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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 17

Chapter 17: No Ordinary Perception

Feng explained to Man Bao, “Men can use literacy to work as account clerks or become instructors themselves. If they study well enough, they might even have a chance at the imperial examinations to become officials. But what use is it for a woman to read? Once we reach the proper age, we’ll just get married off – either to tend fields or manage the household chores. What difference does literacy make?”

Man Bao found herself at a loss for a rebuttal, yet still felt Feng’s words didn’t quite ring true.
Pondering deeply, she finally mustered a counterargument, “Master says reading brings clarity of principles.”

“You mean general common sense?” Feng chuckled dismissively. “Just by living, one naturally understands such things. Don’t worry, Little Niece, I’ll explain it all to Er Ya. Look at us wives – we’re illiterate too, but do any of us lack basic comprehension? All girls learn such wisdom from their own mothers.”

Unable to argue further, Man Bao’s shoulders slumped as she tried a new tack. “So if Er Ya could earn money through literacy, would you then allow her to learn characters with me?”

“How could she possibly earn money just from reading?” Feng scoffed. “It’s not like she could work as an account clerk, instructor or even take the civil exams.”

“I don’t care about the reasons,” Man Bao insisted stubbornly. “Just promise me first, Sister-in-law – if Er Ya could earn income through literacy, then you have to let her study characters along with me.”

Rolling her eyes, Feng placated her flippantly, “Fine, fine, I promise. There, happy now? I need to start the cooking fire, so hurry along with all this smoke in the kitchen.”

Not bothering to gauge Feng’s sincerity, Man Bao took her words at face value before scampering off to find Er Ya.

Having retrieved the manuscript pages, Er Tou noticed the little niece’s absence and immediately abandoned them to search for her, as he was tasked with keeping watch over Man Bao and couldn’t allow her to wander off unsupervised.

Meanwhile, Man Bao headed for the riverbank where Er Ya was doing laundry.

Upon her arrival, the group of women all greeted her cheerfully, with one calling out in amusement, “Well if it isn’t little Man Bao here to do laundry too! With all the daughters in your Zhou household, how could you need to rely on your little niece for such chores?”

Spotting Man Bao, Er Ya hurriedly blocked her path to prevent her from venturing too close to the river’s edge. “Little Niece, why did you come all the way here? I won’t let you near the water.”

“I came to find you,” Man Bao stated simply.

“But I still need to finish the laundry. Why don’t you head back home first, Little Niece?”

The same woman from before chimed in again, “Man Bao, you should help your little niece out. You’re not that young anymore, and with your family facing such hardship recently, you can’t keep enjoying such privileged treatment like before.”

Finding her logic reasonable, Man Bao nodded vigorously in agreement. “You’re right, Auntie, I should help Er Ya.”

Conveniently, she had been wanting to try her hand at laundry for the first time, never having washed clothes in her entire childhood. Gazing at the pristine river waters, Man Bao’s eyes gleamed with delight, momentarily forgetting her original intent.

But Er Ya wouldn’t dare let the little niece wash anything, shooting a glare at the provoking woman. “Third Sister-in-law, with so many children in our family, who does laundry and who doesn’t is none of your concern!”

“Oh ho, Er Ya has grown quite the feisty tongue, just like your Fourth Uncle, hasn’t she?” the woman taunted. “If you’re going to be so prickly, then don’t come borrowing money from my household again!”

Startled, Man Bao suddenly seemed to grasp the situation, hurrying to placate her. “Third Sister-in-law, is your family short on funds? Don’t worry, as soon as we earn some money, we’ll prioritize repaying your debt first.”

Recalling her imminent trip to the county town the next day, she puffed out her chest confidently. “I’ll be going to earn money tomorrow, so I can settle your debt upon my return.”

Man Bao was still just a young child speaking with a childish lisp, yet mimicking adult speech patterns – the first part prompting raucous laughter, but the latter leaving the group speechless until one couldn’t resist questioning Er Ya skeptically, “Er Ya, surely your family isn’t planning to sell your little niece?”

Indignantly, Er Ya cried out, “How dare you say such nonsense! We would never sell Little Niece!”

Equally affronted, Man Bao stated solemnly, “Our family doesn’t sell children.”

Unable to let it go, Third Sister-in-law scoffed, “Then just how do you expect to earn money so quickly? The busy harvest season has already passed, with no more field work. And I highly doubt you Zhou folks would be considered for any county labor assignments.”

