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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 39

Chapter 39 Cabbageworms

Not to mention the two children Man Bao and Shan Bao, even Liu Shi(Mrs.) and Zheng Shi(Mrs.) were startled seeing the dozen or so bugs in the box. They couldn’t help retreating a step before quickly pulling the children into their arms to comfort them.

Teacher Zhuang’s face was very ugly as he stared at the classroom, angrily asking, “Who did this?”

Three students lowered their heads together. With one look, Teacher Zhuang knew.

Elder Master Bai also saw. He glared at his unlucky son, feeling smoke pouring from his nose. Exhaling heavily, he rolled up his sleeves and went forward to grab his son.

With an “ah!”, Bai Er Lang was so frightened he cried while running away.

Although Liu Shi also felt he was naughty, she feared Elder Master Bai would accidentally harm the child. She quickly blocked him, “It’s not a big deal. Just teach him a lesson. Don’t get physical.”

After a moment of chaos, the three students were chased out of the classroom together to stand in punishment.

After crying for a while, Man Bao didn’t feel as scared anymore. Plus Ke Ke constantly said in her mind, “I searched it. This bug should be the legendary cabbageworm. Encyclopedia Hall has no recordings of original gene cabbageworms yet so I recommend Host collect them.”

Thinking these bugs had to be collected by herself, Man Bao seemed not as afraid. So she opened her eyes to stealthily peer at them again.

Seeing the child’s eyes shine like black obsidian after rain, Liu Shi felt some fondness in her heart. Hugging her, she smiled and asked, “Not afraid anymore?”

Only then did Man Bao notice she was being held by Liu Shi. She embarrassedly exited Liu Shi’s embrace, shaking her head. “I’m not afraid now.”

Hearing this, the still somewhat afraid Bai Shan Bao also came out from his mother’s arms, forcing himself to call out as well, “I’m not afraid either.”

The adults faintly smiled.

Elder Master Bai had already quickly closed the box and held it behind his back so the children wouldn’t see it and get frightened again.

Man Bao’s gaze longingly followed its movement.

Her expression was too vivid that Elder Master Bai hesitated for a moment. “Do you want it?”

He assumed the child would be afraid. Unexpectedly, without thinking she nodded. “Uncle, give me the bugs. I’ll look more so I won’t be scared later.”

Elder Master Bai looked at her in surprise. Even Teacher Zhuang couldn’t help becoming excited, looking upon his only disciple with pride and gratification on his face.

Teacher Zhuang tugged his beard, smiling in his eyes, unable to help repeatedly praising her with several “good!”. Then he looked towards Elder Master Bai with a laugh. “Elder Master Bai, just give it to her.”

Looking at this little girl clearly several years younger than his second son, Elder Master Bai was so jealous that his eyes nearly turned red. What a wonderful child!

Too bad she’s a girl.

Even more regrettable that she isn’t his child.

Liu Shi also couldn’t help being shocked again, glancing once more at her and grandson’s shared desk, feeling satisfied.

Originally she still felt it wasn’t good to have her grandson share a desk with a little girl. But considering he was the youngest and a late arrival, if he shared with the bigger children he might get bullied. So she agreed with Teacher Zhuang’s arrangement.

But now it was different. She was very satisfied with her grandson’s deskmate.

Thus, she placed the two children’s little hands together and instructed them, “Since you’re classmates and deskmates, your relationship should be even better than regular classmates. Classmates are like siblings or even closer since you’re deskmates. From now on, you should learn from and encourage each other, treating others with kindness and humility. No more fighting, understand?”

Liu Shi spoke gently like her own mother. Man Bao didn’t hesitate to nod and promise her as well, “Auntie, don’t worry. I’ll take care of him and not let others bully him.”

Bai Shan Bao became unhappy. “I’m older than you so I should be the one looking after you.”

Liu Shi was stunned for a moment before laughing. “Very good, this is how it should be. But Man Bao, you should call me Grandmother together with Shan Bao while his mother is your auntie since that’s proper.”

Man Bao looked at Zheng Shi and shook her head. “She doesn’t look like an auntie but sister-in-law.”

Zheng Shi couldn’t help smiling with pursed lips. What woman didn’t feel happy hearing a little girl call her young?

Liu Shi already knew Man Bao had many elder brothers. She also met her mother and sisters-in-law yesterday. Indeed her mother was about the same age.

But seniority wasn’t determined this way.

Liu Shi smiled and said, “Since you and Shan Bao are deskmates, you’re of the same generation. Naturally you call elders the same as him. His mother is your auntie while I’m also your grandmother. Don’t believe me? Ask teacher if that’s right.”

Man Bao looked towards Teacher Zhuang.

Teacher Zhuang nodded.

It was still Man Bao’s first time seeing such young auntie and grandmother. Her own father’s seniority was high to begin with and she was a late-born child. The grannies she could call grandmother in the village were all those who could only walk with canes, around her mother’s age. Those around her sisters-in-laws’ age were either sisters-in-law or nieces-in-law.

Liu Shi and Zheng Shi lived carefreely and maintained themselves well, looking even younger than her own mother and sisters.

But Man Bao always thought openly. Seeing Teacher nod, she promptly changed how she addressed them, calling them “Grandmother, Auntie” for a round.

Then elatedly, she accepted the box from Elder Master Bai’s hands.

Although still a bit afraid inside, remembering Ke Ke’s explanations, she became less scared.

Ke Ke constantly repeated in her mind, “I searched it. Records in Encyclopedia Hall state cabbageworms are caterpillars of cabbage white butterflies. You know butterflies right? It’ll transform into a butterfly after growing up.”

Hearing it say this, Man Bao became much less afraid.

Sensing the Host’s heartbeat and adrenaline gradually stabilizing, Ke Ke then continued explaining. “Cabbageworms mainly eat vegetable leaves…”

The System recited it all whether Man Bao understood or not. Then it said, “Feeding it to chickens and ducks can supplement their protein and make them lay more eggs. These are factual records.”

Man Bao exclaimed, “Then if I feed them to the family hens, would they lay eggs everyday?”

System: “It’s possible.”

This increased Man Bao’s enthusiasm towards the worms.

Seeing Teacher wasn’t around, she secretly opened the box a crack to peek at them.

Bai Shan Bao at the side shivered but still couldn’t help looking towards her actions.

Man Bao snuck a peek then hurriedly closed the box again feeling her heart tremble.

Seeing this, Bai Shan Bao finally cheered up, his spirit rousing. He looked at her scornfully and said, “Scaredy-cat, yet you said you weren’t afraid.”

Man Bao pushed the box to him. “If you’ve guts, you look.”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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