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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Most Hated Person (2)

A “Great Sage” was simply the title given to humans who had reached the pinnacle of magical cultivation, without restrictions on marriage. Natiya’s petite yet voluptuous figure and beautiful looks naturally drew many suitors.

However, Natiya was devoted to magic, completely oblivious to matters of romance. There were even rumors that Natiya was a “stone woman”, or more crudely, a pure “lily” – thus disdaining all her young admirers. Those who persisted faced her explosive magic.

But Natiya’s current flushed face and misty eyes were clearly unusual.

“You can check your panel…” Shub-Niggurath’s voice chimed in opportunely.

“Panel” was this world’s term for checking one’s attributes, abilities, skills, magic and more. Unless chosen to be public, others couldn’t see one’s panel contents, very convenient.

Qin Chu inwardly called out, and a screen-like panel appeared, detailing his current data.

Level: 1

Class: Hero

Strength: 6

Endurance: 6

Agility: 6

Spirit: 6

Defense: 6

Charm: 6 (Average 5, Max 10, can increase through special means)

Martial Skills: None!

Magic: None!

His first summoning had the same stats.

But the following lines were rather peculiar:


Greed: Transcendent Ability, you crave to possess everything; Special Effect: Devourer – You can seize others’ power and abilities for your own use.

Rage: Transcendent Ability, you are enraged, anger will become your strength; Special Effect: Outburst of Rage – When your anger erupts, you gain far superior power.

Forced Calm: High-Rank Ability, you remain calm at all times, never losing rationality, auto-activated, can manually disable.

Lust: Special Transcendent Ability, cannot be publicly displayed, Special Effect – Touch of Lust, effects can be disabled.

This world’s power came from three main aspects: level, martial skills, magic, and abilities.

Level directly affected one’s basic attributes. Martial skills and magic were combat techniques requiring high level and attributes to achieve great power.

Abilities were the most special, some without use like one person Qin Chu met whose ability was never mixing up sugar and salt, useless in battle.

But certain abilities had ridiculously potent effects.

Qin Chu remembered his initial summoning only having two transcendent abilities: Companion of Justice and Labor Reaps Rewards.

Now there were four different ones.

He could understand Rage.

But what about Greed?

And Forced Calm, which likely kicked in when he nearly lost control before suddenly calming down at the critical moment.

The worst was Lust.

Qin Chu didn’t consider himself a lecher. Those seven years as a hero were spent training and warring nonstop.

As a formidable hero, countless forces tried recruiting him, some using honeypot tactics, but Qin Chu refused them all, only harboring feelings for Loseweisse – to the point of tragically remaining a virgin until his death.

Thinking about it made Qin Chu feel miserable.

“That ability is a gift from me,” Sayeni’s(1)* lovely voice echoed in his mind.

Qin Chu asked, “Why are you helping me?”

“You think I want to?” Sayeni’s originally sweet voice suddenly turned gruff. Her silver hair swayed as her fair face contorted with anger, clearly displeased.

“After you died, the Heaven’s Lock shattered, breaking my seal. But damn it, you ungrateful bastard, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten what you did to me before?”

Sayeni waved her tiny fists, bouncing in mid-air.

Don’t use such suggestive language, it makes me feel like I did something terrible to this witch.

“You used despicable, shameless means to forcibly link our lives together in an unequal pact.” “If I die, you’re fine. But if you die, I can’t live long either.”

Sayeni grew more enraged. “This witch doesn’t want to perish alongside you, an idiot. So before vanishing, I used my remaining magic to cast the transcendent Death Knell spell, sacrificing billions of souls to rewind time seven years to when you first arrived in this world.”

“As punishment for defying the laws, not only did my power fail to recover to its peak, it deteriorated further. I can’t even maintain a physical body, only attaching myself to you while temporarily transferring one of my abilities…”

“Me ending up like this is all your fault. You’re responsible.”

So that’s what happened – the Heaven’s Lock he used to restrain Sayeni gave him a second chance instead.

Since granted this opportunity, Qin Chu would make these people understand true despair this time!

As they conversed mentally, inaudible to the Thirteen Sages, Natiya maintained her posture, her flushed face growing even redder.

The other twelve elders were trembling anxiously, not daring to approach and separate them, fearing accidentally provoking the berserk Natiya into killing the hero.

An eerie silence fell over the scene.

After a long while, Qin Chu finally seemed to react, hastily retreating a step. “Pardon me, how rude of me. I thought I was dreaming…”

Natiya gasped heavily, staring at Qin Chu with a complex gaze.

