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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 26

Chapter 26: A Clear Conscience

Hearing the lively chatter outside her carriage, the young noblewoman parted the curtains to observe Man Bao, noting her even more diminutive stature before beckoning invitingly, “You there, come join me for a chat!”

Without hesitation, Man Bao scampered over obligingly. Eyeing the swishing tail of the horse curiously, she inquired, “May I pet your steed as well?”

Clearly not anticipating such an unconventional request, the girl blinked in surprise before nodding her assent, “If you’d like, I don’t mind.”

Immediately bounding towards the front, Man Bao enthusiastically stroked the animal’s coat as the young mistress shifted her attention to call out insistently, “Actually, why don’t you just climb aboard and we can visit more comfortably inside?”

As the carriage driver made to assist hoisting Man Bao up, the ever-vigilant Zhou Wulang swiftly intervened by positioning himself between them, deftly maneuvering his little sister behind his protective barricade while firmly rebuffing, “There’s no need for such exertions – if you wish to converse, we can do so perfectly well from right here. My sister won’t be entering your carriage.”

Frowning sternly, the servant expostulated, “Do you not comprehend who our young lady represents? An invitation from her constitutes an immense honor for a household such as yours!”

But Zhou Wulang remained unmoved, bluntly dismissing her entitled condescension. “Whether we recognize your station or not is irrelevant. I don’t care if you’re royalty or beggars – until I can verify your intentions, my little sister won’t be accompanying any strangers into enclosed spaces whatsoever. If your mistress truly wishes to interact, she can address us directly right here.”

Turning, he gently attempted coaxing Man Bao away, placating her, “Come little sister, we should return home now. Your brothers will gladly keep you company and converse for as long as you’d like!”

Utterly infuriated by his perceived disrespect, the haughty servant looked ready to erupt in outraged tirades before the young noblewoman herself unexpectedly intervened. Rather than take offense, she seemed to regard Zhou Wulang’s stalwart protectiveness over his baby sister with admiring approval.

Disembarking gracefully to perch upon the carriage footboard, she peered down at them both, revealing herself as merely a young girl likely no more than a few scant years Man Bao’s senior. Studying the uncompromising brother curiously, she voiced her interests with childlike directness, “So all these flower arrangements, you gathered the blooms freshly from wild mountain fields?”

“Oh no, not me personally,” Man Bao corrected cheerfully. “My nieces Da Ya and Er Ya did most of the collecting alongside just a few choice specimens I dug up myself.”

Giggling appreciatively, the little noblewoman acknowledged, “Well some of those more unique botanical varieties are rather whimsical and enchanting – I must admit they possess a certain rustic charm surpassing many carefully cultivated ornamental horticultures back at my own family’s estate gardens.”

Unable to resist interjecting, Zhou Wulang proudly affirmed, “Just you wait until next year’s spring bloom, young miss! The wildflower spectacles carpeting our mountain ranges during that season will utterly dazzle and astound you.”

While youngsters may exhibit selective interest across myriad hobbies, few completely lacked any appreciation for nature’s floral masterpieces. So the prospect of witnessing such vividly described botanical splendors naturally piqued the noble girl’s curiosity as she pondered speculatively aloud, “In that case, I wonder if you might be able to procure samples of your village’s most breathtaking specimens for me to attempt cultivating back at my family’s private gardens?”

Though initially hesitant about accommodating such an extravagant proposal – the distance between their remote mountain hamlet and the bustling county town required an arduous day’s journey each way, not accounting for additional entry toll expenses – Man Bao instinctively resonated with this shared passion for biodiversity reminiscent of the system’s own insatiable archival zeal.

So she eagerly nodded her enthusiastic assent, undeterred by logistical concerns as she reciprocated the girl’s inquisitive gaze. “Of course, I’d be more than happy to dig up vibrant samples specifically for you! Where is your family’s residence located so I can arrange proper delivery once next spring’s fertile blooming peaks?”

As the servant began voicing her obligatory advisory warnings about such illicit promises to outsiders, the young mistress blithely revealed, “We reside in the prestigious manors situated just behind the county magistrate’s official quarters within the administrative district. You can simply inquire for the Missus Fu, the magistrate’s second young daughter.”

Unsurprisingly, this disclosure elicited absolutely no discernible reaction from Man Bao or her brother, both apparently entirely unfamiliar with such esteemed county aristocracy. Undeterred, the little noblewoman continued warmly introducing herself, “My name is Fu Wenyun, though you may call me Wenyun if you prefer. And you are…?”

Delighted by this charming new acquaintance, her first ever friend encountered beyond their remote village’s insular confines, Man Bao beamed radiantly as she reciprocated, “My family addresses me as Man Bao, though you’re also welcome to use my full name Zhou Man Bao if you’d like!”

