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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 25

Chapter 25: Return Customers

A horse-drawn carriage halted nearby, its curtains parting as a young girl leaned out to observe their operations for a while before summoning over an attendant to inquire, “How much are these flower baskets being sold for?”

Craning her neck upwards, Man Bao stated clearly, “Five fen each, with a complementary candy treat included too.”

Finding the price quite reasonable, the servant made no attempt to haggle, instead pointing towards a vibrant purple-hued arrangement amidst their remaining stockpile. “I’ll take that one there.”

With great diligence, Man Bao retrieved the indicated basket before collecting payment and dismissing the attendant with a cheerful wave, “Please come again next time!”

Charmed by the little girl’s adorable precociousness, the servant’s usual stern countenance visibly softened as she nodded indulgently, cradling the purchased basket on her way to reunite with her young charge.

Examining the floral piece admiringly, the young mistress seemed delighted by its aesthetic appeal for a few moments before noticing an unfamiliar object nestled within. Retrieving it inquisitively, the attendant swiftly realized, “My lady, that child mentioned this contains a candy treat. But we really ought not consume snacks purchased from outdoor vendors, the safety standards are so…”

Yet before she could even finish cautioning, the impetuous girl had already deftly unwrapped the paper parcel, popping the candy into her mouth without any hesitation.

As the sugary confection melted upon her tongue, the young noblewoman’s eyes widened slightly in pleasant surprise – it possessed an almost cloyingly saccharine sweetness surpassing even premium honey, yet with a particular je ne sais quoi indescribably lacking in comparison to nature’s nectarous lusciousness.

Swirling the morsel pensively, she eventually acknowledged its distinctive appeal while pursuing her initial curiosity, peering into the basket as she wondered aloud, “But where are the rest of the candies?”

Chuckling indulgently, her attendant explained, “The young seller did mention each basket only contains a single candy treat, my lady.”

Eyeing the remaining empty floral cavity contemplatively, the girl’s gaze lights up with an impulsive notion. “Well these baskets are undeniably exquisite. You should purchase the rest of their remaining stock so we can gift one to each of my siblings, cousins, and aunts too! Why, I’ll even need some extra for Mother’s chambers as well – go secure every last one they have left!”

Stunned, the attendant hesitated uncertainly, “But surely such excessive quantities would be unnecessary just to distribute as simple novelties, my lady?”

“Nonsense, there can never be too many!” The young mistress rebuffed her objections decisively. “Just think of all the noble ladies and young misses we’d need to provide for across both main and branch family residences.”

Fearing her servant may balk at carrying out such an extravagant directive wholeheartedly, she abruptly commanded the carriage driver to turn the vehicle around, clearly intending to handle this fresh acquisition personally.

By this point, Zhou Liulang had returned hauling their remaining basket inventory, perspiring heavily from his rushed exertions to restock their rapidly depleting supplies. Muscling through the thronging crowd of spectators, he deposited his burdensome carry-baskets beside Zhou Wulang with a breathless huff.

“I already informed Second Brother that we’ve been selling out our flower baskets en masse,” he panted raggedly. “But he didn’t believe me at first!”

Nodding slowly, Zhou Wulang murmured in amazed acknowledgment, “Even now, I can scarcely credit how over half our initial stock has already sold through…”

To fully appreciate his disbelieving awe required contextualizing their humble beginnings – they had originally only transported a total of fifty-one simple bamboo baskets to the county town markets. Yet Zhou Wulang had been meticulously mentally tallying each sale, and their current sales figure had somehow skyrocketed to an astounding twenty-seven pieces already!

With only twenty-four baskets remaining in their rapidly dwindling inventory, the unforeseen success felt almost dreamlike in its stunning improbability. This wildly exceeded Zhou Wulang’s most optimistic projections, leaving him utterly flabbergasted by their incredible commercial momentum.

Glancing around at the bustling crowds still excitedly observing their operations, Zhou Liulang wondered sotto voce, “Do you think we’ll actually manage selling through our remaining stock too?”