Boasting proudly, Man Bao declared, “We plan on selling flowers, so just you wait! We’ll definitely earn money.”

Skeptical, the woman asked, “What kind of flowers?”

Opening her mouth but drawing a blank, Man Bao could only reply vaguely, “All sorts of different flowers.”

Tugging on her arm, Er Ya urged, “Little Niece, why don’t you head back home? I’ll take you out to play once I’ve finished the laundry.”

But Man Bao shook her head stubbornly, mesmerized by the sparkling river waters as she stated with grave determination, “No, Er Ya, I’m an adult now. Let me help you wash the clothes.”

“That’s really not necessary…”

“Why not?” Man Bao insisted sternly. “I’m your elder aunt, so you should listen to me.”

The other women quickly moved to dissuade Man Bao, all too aware of her cherished status in the Zhou household. Moreover, her frail constitution since birth meant any accidental chill from the icy river could prompt serious repercussions, leaving the Zhou wives holding them responsible.

Third Sister-in-law, however, remained utterly nonplussed. After all, they had all been little children before – around Man Bao’s age, she had even learned to cook simple meals herself. Washing laundry was hardly a novel feat.

With a sly glint, she took a step back, motioning for Man Bao to crouch beside her before handing over her own family’s laundry bundle. “Here Man Bao, let me teach you how it’s done.”

Man Bao was no fool though, easily distinguishing her own household’s clothes from others’. So she eagerly asked the woman, “Auntie, since I’m helping you wash clothes, will I get paid a work fee? Actually, you don’t need to pay me directly – we can just deduct it from the debt.”

Taken aback, Third Sister-in-law instantly snatched the clothes back, scoffing loudly, “Well I’ll be! You really are quite the little money-grubber, aren’t you? I’ve never heard of someone demanding payment just to help with laundry!”

“If you were my actual aunt as an elder relative, of course I wouldn’t ask for anything – that would simply be showing my filial duty,” Man Bao countered matter-of-factly, having learned such logic from closely observing her own father. “But you’re not my aunt, you’re the wife of one of my nephews, my own junior. So if this elder is doing chores for you, I should naturally receive some compensation.”

She remained undeterred, still keen to help wash. “Don’t worry, Third Sister-in-law, I won’t overcharge. Just a single fen as a token gesture will do.”

Those who disliked the brazen woman couldn’t help laughing in agreement. “That’s right, that’s right! Third Sister-in-law, Man Bao outranks you as the family elder here. If you’re going to have your aunt do your laundry, you’ll need to show her some respect with a filial gift at the very least.”

Some of the older ladies also weighed in, “Though Man Bao’s age is tender, her generational standing is higher. You mustn’t take advantage of your elders, Third Sister-in-law.”

Flustered to the point of fuming, the woman simply dunked her clothes in the water, wringing them out hastily before storming off.

Man Bao just waved cheerily after her. “Sister-in-law, if you don’t feel like doing laundry next time, just let me know! I’ll gladly help for a very reasonable rate.”

Unable to resist, Er Ya also called out teasingly from behind, “That’s right, Third Sister! I can wash for you too at an even cheaper price!”

“Alright, that’s enough poking fun now,” someone cautioned. “Your family still owes a debt to the Village Head’s household, Er Ya.”

The reminder dampened Er Ya’s spirits somewhat.

But Man Bao didn’t seem overly burdened, believing wholeheartedly, “After going to the county town tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll earn a huge sum. We can just repay all our debts then. Besides,” she added confidently, “The Village Head elder is far more magnanimous than his daughter-in-law. That sister-in-law could learn a thing or two about graciousness from him.”

Hearing this, the group couldn’t stifle their laughter. “This child speaks like a full-grown adult! How would a little girl like you know anything about ‘magnanimity’?”

Puffing out her cheeks defiantly, Man Bao declared, “I’m not dumb. That sister-in-law just doesn’t like me. But it doesn’t matter – as her elder, I won’t stoop to her level of pettiness.”

Children’s sensitivity was unmatched – she could sense with utter clarity who liked her and who didn’t.

Not that it concerned her unduly. After all, Third Sister was her niece’s wife, her own junior by generational standing. As the elder, she would never allow herself to be provoked by such small-minded discourtesy.

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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