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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 43

Chapter 43 Seeing Through Phenomena to Essence

It was still sunny at noon but by late afternoon, dark clouds already filled the sky.

Man Bao and Bai Shan Bao leaned over their desk to peer outside, both somewhat excited. Ants moving did mean rain was coming!

Teacher Zhuang also saw the weather. After class, he had the students stay in the classroom to wait for family pick up. Then he brought Man Bao and Shan Bao to the yard where he lived next door.

Leading the two children to the study, he said, “What you saw this morning were ants moving. What do you see now?”

Man Bao said, “It’s raining! Ants moving means rain.”

Teacher Zhuang smiled, “Silly children, you have the order reversed. It’s not ants moving that makes it rain but the sky is about to rain so the ants have to move home to a safe spot. Humans seeing this know rain is imminent.”

Teacher Zhuang spoke slowly. The two children counted on their fingers and realized he was right so they nodded.

Teacher Zhuang pointed at the rain curtain outside and continued asking, “What do you see now?”

The two children simultaneously said, “Rain!”

“These are all phenomena,” Teacher Zhuang said. “Man Bao, since your parents told you ants moving means rain, you determined ants moving causes rain. Shan Bao, since you never heard this before, you only saw ants moving. But do you know what teacher thinks of upon seeing ants?”

The two children shook their heads.

“Teacher doesn’t just think rain is coming but also realizes there are so many ants under my house that I need to start preventing and eliminating pests at home. And I would think ants can destroy miles of dams…” Teacher Zhuang slowly told them about ants.

Man Bao and Shan Bao listened dumbly. Where would they know tiny ants could not only gnaw a large tree to death but even destroy buildings and dams.

After finishing about ants, Teacher Zhuang also spoke of the autumn rain outside – how they were currently only seeing rain but it held different meanings for different people.

For children like them, the autumn rain only temporarily trapped them at school. But for farmers, it meant they could start plowing fields and fertilizing grass in preparation for next year’s farming.

Yet for people wanting to head out, the rain brought more harm than good because no one knew how long it would delay them.

Teacher Zhuang patiently explained this to the two children. It seemed scattered and irrelevant but his next words circled back to the earlier issue with county magistrates.

“This morning I asked what a county magistrate does and what you told me was your direct superficial impressions from sight and sound. But actually, what you said isn’t the complete truth,” Teacher Zhuang said. “Sometimes what your eyes see and ears hear don’t necessarily match your thoughts. You need to look and listen more, think more. If there are too many emotions in your heart, then set them aside for the time being and refrain from conclusions first. Revisit these matters later when you’re calmer and perhaps there will be different gains.”

The two children understood a little but still didn’t completely grasp it. However Teacher Zhuang didn’t require them to understand right then. He only had them remember his words for future comprehension when the time came.

While talking, people from both Bai and Zhou families arrived to fetch the children. Man Bao and Shan Bao bade the teacher farewell. The two children held hands dashing out into the rain, soaked all over but extremely delighted. They intentionally splashed through puddles to wildly kick water, making themselves even happier.

Outside the yard, warnings and scoldings from both families’ elders rang out. While splashing water with loud patters, the two children ran towards their own families.

Teacher Zhuang watched from the door, repeatedly stroking his beard while pondering Man Bao’s words in his mind.

Why is the county magistrate increasing city entry fees again?

Teacher Zhuang naturally knew more than the Zhou family. Actually back when Prefect Fu first arrived at Luojiang County three years ago, he implemented a round of city entry fees already while also increasing corvée labor and taxes. Then within two years, Prefect Fu repaired a section of the official path and reinforced Luojiang’s dams. He even dug a canal for the county town.

The county magistrate term lasts three years. Since Prefect Fu wasn’t transferred out this year, it meant he had another term. But no one knew whether he planned some political affair this time or would do nothing at all.

Teacher Zhuang felt rather worried.

But clearly he couldn’t discuss these issues with the children.

After being carried home by Feng Shi, the first thing Man Bao did was go to the kitchen for hot bath water. It couldn’t be helped. The child went splashing so not only were her shoes wet but her pants were also quite damp.

While stroking her little hands, Qian Shi scolded her. “You’re really more and more of a headache! How come you seem more naughty after entering teaching hall?”

Man Bao said, “Bai Shan Bao also splashed water.”

“He’s him and you’re you. Who knows, maybe he learned it from you. You should go there to learn good things not bad things, and definitely not to lead other children astray!”

Man Bao sighed, “Alright, I won’t splash water from now on.”

A child’s promise was as reliable as July’s weather.

After having Feng Shi bathe her and feeding her a bowl of hot water, Qian Shi let her go play with only the warning. “Don’t go out splashing water and rain or else I won’t let you study tomorrow.”

Right now Man Bao dearly loved learning. How could she bear not going?

So she could only sit in the hall waiting for her elder brothers to return.

Zhou Si Lang hid from the rain with his two younger brothers under a tree. When the rain wasn’t heavy, they ran back. But they were still rather wet.

Zhou Wu Lang and the others helped with land reclamation today and also chopped quite a bit of bamboo. As soon as they came back, they made eyes at youngest sister.

Man Bao understood. After Zhou Er Lang returned, she would pester him for help making flower baskets.

Zhou Er Lang was just thinking that previously, Man Bao’s bamboo flower basket earned a lot. Although he didn’t say anything out loud, Zhou Er Lang was actually quite moved inside. But recently he also had many matters requiring attention so he couldn’t make time. Seeing Man Bao ask, he instantly knew it was Fifth and Sixth Son’s idea. He didn’t decline and said, “Have Fifth and Sixth Son strip the bamboo strips first. I’ll weave them when I get back.”

Even Elder Zhou said something rare. “When I come back from the fields, I’ll help weave as well.”

After pondering some more, he felt Fourth Son opening up wasteland was too unreliable, hesitatingly saying, “Why not have Fourth Son stop wasteland reclamation. That land below the hills opened up still might not be fertile after two years of cultivation. What’s the point? It’d be better for him to stay home and help out with some matters, much more practical.”

Zhou Si Lang’s spirits roused, wanting to nod.

But Man Bao didn’t agree. She said, “Father, it’s to punish Fourth Elder Brother’s disobedience. Teacher said, ‘Rash changes day to night’ is a major taboo. What if Fourth Elder Brother feels doing wrong things is no big deal in the future?”

“He wouldn’t dare or else I’d beat him to death!”

Man Bao looked down on her father. “You definitely can’t beat Fourth Elder Brother to death or else you’d be too sad.”

Elder Zhou was choked speechless. Waving his hand he said, “Alright, let your Fourth Brother continue land reclamation. Fifth and Sixth Son, consider if you can sustain this flower basket business long term.”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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