For the moment, all the nearby children seemed content spectating from the sidelines as Da Ya and Er Ya diligently focused on weaving fresh replacements rather than actively pursuing any new purchases.

Considering it contemplatively, Zhou Wulang affirmed with steady confidence, “No need to worry just yet – if demand wanes here, we can simply relocate our stall to another area. There are more than enough children residing across this entire county town that we’re bound to eventually encounter interested buyers somewhere.”

If anything, Man Bao demonstrated even more adamant certainty than her brother, stating with utter conviction, “People will definitely keep purchasing more, I’m absolutely sure of it!”

To expedite the replenishment process, Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang carefully divided and apportioned their remaining flowering vines and foraged greenery for Da Ya and Er Ya, having observed enough examples by now to accurately estimate the required quantities for each newly woven basket, ensuring their little assistants could maintain productive momentum.

Meanwhile, Man Bao had already befriended the nearby throng of youthful bystanders, gleefully chattering away with abundant childlike candor while taking the opportunity to inquire about any locally rare or prized flora specimens the county town children might happen to be familiar with.

“There are so many extraordinarily lovely wildflowers covering the mountains back in our village,” she excitedly informed her new acquaintances. “I want to know, do you have any equally beautiful blooms growing around your area that I’ve never encountered before?”

While some confessed ignorance, having never ventured beyond the city’s immediate environs out of safety concerns about potential kidnappers lurking in the wilderness, one young boy proudly shared his own foraging escapades up in the surrounding hills.

“I may not recall stumbling across too many flowers,” he boasted. “But I definitely found some really delicious wild fruit growing up there!”

Hearing about fruits immediately piqued Man Bao’s intense curiosity as she avidly pressed him for more details, “Oh, were they truly scrumptious? Do tell me what they looked like so I can try seeking them out myself next time too!”

Scoffing dismissively, the young forager bragged, “You’d never find those special berries I discovered – only my father knows their exact locations up in those treacherous mountain ranges!”

Displeased by his condescending doubts towards her own skills, Man Bao retorted indignantly, “Hey now, I’m extremely capable too, you know! If your father can locate them, then I absolutely could as well given the chance.”

But the boy just smirked while eyeing her diminutive stature skeptically. “You’re far too tiny – there’s no way a little mite like you could possibly manage scaling those perilous cliffs all alone.”

Bristling with immense self-assurance and familial pride, Man Bao scoffed right back at him, “Oh really? Well I have not just one, but six older brothers who could all easily assist me – Elder, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Brother would definitely help me procure any rare delicacies I desired!”

Stunned into momentary silence by her proclamation, the surrounding children regarded the audaciously confident slip of a girl standing before them, visibly younger than any present yet brazenly claiming to possess an entire coterie of devoted elder male guardians alongside three nephews and three nieces of her own!

All felt pangs of intense envy stirring as they furtively studied the cherubic yet empowered countenance of this diminutive noblewoman effectively lording her familial prestige over them, clearly relishing their coveted status as beloved relatives rather than peripheral extras orbiting the fringes of more distant family trees.

Their jealous mutterings fell abruptly silent, however, as the very same ornately lacquered carriage suddenly pulled up alongside the group once again, immediately capturing Man Bao’s rapt attention with ease.

For upon its initial appearance earlier, the system had prompted her to thoroughly document this particular horse specimen, asserting that equines represented an extinct species warranting extensive data preservation for the future alongside a generous point bounty incentivizing successful entries.

Yet Man Bao’s own childhood tutelage under her mother’s sage advice had deeply inculcated an unshakable reverence for personal property rights – she must never dare appropriate anything belonging to others without express permission, only ever taking what constituted wild and unowned resources.

Since this magnificent creature so clearly fell under private ownership already, she had sadly refrained from any illicit attempts at physical sampling, instead placating the system by capturing a single commemorative image while promising to eventually acquire and formally record a live specimen once she had amassed sufficient financial means later in life.

Resignedly, the system could only accept this reasonable compromise.