Grinning widely at this utterly ingenuous self-introduction sans any cloying deference, Wenyun sincerely complimented, “What an adorably auspicious name! It suits you splendidly.”

Expressing her own admiration readily, Man Bao agreed wholeheartedly, “Yours is also so beautifully melodious and refined, Wenyun!”

The two immediately struck up a lively rapport, effortlessly bonding over their mutual delight in relatively simple pleasures as Wenyun inquired about the origin and composition of Man Bao’s confectionery wares. “Those candied treats you included with each basket purchase were absolutely delectable! Are those homemade specialties from your own family’s kitchens?”

Considering it contemplatively for a moment, Man Bao eventually demurred modestly, “Not precisely – I have a friend who assists procuring my current sugary supplies.”

Intrigued, Wenyun followed up eagerly, “Where might one acquire such superior quality indulgences then? I’d very much like to obtain some for my own household’s provisions.”

Perceiving a fresh entrepreneurial opportunity, Man Bao unhesitatingly quoted her pricing terms, “In that case, you’re welcome to purchase directly through me at just one fen for every two candies!”

While momentarily taken aback by the nominal sum, Wenyun swiftly recalibrated her expectations before nodding her acquiescence. “Very well, I suppose I’ll take a rather generous quantity then – please prepare one hundred pieces for my order.”

Briefly pausing to tally that substantial volume, Man Bao continued professionally, “Unfortunately I don’t have that full amount available on my person currently. But if it’s acceptable, I could have one of my brothers deliver your requested volume directly to your residence tomorrow instead?”

Since tomorrow encompassed both her scheduled study hall lessons and an imminent return trip to their remote mountain hamlet, Man Bao felt secure in ensuring timely fulfillment. Her successful county debut had already expanded her worldly horizons more than enough for the interim, so she felt absolutely no compunction about temporarily delaying any repeat visits.

Nodding agreeably, Wenyun then inquired, “Would you require an upfront deposit to secure such a large pending order, or…?”

Blinking owlishly at this unfamiliar transactional protocol, Man Bao responded with endearingly childlike honesty, “Deposit? I’ve never heard of such a requirement before. But I suppose if that’s the customary practice, then by all means, provide whatever amount you deem appropriate!”

Not just the servant, but even the young noblewoman herself balked slightly at this statement’s refreshingly naive candor before Wenyun sought confirmation from her attendant through an inquisitive glance. Meeting her mistress’s expectant gaze, the servant’s expression tightened with trepidation as she slowly retrieved precisely ten fen from her own money pouch, proffering it deferentially towards Man Bao.

“Miss Zhou, our esteemed patriarch serves as the county’s appointed magistrate, so you’ll need to approach the rear auxiliary entrance located behind the main administrative compound’s gates tomorrow to make your delivery. Just inform the staff you’re there to call upon the second young miss for your previously arranged business.”

Little surprise that the servant took such pains to explicitly clarify and emphasize their elite standing – given how Zhou Wulang and Man Bao had reacted with complete obliviousness upon learning about Wenyun’s residential location, it clearly indicated a woeful ignorance regarding local power hierarchies.

An understandable oversight, of course, for a group of provincial adolescent villagers whose worldly experiences scarcely extended beyond their pastoral hamlet’s immediate environs.

And indeed, the servant’s verbose disclosure provoked visible tension across Zhou Wulang’s features, his hardened countenance betraying unmistakable flickers of intimidated trepidation even as Man Bao simply blinked owlishly, absorbing the new information with unguarded innocent curiosity before quizzing Wenyun, “So your esteemed father… is the one with that remarkably pale pallid complexion, am I right?”

Momentarily confounded by this non-sequitur tangent, Wenyun could only nod perplexedly in affirmation, “Why…yes, my father does possess rather fair skin tonality.”

Ah, so that explained the arbitrary entry toll increase then – just like the system’s cynical commentary about those “white-faced” officials abusing civic authority unscrupulously for personal gain.

While begrudging the necessity of essentially subsidizing such institutionalized graft, Man Bao realized the promised payment terms had already been verbally contracted, leaving her honor-bound to fulfill unless she wished to levy renegotiated pricing adjustments for any future transactions with the magistrate’s privileged daughter.

No sooner did this thought crystallize when Man Bao felt her misgivings dissipate entirely, replaced by gleaming excitement as she enthusiastically launched into her signature pitch extolling the singularly sublime virtues of her premier confectionery merchandise.

“Well my candies are quite simply the most exquisitely saccharine delicacies imaginable, Wenyun! Out of all the treats I’ve ever sampled across this entire county, none can hope to match my own sugary masterpieces for sheer unparalleled sweetness and sublimely indulgent lusciousness.”

