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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 23

Chapter 23: The Produce Market

Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang suddenly felt the shoulder baskets weighing exceptionally heavily upon them.

The more resourceful Zhou Erlang immediately retrieved a small bamboo basket from Zhou Wulang’s pack. Gritting his teeth, he carefully arranged five eggs inside before presenting it with an ingratiating explanation, “Good sir, it has been quite some time since us rural folk last visited the county town, so we were unaware of any revised entry policies. Being a farming family without much excess coin, we’ve only come to exchange some goods for a bit of cash to purchase medicine for our ailing elders back home. I implore you to please extend some leniency in this matter.”

Intrigued by the diminutive basket, the guard peered inside curiously at the egg contents before glancing around furtively. Accepting the makeshift “toll”, he waved them through dismissively. “Very well, consider this one fen entry fee covered on my behalf then.”

Reaching into his pocket, he fished out a copper fen piece to drop into the basket before ushering them forward.

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang expressed their profuse gratitude through a series of deep bows as they hastily pushed the cart onwards into the town gates, with Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang hurriedly shouldering their burdens while herding Da Ya and Er Ya along behind them.

Seated in her tray basket, Man Bao watched her family members practically bent double under the weight of their loads, an uneasy feeling settling over her.

Sensing her disquietude, the system attempted consoling her, “That guard wasn’t overly harsh or unreasonable compared to some. Don’t let it trouble you unduly.”

But Man Bao wondered curiously, “Ke Ke, are there guards even worse than him in your future era?”

“Host,” the system explained patiently, “in the future with advanced technological development, people can enter and exit cities not just by land routes but even via aerial access for far greater convenience. Moreover, human populations themselves become valued resources rather than liabilities, so not only are no entry fees charged, but new urban settlers actively receive various incentives and relocation benefits to encourage domestic migration.”

Intrigued, Man Bao asked, “Like what kinds of incentives?”

“Housing allocations, personal transport vehicles, resettlement subsidies, job transfer allowances – all sorts of preferential policies to facilitate the transition.”

While unable to fully grasp the conceptual specifics yet, Man Bao still felt the absence of entry tolls seemed infinitely preferable. If only her own family resided in such an enlightened future era, then her brothers would not need to so deferentially humble themselves before petty sentries.

Pursing her lips slightly, she pointed out, “Yet that guard still treats people from your time so poorly. How can you claim he’s not being unreasonable?”

“He is not inherently malicious – merely a sentry following orders, not an autonomous authority,” the system rationally explained. “While my primary function focuses on collecting and documenting biological lifeforms to preserve data for the future, I have also analyzed and assimilated a vast repository of general knowledge spanning history, culture and sociopolitical paradigms in order to better assist and educate my host towards optimal mission parameters.”

In other words, its resource library extended far beyond simple naturalistic fields, seamlessly integrating with the Encyclopedia’s centralized databases to provide comprehensive cross-disciplinary insights wherever relevant to fortifying its service capacities.

And naturally, as an artificial intelligence construct, the system retained full access to study any materials within that digitized repository ad infinitum without human constraints like forgetting or bias.

So during their journey as Zhou Dalang pushed the cart searching for a suitable vending pitch within the bustling market district, the system diligently recounted for Man Bao’s benefit numerous historical anecdotes depicting the wanton avarice and oppressive corruption so prevalent throughout dynastic eras.

Yet completely disconnected from the guard’s pragmatic motives, the young child simply listened raptly to each narrative with immersive indignation towards the villainous depictions before inevitably moving on, frustrations forgotten within moments as her imagination soared into the next entrancing tale’s tapestry.

In fact, she became so engrossed in the storytelling that Man Bao failed to even glance around at the lively surrounding marketplace stalls and vendors until the cart abruptly halted, prompting Zhou Dalang to scoop her down while the system seamlessly paused its narration, jolting her back to full awareness of her immediate environment.

Looking around inquisitively, Man Bao realized they seemed to be situated amidst an area predominantly populated by merchants hawking fresh produce, fruits and various woven baskets just like their own wares – undoubtedly the “agricultural trade district” the system had previously described.

Not a moment was wasted as the four Zhou brothers swiftly and efficiently unloaded their baskets, trays and bundled eggs before arranging their merchandise in an orderly display across their allotted vending space.

Having arrived relatively late, they could only secure this cramped corner position on the outskirts. But Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang seemed satisfied enough as they instructed Zhou Silang and Zhou Wulang sternly, “You two keep a close watch over the three little ones while we go sell off the grain first. We’ll return shortly.”

True to their word, they were back before Man Bao could even properly examine the array of intriguing goods offered by neighboring stalls, frequently squatting down to gaze inquisitively at anything that piqued her fleeting curiosity while Da Ya and Er Ya dutifully kept lookout.

Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang busied themselves neatly arranging their unloaded wares, barely having time to finish preparations before their eldest brothers reappeared, trundling the now empty handcart back to their space.

Scampering over excitedly, Man Bao inquired, “Did you sell it all already, Elder Brother?”

Patting her head affectionately, Zhou Dalang smiled down at her. “Yes, all sold. In a bit I’ll go purchase your mother’s medicine, then get you some writing paper to practice your characters. You stay put right here with Second Brother and the others – no wandering off, understand?”

Man Bao nodded obediently before quickly adding, “Actually Elder Brother, no need to buy me paper. We should save that money to repay the debt to the Village Head’s family instead – Third Sister-in-law said they were short on funds.”

Furrowing his brow in confusion, Zhou Dalang asked, “What’s this now? Did Third Sister-in-law come demanding repayment from us?”

Seeing Man Bao struggle to articulate, Er Ya swiftly interjected to recount the incident from the previous morning, “Little Niece said that once we’ve earned money today, we should repay Third Sister’s family first.”

Nodding decisively, Man Bao stated with childlike solemnity, “We must follow through on our word – this is called being truthful and keeping promises.”

Though his frown deepened contemplatively, Zhou Dalang remained silent.

Zhou Erlang, however, concurred readily, “Elder Brother, let’s heed Little Bao’s advice then. She’s still young, so no urgency for writing supplies just yet. I can find her a sizeable flat rock slab from the mountains to use for practice with some charcoal sticks or brushes mixed with water first. We can purchase proper paper and ink once the family finances improve next year.”

Exhaling heavily while patting Man Bao’s head, Zhou Dalang lamented, “But this places an unfair burden on you, Little Bao.”

Blinking in confusion, she replied simply, “I don’t feel burdened at all though.”

Giving her head one final affectionate ruffle, Zhou Dalang smiled before excusing himself to go purchase the medicine first.

Noticing the younger children eyeing the bustling marketplace lanes wistfully, Zhou Erlang laughed, “Why don’t you all go explore a bit while I watch over our stall space here? Fifth Brother, keep a close eye on the three little ones – watch out for any disreputable sorts who might try snatching them away amidst all the crowds!”

Acknowledging the warning, Zhou Wulang immediately retrieved their decorative miniature bamboo baskets as Da Ya and Er Ya swiftly set about weaving fresh floral embellishments into the designs. This time around, everyone had wisened up, collectively producing just eight delicately adorned pieces that could be easily hand-carried without risk of crushing the blooms.

Proudly cradling their beautifully decorated little baskets, the group merrily set off together in search of potential customers – Zhou Wulang carrying a shoulder basket filled with extra plain baskets while Zhou Liulang bore one laden with more loose flowering vines and stems.

Squatting behind their stall space, Zhou Erlang shook his head bemusedly, fully anticipating they would inevitably return empty-handed once again just like previously. After all, who besides the extraordinarily wealthy would actually purchase such impractical decorative novelties?

With naturally shy demeanors, Zhou Wulang, Zhou Liulang, Da Ya and Er Ya timidly clutched their dainty wares, barely mustering the courage to make eye contact let alone verbally soliciting passersby.

In stark contrast, Man Bao wandered about brazenly, basket in hand while inquisitively examining every vendor’s merchandise – whenever something visually appealing caught her roving eye, she would eagerly scamper right up for an unabashedly closer inspection, brimming with questions for the amused stallholders.

Noticing they had already traversed halfway down the entire market street without garnering a single sale, Er Ya could no longer remain silent, quietly tugging on Man Bao’s sleeve as she murmured, “Little Niece, don’t you remember? We’re supposed to be selling these flower baskets…”

Only then did Man Bao’s face light up in recollection, cheerfully replying, “Ah you’re absolutely right, how could I forget our mission! But that chicken on the last stall looked so incredibly beautiful.”

The complimented poultry vendor beamed proudly, capitalizing on her admiring interest to promote his wares. “Why thank you kindly, little miss! That’s my prized rooster over a year old now – the plumpest, most virile breeding cock around. Would the young lady perhaps like to purchase him to bring home for sampling?”

“How much would that cost?” Man Bao inquired curiously.

Waving a nonchalant hand, the vendor scoffed, “Oh a mere trifling sum, just twelve fen per jin. And that robust specimen likely weighs around five and a half jin, so call it sixty-six fen total – an absolute bargain!”

Zhou Wulang and the others blanched in horror, terrified she might actually agree to such an exorbitant purchase. But to their immense relief, upon hearing the quoted price, Man Bao’s shoulders slumped dejectedly as she sighed, “That’s far too expensive, I don’t have nearly that much money…”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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not work with dark mode