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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 31

Chapter 31 Rules

The Zhou family hadn’t eaten dinner yet, but the dishes were already prepared. Clearly they were waiting for them. As soon as they reached the village entrance, Da Tou led his younger siblings to run over shouting.

Without caring that the cart was still moving, they clambered on with all limbs. Zhou Da Lang and Zhou Er Lang smiled until their eyes became slits, scolding them while reaching out a hand whenever possible to pile the children onto the cart.

From afar, Elder Zhou saw the smiles on their faces and knew this trip went smoothly. He put his hands behind his back and turned to walk back into the house.

Xiao Qian Shi led two maidservants to move the hall tables out to the yard. It was getting dark inside the house. Lighting oil lamps would be wasteful. There was still daylight outside so they might as well eat there.

Zhou Wu Lang and Zhou Liu Lang, one carrying the money bag and one carrying the basket with the big rooster, both rushed towards the house.

Before even getting through the door they shouted, “Sister-in-law, we’re having stewed chicken tonight!”

Without even raising her head, Xiao Qian Shi said, “Aren’t you being smug just because you went into town and now want chicken. The family’s chickens are for laying eggs.”

Zhou Liu Lang had already rushed up to her. He turned his back for her to see the basket on it, loudly saying, “We’re not using the family chickens but this one!”

Xiao Qian Shi saw that miserable chicken and exclaimed, “Where did you get this chicken? Sto, stolen?”

Xiao Qian Shi widened her eyes. First Fourth Son learned to gamble, now did the two young ones learn to steal chickens? Would they try stealing dogs next?

Xiao Qian Shi couldn’t help putting her hands on her hips. Zhou Liu Lang became unhappy and turned around, “Sister-in-law, what kind of person do you take me for? This chicken was gifted by someone else.”

Xiao Qian Shi let out a breath in relief. She took out that pitiful rooster from the basket, weighed it in her hands, and found it quite heavy. She couldn’t help asking, “Who was so silly? Although the chicken looks miserable, meat is still meat. Moreover it’s so fat. How could he just give it to you?”

Zhou Liu Lang grinned, “I also think he’s pretty silly. But someone said we were the ones at a loss. Anyway, it’s a long story. Sister-in-law, let’s just kill the chicken and stew it first. Man Bao specifically brought it back to nourish Madam’s health.”

Xiao Qian Shi checked the time and said, “Let’s forget about tonight. Keep it for tomorrow.”

She carefully inspected the rooster in her hand and couldn’t help murmuring, “Actually if we raise it, it might still live…”

Zhou Wu Lang and Zhou Liu Lang’s eyes widened, seemingly watching the chicken meat slip away from them. The two brothers didn’t think further before shouting at Man Bao who had just entered the yard, “Man Bao, Sister-in-law wants to raise the big rooster to sell it later. Quickly persuade her!”

Xiao Qian Shi glared at the two brothers.

Without caring that the cart hadn’t stopped, Man Bao slid down with a plop then trotted to Xiao Qian Shi’s side, shaking her arm, “Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law, hurry kill it! This is a health tonic chicken for Mother. Rooster nourishes blood and qi. If Mother eats it, perhaps she’ll recover!”

Qian Shi also slowly walked out the door, smiling, “Man Bao, stop pestering your Sister-in-law. It’s late. Even if we kill it, it’d have to be tomorrow.”

“No! Look, there’s still light. We can start the fire and eat dinner. It’s not late.”

The children also watched longingly. Elder Zhou said, “Alright, since this is the children’s filial intention, let’s cook it tonight. Anyway whether we make it early or late, we still have to do it. I see this chicken has low spirits. If we keep it until tomorrow, it might die.”

Man Bao also nodded repeatedly. “Dead chicken doesn’t taste good.”

Xiao Qian Shi thus carried the chicken to kill it. Feng Shi and He Shi hurried to help, one boiling hot water over the stove, one preparing ingredients to stew the chicken.

Now they didn’t have any good dishes to match it, but they could dig up two big radishes to cut up and stew together.

The three maidservants were busy under the kitchen eaves while Zhou Da Lang reported about today to Elder Zhou in the yard.

How much money they got from selling grains, how much money they spent buying medicine, the remainder was handed to Elder Zhou who passed it to Qian Shi.

The family money had always been managed by Qian Shi.

The Zhou family fields were neither large nor small. Good harvest years left them some surplus. Luckily there were many laborers in their family. Aside from farming, they could also take on some odd jobs, earning a bit of money saved up.

That the family could save this much money, a lot of credit went to Qian Shi. The family affairs were mediated by her, deciding who did what work and how to do it. Even Elder Zhou would listen to her.

After Qian Shi took the money and counted it, she remembered the amount in her heart. Then she turned and saw Man Bao surrounded by the children, whispering about something unknown. She couldn’t help smiling slightly, asking Zhou Da Lang, “Man Bao didn’t give you trouble today right?”

Zhou Da Lang glanced at Man Bao facing away from them, not knowing what she was whispering to the children that made them exclaim. He hesitated then said, “Father, mother, today in the county town, Man Bao and the others also earned quite a bit.”

Elder Zhou exclaimed in surprise, laughing, “Did Man Bao sell her flower basket?”

Zhou Da Lang said, “Not only that, she also resold a big rooster, earning over three silver coins in one go.”

Elder Zhou and Qian Shi were stunned and quickly called Man Bao over to ask.

Man Bao happened to be bragging to her nieces and nephews. Seeing her parents ask, her little chest puffed out taller as she proudly recounted everything they did in the county town today.

She grew up listening to stories. Her parents told her stories. Her elder brothers and sisters-in-law told her stories. Teacher Zhuang told her stories. Ke Ke also often told her stories. Adding that recently she also dabbled a bit with storybooks, she had grasped a little edge of storytelling. She was dramatic in her narration and described it well. Everyone listened engrossed.

Especially Da Tou and the others who hadn’t gone to the county town. Although they hadn’t gone, listening to Little Auntie’s depiction, they could imagine it in their minds, feeling as if they’d been there themselves.

Man Bao talked until her mouth dried. Qian Shi silently poured her a bowl of water.

After drinking, Man Bao’s eyes shone, “Mother, you don’t know how many, many people are in the county town! I’ll bring you next time, alright?”

Qian Shi smiled slightly. “What would I do going to the county town? It’s fine if you children go.”

Zhou Da Lang’s gaze slid from the small pouch on Man Bao to the bag of money Zhou Wu Lang held. He said, “Mother, it’s not appropriate for the children to hold so much money. What if they lose it?”

Qian Shi also said to Man Bao, “Man Bao, give the money to Mother. Mother will keep it safe for you, alright?”

Man Bao shook her head. “I want to manage it myself. I’m a grown up now.”

Qian Shi smiled slightly, patting her head. “You’re also part of our family. Do you know the family rules?”

Man Bao shook her head.

Qian Shi explained, “When your elder brothers earn money from outside, they have to turn in 60% to the public funds. Since you want to hold your own money, that’s fine, but you also have to turn in 60%.”

Since it was a rule, Man Bao didn’t refuse. She thought a bit then said, “Alright, but I need to count how much there is total first.”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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