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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 42

Chapter 42 Making Amends

Teacher Zhuang didn’t explain too much to them. He had a lot to say but needed the children to be able to understand and accept it.

The two children were still small with ample time. Teacher Zhuang wasn’t impatient.

Teacher Zhuang turned to test Bai Shan Bao’s progress since he had just arrived. He needed to figure out the boy’s level to arrange his curriculum.

Bai Shan Bao had memorized the Analects. He just hadn’t learned the latter half’s meanings yet.

After asking some questions, Teacher Zhuang was satisfied upon knowing Shan Bao learned from his previous teacher and Madam Liu. He nodded for the two children to return inside for class.

It was Man Bao’s first time feeling another child was more amazing than her. Following behind Shan Bao she said, “You read much faster than me. I started studying when I was one but only knew Thousand Word Text.”

Bai Shan Bao felt she was indeed dumber, saying, “I began studying at two. I memorized Thousand Word Text in just three months.”

Of course, Bai Shan Bao didn’t tell her he had only memorized without recognizing any words or writing until three years old when he finally learned the words from textbooks.

To avoid falling behind since there was such a smart deskmate, Man Bao listened especially attentively in class. She also loved racking her brains so she came up with many questions.

For example, after Teacher Zhuang briefly explained the meaning of gentle, kind, respectful, frugal and modest – gentle, upright, dignified attitude, thriftiness, and humility, Man Bao asked what type of conduct could be considered gentle, righteous, dignified, economical and modest.

Because she thought about it and felt she matched all five terms. Wasn’t she a sage already?

Seeing his shameless bragging disciple, Teacher Zhuang hadn’t gotten the chance to speak yet before Bai Shan Bao cut in, “Let’s not mention the rest. You don’t match upright, gentle, dignified, modest at all.”

Bai Shan Bao said, “You were biased helping your nephew yesterday so you’re not upright. You fought me so you’re not gentle or dignified. And you bit me too so that’s even less modest.”

Man Bao glared. “Then should I just let you bully my nephew and I? I want to become a sage like Teacher Confucius, not an idiot.”

Seeing the two children about to argue again, Teacher Zhuang rapped the desk saying, “Are you two still listening to class or not?”

Only then did Bai Shan Bao and Man Bao sit properly upright, obediently resting their hands on their knees and raising their heads to listen to Teacher Zhuang’s lecture.

This time Teacher Zhuang gave concrete examples of Confucius’s conduct that demonstrated his gentleness, kindness, respectfulness, frugality and humility.

They only had one morning class that day. Teacher Zhuang had them self-study word recognition and recitation before going to teach his senior students.

Although having seen this many times already, the System still couldn’t help praising the ancients’ wisdom. Judging from education resources, ancient times were far more backwards than the future.

Yet it was in such a backwards era that a teacher’s profound knowledge and individualized teaching surpassed many eras far into the future.

Especially after the prevalence of eight-legged essays that directly standardized literary conventions, education started becoming standardized and monotonous.

Naturally the System didn’t tell Man Bao any of this. It only silently watched her brag to Bai Shan Bao about already memorizing the lecture portion and also remembering Teacher’s explanations.

Bai Shan Bao disdainfully said, “I already memorized it long ago and understood it already too. I memorized the whole text.”

Sensing Bai Shan Bao’s arrogance, Man Bao felt greatly motivated. “I’ll surpass you in the future.”

She didn’t just spout big talk. She really did it. Man Bao reopened the folded textbook and started reading the subsequent Q&A portion.

Having recognized many words already, she could read it herself. Moreover, Teacher Zhuang had formatted breaks between sentences when transcribing the book for her so she didn’t need to figure out sentences herself. She just shook her head while reading aloud fluently.

The first read was obscure. The second read became much smoother without stumbling. By the third read it made more sense. After one more read, Man Bao could shakily recite it from memory.

Man Bao was brimming with confidence. Feeling she memorized it, she opened the next portion to continue reciting. In just a short while, Man Bao memorized three to four textbook portions.

Bai Shan Bao was shocked with wide eyes. He also didn’t have time to play sneakily anymore and hurriedly opened his book to memorize as well.

He absolutely could not lose to her.

When the noon bell sounded, the children flocked out noisily to run and grab their large bowls to line up for food at the kitchen.

With shorter legs, Man Bao ended up in the back while Bai Shan Bao didn’t react since it was his first day, still not used to things. It was the Man Bao who ran up to the door and noticed something wrong. She turned back to grab his bowl and pull him to line up together.

So the two youngest ended up last in line.

But Man Bao wasn’t worried at all. She even proudly told Bai Shan Bao, “My sister-in-law cooks. Stick with me and you’ll definitely get more to eat.”

Originally Bai Shan Bao didn’t feel there was anything to brag about it. But hearing Man Bao speak so proudly, he also unavoidably felt some admiration.

Indeed, when it was their turn, Xiao Qian Shi smiled at them before ladling them a lot of dishes.

Students could return to eat in the classroom but most students didn’t care to. They preferred standing or sitting in the yard to eat instead while some even ran over the grass across the street to play and eat.

So Bai Shan Bao also squatted beside Man Bao to gobble down his meal. He felt the teaching hall food was quite delicious and ate with great relish.

After the meal, students could play around the teaching hall vicinity but of course couldn’t go near the river. At this time everyday, Teacher Zhuang would sit by the entrance watching. Anyone who neared the riverside would not only get hit on their palms but also assigned lines to copy and memorize.

So although everyone eyed the nearby river longingly, up till now no student dared run wildly to play by the river.

Of course Man Bao wouldn’t go either. She ran back to grab the box of bugs wanting to practice courage together with Bai Shan Bao. She already decided that after the bugs lost use to her, she would give them to Ke Ke.

Ke Ke: ……

Then Man Bao and Shan Bao played those dozen or so bugs to death.

Man Bao felt somewhat apologetic and decided to bring the bugs home to feed the chickens for more eggs. She told herself she’d catch more for Ke Ke later.

That was what Man Bao thought and told Ke Ke.

What could the System do? It could only agree. It certainly couldn’t force Man Bao to catch bugs for it!

Thus, Shan Bao and Man Bao agreed to catch bugs together tomorrow.

The two children unanimously felt they weren’t afraid of bugs anymore. If that was so then of course they should go catch bugs. Most importantly, with the bugs tossed away, how could they not toss some back?

The two seemed to forget about yesterday’s fight already as they planned what to do tomorrow. They subtly glanced at Bai Er Lang holding court inside the classroom.

Bai Shan Bao also tattled to Man Bao. “He’s especially bad. As soon as I arrived, he wanted to snatch my hobbyhorse. I didn’t give it to him so he threw a tantrum and rolled on the ground.”

Man Bao was curious. “What happened after? Did your mother give it to him?”

“She didn’t,” Bai Shan Bao arrogantly lifted his little head. “Grandmother was going to give it to him but I threw a tantrum too. Then he got beaten by uncle. Hmph!”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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