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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 28

Chapter 28: Elder Brother Shi(Shi Daye)

Shi Daye ‘s eyes flashed, “Do you really have it?”

Man Bao nodded, her big eyes full of excitement and anticipation, “Elder brother, do you want it?”

Shi Daye was choked for a moment, but still nodded and said, “Alright, where is it? Take me to see it.”

“No need, no need, let my fifth elder brother bring it over.” Man Bao looked back at Zhou Wu Lang, “Fifth elder brother, go quickly and bring the rooster.”

Zhou Wu Lang understood Man Bao’s meaning. He turned around to leave, but then felt something was wrong. He turned back and said, “No, you’re too little. What if a bad person catches you? You should come with me.”

That man glared his eyes, “Boy, have you heard Shi Daye goes around doing shady business like kidnapping children?”

Man Bao squatted next to him and waved her little hand at Zhou Wu Lang, “That’s right, that’s right, Elder Brother Shi is not that kind of person.”

Shi Daye was choked again. He couldn’t help but pat her little head, “Call me uncle!”

His strength was not small. Although he held back a bit, Man Bao was still little. Squatting already unsteady, with this pat, she tumbled over, falling flat on the ground.

Shi Daye was shocked. He quickly reached out to scoop her up. Zhou Wu Lang’s eyes widened, and he pushed Shi Daye away, hugging the bewildered Man Bao, “Youngest sister, youngest sister, are you alright?”

Man Bao spat out the dirt that accidentally got in her mouth. She glared at Shi Daye and angrily said, “You bullied me for being little!”

Shi Daye actually felt a little guilty for knocking the child down. But facing Man Bao’s angry eyes, he only felt it was cute. He couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing her eyes glare bigger and her chubby cheeks puff up more, he quickly held in his laugh. He took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket and put them in her hand, “Here, uncle will buy you candy to eat.”

He explained to Zhou Wu Lang, “I really didn’t mean it. How would I know this kid was squatting unsteadily?”

After this commotion, his annoyance and irritation at losing money dissipated a bit.

Man Bao wiped the mud off her face and put the copper coins in her own pocket. Hmph, considering the money, she forgave him.

Now Man Bao didn’t squat either. She plopped down on the nearby stone steps. She waved to Zhou Wu Lang, “Fifth elder brother, go quickly. I’ll wait here.”

Man Bao stared at the half bald rooster, complaining to Ke Ke, “Fifth elder brother is really dumb. What if after I leave, he sells the rooster to someone else?”

The System said, “Host, you’re really lacking money right now.”

So there’s no need to go through so much trouble to save a little money.

But Man Bao didn’t think so. She said, “A rooster is sixty-five wen. If I buy mother a rooster to eat everyday, ten days would be six hundred and fifty wen. I don’t have enough money!”

“Host, I suggest you record more rare plants as soon as possible. That way after you open the shopping mall, you may be able to find medicine to treat your mother.”

Man Bao was surprised, “You also sell medicine?”

“I don’t sell any, the mall might have sellers.”

It was one thing to say that, but Man Bao still felt that invisible mall seemed very difficult. Buying roosters was most urgent, because she could see that.

Zhou Wu Lang was unwilling to leave. He wasn’t an idiot. How could he leave his cute youngest sister alone here?

Shi Daye, who was just amused earlier, became unhappy again. “Do you actually have one or not? If not, then stop leading Shi Dayehere in circles.”

Man Bao stared at her fifth elder brother. Zhou Wu Lang also stared back at her with wide eyes.

Luckily Zhou Liu Lang soon came over with Da Ya and Er Ya. Now Zhou Wu Lang felt reassured letting Zhou Liu Lang, Da Ya and Er Ya watch over Man Bao. He hugged his cloth bag and ran off.

Zhou Liu Lang knew Youngest Sister actually came to watch cockfighting. He was quite worried as he squatted next to Man Bao, staring warily at Shi Daye.

Da Ya and Er Ya also shrunk their necks, not daring to speak. Gamblers were not good people in their eyes.

Zhou Liu Lang still thought he was whispering to Man Bao, “Youngest sister, don’t you hate it the most when fourth elder brother gambles? Why did you also come here?”

Man Bao righteously said, “But I’m not gambling money.”

Shi Daye squatted to the side, glanced sideways at Zhou Liu Lang and asked Man Bao, “Does your family also have gamblers? You don’t look like a rich family.”

Man Bao nodded, “My fourth elder brother just lost money gambling recently. Some people came to our door for his debts and took all our family’s money.”

“Oh dear, that’s really wicked. Why would your fourth elder brother be so muddle-headed to borrow money for gambling?”

Man Bao curiously asked him, “Don’t you also gamble?”

Shi Daye was very confident. “Although I gamble, I have my own money! I would never borrow money to gamble.”

Man Bao disapprovingly said, “Gambling is addictive. In the future you’ll have to chop off hands and feet to cure it.”

Shi Daye was frightened by her words, “So vicious? Who taught you that?”

“My friend said it, I thought of it myself,” Man Bao proudly said, “I already decided, if fourth elder brother gambles again in the future, I’ll chop off his hands.”

Shi Daye didn’t take her words seriously. He gave her a thumbs up, “You’re fierce.”

Man Bao was still very interested in gambling. But Ke Ke only told her stories of families getting destroyed from gambling, refusing to explain how people gamble or why they get addicted.

When she asked fourth elder brother, he would only say he lost his mind at the time, thinking he could turn the game around next round. So he borrowed money to place bets. He lost and borrowed more to bet again. By the time he came to his senses, all the money was gone.

Man Bao felt his account was too bland for someone who loved listening to stories. So now that she met another gambler, she asked Shi Daye.

If it were someone else, Shi Daye wouldn’t tell a child these things. But Man Bao didn’t act like a child at all, so he couldn’t help telling her more about his specialty – cockfighting and dice.

Shi Daye only intended to say a little, but facing Man Bao’s bright eyes full of excitement, he ended up saying more and more. By the time Zhou Da Lang came dragging Zhou Wu Lang who carried the rooster with lowered head, Man Bao already understood quite clearly the common tricks and cheating methods used in gambling dens.

Zhou Da Lang dragged Zhou Wu Lang over, a dark expression on his face. Seeing the silk clothes on Shi Daye, he restrained his anger and came forward to bow in greeting.

Shi Daye looked at him and slightly raised his brow. Man Bao happily shouted “Eldest brother!” and introduced to Shi Daye, “Elder Brother Shi, this is my eldest brother!”

Shi Daye, just past twenty and still a tender youth, looked silently at Zhou Da Lang who obviously much older than him, already sporting a little mustache.

No wonder this child insisted on calling him elder brother. So that was the reason!

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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