When his fingers entered her mouth, her explosive temper had flared, ready to slap this shameless scoundrel away. Restraining herself only because of his hero status.

But she soon felt inexplicable bodily abnormalities.

The Touch of Lust’s effect wasn’t overpowering, more subtly inducing physical arousal in the target. Natiya’s extreme reaction was likely due to the suddenness coupled with her complete inexperience with the opposite sex, intensifying the stimulation.

Meanwhile, the twelve elders wiped their brows in relief. Thankfully Natiya restrained herself from going berserk and accidentally killing the newly summoned, weakling hero barely stronger than a goblin or slime.

No matter how powerful the hero became, against the enraged Natiya, he was dead for sure.

One elder took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Esteemed Hero, this is the Celestial Continent. I am Zimmelmann, chief of the Thirteen Sages who summoned you to this world. We beg you, please save this world from being reduced to ruins by the monsters’ iron hooves.”

Time for the real performance.

Qin Chu carefully controlled his expression. “Sir, what nonsense is this? The Celestial Continent? I’ve only heard of Eurasia. You can’t mean I’ve traversed to another world? Hahaha, you sure have a sense of humor…”

Zimmelmann wasn’t surprised by Qin Chu’s reaction – it was perfectly normal. The original hero Jie Luo had responded similarly upon being summoned, adamantly refusing to believe he had crossed worlds.

But Zimmelmann had a trump card. He pointed skyward. “Hero, take a look if you don’t believe me…”

Following his finger, Qin Chu looked up to see two crescent moons in the sky, one bright and one dim. His smile froze as his lips quivered, eyes widening before eventually sighing deeply. “Two moons… I really have traversed worlds.”

Hopefully his acting was convincing enough.

Zimmelmann smiled smugly – Jie Luo had only believed after seeing the two moons too.

But this second hero seemed to accept reality far quicker, already pondering something.

After a few seconds, Qin Chu spoke again. “Lord Zimmelmann, you said I should face the monsters? I’m sorry, although you may have expended great effort summoning me, it’s…impossible. I can’t do it.”

“Monsters must be terrifying beasts, and I’m just an ordinary person, no match for them. So…my apologies for disappointing you.”

“No, please don’t say that,” Zimmelmann hurriedly replied. “The hero will receive divine blessings, powers beyond ordinary people. Please try summoning your panel and show it to us…”

Qin Chu feigned surprise at the panel’s appearance, fumbling for a while before finally displaying it to the elders.

Even Natiya couldn’t help her curiosity, glancing over.

Of course, Qin Chu wouldn’t reveal his true abilities – Sayeni had disguised the panel to show his original abilities from his first summoning.

Although Sayeni’s power was depleted, masking it was still within her remaining capabilities, something Zimmelmann couldn’t see through.

The white-haired, hunched elder with a wrinkled face continuously mumbled, misty eyes gleaming. “Companion of Justice, Labor Reaps Rewards…” “Two…two transcendent abilities…”

Companion of Justice empowered one’s path of righteousness, growing stronger the more lives saved. Labor Reaps Rewards meant diligent effort would be rewarded accordingly.

No abilities could suit a hero better.

Zimmelmann almost shed tears of gratitude. Transcendent abilities, and two of them – even the first hero Jie Luo only had one. The second hero surpassed the first.

“This time…the Celestial Continent truly has hope.” Zimmelmann wept, overcome with emotion.

The other sages’ usual composure broke as excitement filled their faces.

Even Natiya couldn’t help glancing at Qin Chu again, seemingly surprised this profaner could be so outstanding, her heart filled with joy.

If they knew Greed, Rage and Lust hid behind Companion of Justice, one could only imagine their expressions.

At that moment, a voice called out from the path leading down the mountain. “Sirs, was the hero summoning successful?”

Hearing this voice, Qin Chu’s pupils contracted sharply. The Forced Calm ability instantly activated.

Qin Chu’s body creaked like rusty machinery as he turned, his gaze falling upon a maiden in a pure white holy dress, standing serenely in the moonlight.

The night breeze ruffled her skirt, revealing slender, fair legs that glowed like jade.

That petite face, as sacred and innocent as ever. Compared to seven years later, less maturity but more youthful naivety.

The person Qin Chu hated most in this world! Loseweisse… We meet again!




Sayeni(1)* = Shub-Niggurath = Sha Ye Ni Gu La Si (沙耶尼古拉斯) –  Gu La Si = Sha Ye Ni

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode