breath.

“Is it Stunning Love?”

“No, not that…”

Shaye became increasingly suspicious: “Then what is it?”

For Qin Chu to react this way, it must be something extraordinary, right?

“It’s money…”


“Seven billion mana…”

The largest denomination in the Heavenly Continent was the 10,000 mana banknote, with a hundred notes per bundle, or 100,000 mana.

And the storage ring contained a total of seven hundred such bundles!

The Aylmer Duchy Mansion.

Loseweisse sipped her delicious red wine delicately.

Sitting across from her was the daughter of Duke Aylmer, and other young noblewomen were around them as well. Although the Aylmer’s daughter was the host of the banquet, it was obvious that Loseweisse was the true center of attention.

She kept a warm, gentle smile on her face, chatting casually with these young ladies.

But her thoughts had already drifted elsewhere, wondering how Sana and Maggie’s operation was going, they should have succeeded by now. After all, Angelica’s own strength was constrained by the collar, completely defenseless, and Maggie and Sana’s abilities were more than enough to handle her easily.

Maybe Qin Chu had already consumed the drugged food supplied by the controlled Angelica.

Just six more times like this, and the hero would become a completely enslaved dog.

Thinking about this, Loseweisse’s smile grew even brighter.

“Holy Maiden, why are you smiling so happily?” the Duke’s daughter noticed the expression on Loseweisse’s face and asked.

“Hehe, it’s nothing…” Loseweisse’s smile slightly faded as she gracefully stood up: “I just recalled some pleasant things. Forgive me, but it’s getting late, and as you know, the Holy See has its rules, so I should be heading back soon.”

With these people providing an alibi, even if any unexpected incidents occurred, Loseweisse could completely clear herself.

Loseweisse didn’t want to waste any more time on these foolish women, she was impatient to return to her residence and hear Sana and Maggie’s good news!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode