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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 30

Chapter 30 In Charge of Money

Zhou Er Lang called people over to look at the wicker baskets and bamboo baskets while pulling Man Bao and Er Ya over, frowning, “Where did you run off to? Don’t you know there’s many people in the county city? What if you got lost?”

The customer looked over and felt Second Brother Zhou’s bamboo baskets were decent quality and a wen cheaper than others’, so he took out money to buy one.

After this batch of customers left, Zhou Er Lang had free time to ask, “Fifth Son, where did you run off to earlier?”

Zhou Wu Lang put down his carrying basket to let Second Brother see the big rooster inside, proudly saying, “Look, this is what we got back.”

Zhou Er Lang looked at the rooster with its head shrunk in, most of its feathers fallen out, peck marks all over its red skin, and couldn’t help rolling up his sleeves. “You’re saying you spent sixty-five wen to buy a big rooster and went to exchange it for this balding rooster?”

Zhou Wu Lang’s body flashed as he hid behind Eldest Brother, grabbing his sleeve asking, “Eldest brother, look at Second Brother wanting to hit me again. Did I offend him?”

Zhou Wu Lang peeked out from behind Zhou Da Lang, still somewhat proud, “We earned money!”

He opened the cloth bag in his arms for Zhou Er Lang to see. His jaw nearly dislocated in shock. “See, see, Second Brother! Could you earn this much?”

Zhou Er Lang stared dumbfounded. “Where did you get so much money?”

“You call this a lot?” Zhou Wu Lang picked out the broken silver piece from Man Bao’s hand to show Zhou Er Lang, “See, this is earned from that big rooster. Man Bao still has copper coins in her pocket!”

Zhou Wu Lang wanted to dig the copper coins out of Man Bao’s pocket but would she submit?

Not only did she snatch back the broken silver, she even pulled the cloth bag under her bottom, craning her neck saying, “This is all my money. We’ll split it by contribution when we get home.”

The Zhou brothers didn’t get a single coin. They obediently let Man Bao hold all the money. Of course Man Bao couldn’t carry that much so Zhou Wu Lang was still the beast of burden.

But Zhou Da Lang and Zhou Er Lang felt it was inappropriate. “Man Bao, what do you need so much money for?”

If it was just a few wen, it was fine for her to hold it, but this was several hundred wen!

Man Bao counted off her fingers telling them, “I’m buying medicine for mother, chickens, meat, clothes, oil paper, books, paper…”

Man Bao realized two palms weren’t enough to count. She drew a circle saying, “I’m buying a lot a lot of things!”

Zhou Da Lang was stunned. He hesitated then said, “Then give the money to Eldest Brother. I’ll keep it for you. When you need to buy things later, you can ask me for it. Alright?”

Zhou Da Lang said, “If you hold the money yourself, what if you lose it?”

“I won’t lose it,” Man Bao was very confident. “Right now Fifth Elder Brother is holding it. When we get home, I’ll hide it in my room. I know where mother keeps her money and where father keeps his money. I’ll hide mine in another spot.”

Zhou Liu Lang exclaimed, “Father still has money?”

“Mm, I found it. Father even told me not to tell mother.”

Zhou Wu Lang and Zhou Liu Lang exchanged a glance, seeming to realize something serious.

Zhou Da Lang and Zhou Er Lang also exchanged a look. As married men, they knew very well just what their father was up to.

The two lightly coughed and didn’t pressure Man Bao further, only reminding her, “Since father said not to talk about it, then don’t bring this up again in the future.”

“Huh? Father didn’t say not to talk about it. He only said not to tell mother.”

The Zhou family: ……So that means it was okay to tell them, right?

Zhou Da Lang warningly glanced at Zhou Wu Lang and Zhou Liu Lang, “Don’t speak of this when we get home either.”

Then he and Zhou Er Lang pulled their daughters aside for similar warnings. The matter was thus dismissed.

Zhou Er Lang didn’t have amazing sales, but managed to sell several wicker baskets and made an income that he previously would have considered decent. But compared to Man Bao and the others, Zhou Er Lang still felt it was lacking.

Since there was still time, no one rushed to go back. Man Bao continued bringing her two elder brothers and two nieces to stroll down the street.

Of course with Zhou Da Lang’s requirement to only stay on this street and not wander outside.

What to do, his youngest sister’s courage was truly too big, actually daring to go down the gambling street. Who knew what other things she might stir up if she ran out!

Man Bao didn’t mind. This place mainly sold agricultural goods but her stroll was still exciting. Of course what she enjoyed most was playing inside the shops on both sides behind the stands.

Luckily there were both foodstuff shops and general stores here. She first led them to pick some better oil paper, then went to the foodstuff shop to buy some millet. Hearing Zhou Da Lang calling to go home, she finally ambled out.

Zhou Da Lang looked at the things they bought and decided to discuss with Mother when they got back to have her take all the money from Man Bao. This child spent too freely. They were here selling grains because they lacked money in the first place. Then she went and bought millet from the foodstuff shop!

But Man Bao’s reasoning was also ample. “I asked, millet nourishes the stomach and cultivates qi. I want Mother to eat it.”

Zhou Da Lang sighed repeatedly. “We have it at home. Just grind it when we get back. Why buy it?”

Man Bao was confused. “We do? How come I’ve never eaten it before?”

Zhou Da Lang lowered his head to glance at the cloth bag in Sixth Son’s hands and pursed his lips without speaking.

Zhou Liu Lang smiled merrily, “Youngest sister, you’re really silly. I told you long ago we have it at home but you just wouldn’t believe me. See, you wasted money right?”

Zhou Da Lang lifted Man Bao onto the cart to sit properly, saying “We save that to simmer congee during next year’s spring famine when there’s no harvest. If you want to buy anything in the future, tell Eldest Brother first. Don’t buy what we already have at home.”

Man Bao was baffled. “Is our family the only ones who don’t know how to dehusk so we eat it whole with shells?”

Da Ya and Er Ya were also very curious because it seemed they hadn’t eaten whole millet either.

“With the husks the grains can be simmered longer and it’s more filling,” Zhou Wu Lang also complained a bit. “I told you long ago we had it at home but you just wouldn’t believe me. See, you wasted money right?”

Man Bao humphed, “Who told you to lie to me all the time? Your credibility is so low, of course I won’t believe you!”

Zhou Wu Lang was choking with anger. “Did Sixth Brother teach you to say that?”

“Fifth elder brother, don’t wrongly accuse me. How could I teach Man Bao to say such things? I don’t even know what credibility means. But Man Bao, you used that term well. Fifth elder brother’s credibility really is low. No, he has none.”

The two brothers scuffled and shoved. Zhou Da Lang ignored them and lifted Da Ya and Er Ya onto the cart as well before pushing the cart to quickly leave the city. They had to get home before sunset.

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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