Surveying Man Bao’s plain, well-worn tunic alongside Zhou Wulang’s equally humble attire, the servant scoffed with undisguised incredulous derision, “Is that even remotely plausible? Your palate could possibly be so extensively and discriminatingly refined?”

While completely oblivious to the intended condescension, Zhou Wulang bristled protectively on his baby sister’s behalf despite his lingering anxieties regarding their customers’ official standing.

“Of course she speaks the unvarnished truth!” He proudly countered, nettled by their contemptuous disbelief. “Since her infancy, my dear little sister has never suffered a single day’s deprivation from sugary indulgences. Whereas most peasant brats may go years between eveninterim sweet treat allowances, she’s been doted upon with candy provisions virtually every single day of her whole life thus far! Why, I’d challenge you to find another child across all the villages within a ten-li radius as thoroughly spoiled when it comes to confectionery consumption!”

Both Wenyun and her attendant seemed utterly gobsmacked by this startling revelation, the former immediately leaning forward to scrutinize Man Bao’s teeth while marvelling in disbelief, “Your dental health remains impeccably pristine despite such rampant sugary overconsumption from such a tender age? Unprecedented!”

Without any trace of self-consciousness whatsoever, Man Bao happily obliged her inspection by flashing her uncompromised pearly whites while nonchalantly boasting, “Of course! I’m extremely diligent about oral hygiene as instructed by my dear friend, carefully swishing and rinsing every morning and evening without fail. This helps protect against any unsightly tooth decay, or so I’ve been assured.”

Slowly shaking her head in amazement, Wenyun acknowledged, “I must say, you are truly unlike any other child I’ve ever encountered before, Man Bao. Your wisdom and experience seem decades beyond your apparent tender age.”

Contritely rubbing her own jaw, she confessed, “I too indulge my sweet-tooth rather frequently, yet my own teeth have already started exhibiting sensitivity discomfort much to my mother’s distress – hence her restricting my intake more stringently these days.”

From there, their conversation meandered across numerous tangential subjects as childhood compatriots are wont to delve into during their earliest bonding experiences – Man Bao rhapsodizing in exuberant detail about an exceptionally resplendent cockerel she had spotted earlier while traversing the crowded marketplace stalls.

Eventually Zhou Wulang felt compelled to politely yet firmly interject with a pointed clearing of his throat, “Man Bao, the final flower basket order has been completed and awaits collection now.”

Exhaling audibly in visible relief, the attendant also pressed, “Indeed, Young Miss, we really must be returning to the manor soon before your absence raises concerns.”

Though clearly reluctant to conclude their fledgling social interaction, both young girls eventually exchanged reluctant farewells tinged with palpable reluctance – each eying the other wistfully before Man Bao felt herself unwillingly assailed by faint residual pangs of uncertainty.

Turning back towards Wenyun, she inquired solicitously, “Wenyun-jiě, this money you gave me earlier… please tell me truthfully, did it originate from funds belonging solely to your own honorable father, or from your own personal earnings instead?”

Already shaking her head instinctively, Wenyun replied with childlike candor matching Man Bao’s own transparent sincerity, “From Father’s household accounts, of course – I’m still just a little girl and don’t earn any money for myself just yet.”

At this reassurance, any lingering vestiges of contrition immediately evaporated from Man Bao’s expression as relief washed over her features – her smile broadening into an uninhibited beaming grin as she happily reiterated the salient point of rationalized relativism, “Well in that case, I can accept these proceeds with a clear conscience, confident I’m merely redistributing the ill-gotten fortunes extorted from morally bankrupt civic criminals rather than appropriating from the rightfully upstanding!”

Having overheard enough to recognize this self-rationalization, Zhou Wulang inwardly breathed his own sigh of resignation – of course their innocent little mischief would adopt whatever pseudo-philosophical justifications seemed appropriate at the time, just like her regressive taxation philosophy modeled after the county magistrate’s own exploitative practices.

Already happily retrieving their newly completed order inventory for loading into Wenyun’s carriage, Man Bao swiftly tallied the total outstanding balance, “Twenty-four baskets altogether means we’ll be squaring your account with one hundred and twenty fen, yes?”

Even as Zhou Wulang and the servant laboriously calculated the figures through arduous mental arithmetic, Man Bao had already arrived at the precise total with nary any visible effort.

Eyeing her appraisingly, the attendant produced the exact amount for Man Bao to collect before turning to remark wonderingly towards her mistress once the carriage had departed, “Young Miss, this Zhou maiden displays remarkable cleverness – she calculated those complex sums nearly instantaneously which your own older brothers still struggled with!”

Nodding sagely, Wenyun affirmed with a warm smile, “Indeed, her precociousness extends across numerous intellectual arenas. Man Bao clearly possesses profound knowledge far transcending her chronologically tender years.”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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