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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 34

Chapter 34 Teaching a Girl

Man Bao’s attention was instantly diverted. She eagerly nodded, “Open it, open it!”

So the System’s screen turned black but Ke Ke’s voice was still there. “Opening the shopping mall requires some time. Please wait patiently, Host.”

Then even the voice disappeared.

But Man Bao was still very happy, feeling strength fill her body. The most direct manifestation was she was no longer satisfied carrying rocks out one by one. She waved her little hands to directly toss them outside. Unfortunately her strength was lacking so the rocks basically just fell near her feet.

Seeing her scatter all the rocks that Da Tou and the others worked hard piling into one pile, Zhou Si Lang angrily roared, “Man Bao!”

Man Bao was frightened into hopping up. She turned and ran.

Er Ya hurriedly chased after to watch over Little Auntie since it was her turn today.

Er Ya brought the mumbling Man Bao back home then stayed to help out, just sweeping the yard. It was much more relaxed than working in the fields.

Man Bao slipped into the room to tattle to Qian Shi, “Mother, just now Fourth Elder Brother roared at me. He nearly scared me to death.”

Qian Shi asked, “What did you do to anger him?”

“I didn’t do anything. I was helping him,” Man Bao said. “I helped carry the rocks out for him. There were too many so I wanted to directly toss them out to save effort. But he didn’t appreciate me and even yelled at me instead.”

Qian Shi said, “You must have scattered the rocks all over the ground, creating more work for them instead of helping. Serves you right to be yelled at.”

Man Bao dissatisfiedly pursed her lips.

Qian Shi said, “You’re still little. That kind of work isn’t suitable for you. Go to teaching hall instead, study under the teacher, learn more words and numbers. You can help the family in the future.”

Man Bao said, “Sister-in-law hasn’t gone yet.”

“Your sister-in-law has to cook while you’re going to study. Naturally it’s not the same. Look, which student waits for your sister-in-law to finish cooking before going to school?”

Man Bao thought hard but indeed no one did so she shook her head.

Qian Shi said, “There you go. Man Bao, since you already accepted a teacher, you need to study diligently to not disappoint your parents and teacher. Go up the mountain less in the future. Go study after getting up in the morning. I already spoke with your sister-in-law. From now on she’ll make breakfast when you come in the morning so you can eat lunch at school just like the young masters, eating three meals a day.”

Qian Shi looked at Man Bao with profound eyes. “Man Bao, you not only need to be smart and clever but also healthy and safe. Understand?”

“I understand, I understand!” Man Bao nodded her little head. “Mother said it many times already. Nothing compares to being alive and healthy.”

Qian Shi revealed a smile, patting her head with a laugh. “There you go. Alright, hurry to teaching hall and apologize to teacher. Running out so early in the morning, you’re picking up wild habits from following Fifth and Sixth Brother.”

Man Bao stuck out her tongue. At the last minute she added, “Mother, Fifth and Sixth Brother didn’t come back for breakfast today. Tell Sister-in-law not to leave any for them.”

Qian Shi waved her hand. “I know. There wasn’t any made for them anyway. Hurry to teaching hall.”

Man Bao felt Mother’s eyes were very tranquil, seemingly knowing everything. Man Bao shrunk her head and ran outside.

Qian Shi faintly smiled, closing her eyes to chant scriptures.

Her health was already deteriorating. Even walking faster could leave her short of breath so she basically didn’t leave the house. She spent most of her time inside chanting scriptures and praying for blessings.

Man Bao ran to teaching hall. Teacher Zhuang was in the middle of class. Seeing a familiar little head poke out the window, he couldn’t help laughing. Putting down his book, he waved towards that head.

Man Bao trotted inside.

Teacher Zhuang smiled. “Why didn’t you come for morning class today?”

Man Bao lowered her guilty head, softly muttering “sorry”. Then she asked, “Teacher, do I also have to attend morning class everyday like Bai Er lang from now on?”

Teacher Zhuang smiled with a nod. “That’s right. I already accepted you as my disciple and spoke with Elder Master Bai. He agreed for you to join school so it’s best if you attend morning class together with the other students.”

Teacher Zhuang pulled Man Bao to stand before him and introduced her to the students.

Who didn’t recognize Man Bao? Everyone was familiar.

So those close to her made faces at her. Since she was short, the students in front even moved aside a spot for her.

But there were also those who didn’t get along with her. They didn’t dare do anything in front of Teacher but many still made faces at her when Teacher wasn’t paying attention. Bai Er Lang was most angry but Man Bao was quite far from him so he couldn’t even kick her stool.

Why did Bai Er Lang dislike Man Bao so much? Of course because Man Bao really was very annoying!

He first entered teaching hall to study at the beginning of the year. As a seven year old boy, he was at the most mischievous age. He was doted on at home, treasured by his grandmother, loved by his mother, and often praised by his father. Even his elder brother always let him have his way.

How could he possibly sit still after entering teaching hall?

So on the first day of school, he was hit on the palm while being scolded and punished. And right in the middle of him being scolded and punished, Man Bao’s swaying little head rose up outside the window.

Thus, Bai Er Lang’s first impression of her was bad.

But that wasn’t the worst. What was worst was later while studying, he discovered that he couldn’t even keep up with a little girl a year younger than him who could only squat outside the window eavesdropping.

Of course Bai Er Lang didn’t feel he was dumb. He felt Man Bao was disturbing him.

That’s right, disturbing him. She squatted outside the window while he sat in the seat beside it. How could that not affect him?

He tattled many times to his father and teacher for this but it was useless.

Teacher Zhuang’s response was to move him away from the window so he couldn’t threaten Man Bao. But with the distance, not only could he not threaten Man Bao, his grades actually declined instead.

So Teacher Zhuang moved him back. Most irritating was Teacher Zhuang somehow spoke to his father who actually highly approved of Man Bao listening outside the window. His father didn’t stop her at all!

Now it was even more infuriating that she brazenly entered the school.

Bai Er Lang was so angry he didn’t listen all morning. His good friend gave him an idea. “Didn’t you say you have a very annoying cousin who’s also coming to school? Have them fight. Otherwise if you hit Man Bao yourself, Teacher will definitely be angry.”

Another friend also said, “Not bad. Teacher seems to really like Man Bao. And she’s younger than you. If you hit her, you’ll definitely be the one in the wrong. Oh right, how old is your cousin?”

Bai Er Lang felt they proposed a good idea. He indifferently said, “Who cares how old he is. He’s just another annoying brat anyway. Having those two annoying brats fight, best if Teacher catches them both to hit their palms.”

“Then how to make them fight?”

Bai Er Lang’s eyes turned. “After class, let’s go catch bugs together. Tomorrow in class, we’ll put them on Man Bao’s desk and say my cousin did it. Then they’ll fight for sure.”

The other two kids also felt this was a great idea.

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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not work with dark mode