Having experienced such an auspicious and lucrative first business venture within her very first day, Man Bao optimistically envisioned many more such fruitful endeavors waiting on the horizon soon enough. Confidently patting the modest yet satisfying weight of copper fen accumulated snugly within her jacket pocket, she exuded an air of unshakable self-assurance regarding her imminent fiscal prospects.

So when the same servant who had purchased one of her initial baskets spotted her amidst the crowds and hurried over beseechingly, Man Bao’s bright smile broadened into a welcoming grin of recognition as she chirped, “Why hello again, dear sister! Are you looking to buy more of my lovely flower baskets too?”

Despite Man Bao’s diminutive youth placing her well beneath this mature domestic’s actual age and station, the cheerful appellative “sister” somehow failed to register as any deliberate impudence – if anything, the attendant found herself utterly charmed by such youthful exuberance, her own severe countenance melting into a reciprocally warm smile.

“Why yes, young miss,” she replied congenially. “My lady has instructed me to acquire every last one of your remaining floral arrangements still available for purchase. Perhaps you could provide an inventory count?”

Blinking in momentary surprise, Man Bao glanced back towards their dwindling stockpile before voicing her confusion, “But why ever would your mistress need to obtain so many at once? I was hoping to find as many families as possible able to each enjoy the pleasure of owning one of my special creations!”

Furrowing her brow pensively, the servant persisted undeterred, “Fret not about such trivial details, child – you shall receive full and fair compensation regardless of quantity. Now about those remaining totals…?”

Leaning in discreetly, Zhou Liulang whispered the precise number into Man Bao’s ear, “Twenty-four left currently.”

Yet the little girl remained stubbornly resistant to the proposed bulk sale, voicing her concerns transparently, “But wouldn’t it be awfully wasteful for a single household to needlessly hoard such oversupply? I can’t imagine your family truly requires that many decorative baskets all for yourselves!”

Pausing to study Man Bao with newfound seriousness, the attendant eventually permitted an amused chuckle as she revealed, “Child, our household ranks among the county’s most illustrious noble clans with members spanning both main and branch families. Why, twice that stock would scarcely suffice to appropriately provision every eligible young lady across all those residences!”

This explanation finally mollified the little salesgirl, her delight rekindling as she turned to proudly display their ongoing weaving operations, detailing the imminent completion timeline. “Fret not – in but a short while we shall have another dozen fresh arrangements finished to comprise your entire outstanding order. Have patience just a little longer, I entreat you!”

Overhearing that their entire existing inventory had essentially been pre-purchased already, both Da Ya and Er Ya exchanged thrilled looks before redoubling their diligent weaving efforts with reinvigorated zeal, meticulously accenting each blossoming masterpiece in hopes of distinguishing their premium handiwork.

Emboldened by this incredible reversal of fortunes, Man Bao basked in the presence of the wealthy noblewoman’s worldly servant, her bearing radiating entrepreneurial poise well beyond her tender years as she inquired, “Out of curiosity, which particular color schemes or design aesthetics does your young mistress favor most? An early consultation would allow us to prioritize production and better ensure any specific stylistic preferences can be deliberately accommodated for your household’s imminent deliveries.”

The system remained inwardly impressed by its host’s initiative, discretely commending her for proactively cultivating vital market feedback that could steer future aesthetic development endeavors in the most lucrative directions.

While compelled to bide her time for her order’s full completion, the servant nevertheless indulged Man Bao’s earnest queries equitably. “My lady does seem particularly enamored with purple-toned florals at present. Though personally, I must admit my own predilections lean more towards warm, vibrant crimsons and ruby shades.”

Nodding thoughtfully, she then voiced her own curiosity, “Tell me though, are each of these baskets entirely handcrafted by yourselves?”

With immense pride evident in her buoyant tone, Man Bao enthused, “The bamboo baskets are the deft handiwork of my father and second brother’s expert weaving abilities. As for the resplendent blooms adorning each one, those we gather fresh from the mountainside wildflowers surrounding our own village and arrange with our own diligent artistry!”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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