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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 49

Chapter 49: Compensation

“Your fifth uncle, however, was quite the scholar and official, becoming a censor in the capital at a young age. It’s just unfortunate that he was struck by a stray arrow while campaigning east with the late emperor and perished. As for your husband and his brother’s generation, need I mention your husband’s studies?”

Ashamed, Old Master Bai lowered his head.

“But Bai Qi was a true scholarly seedling, passing the imperial examinations at a tender age. Had fortune favored him, we might have had to rely on his family instead,” Old Lady Bai said. “Don’t just look at how young Shanbao is now, he has already shown his distinction. How old is he this year, yet he has the Analects completely memorized. Ask your son if he can recite even the first chapter.”

Bai Erlang immediately shrank back, saying nothing.

Old Lady Bai continued, “Setting aside such interests, just considering our bond…” She gripped Old Master Bai’s hand tightly, tears falling. “She is not only your sister-in-law but your maternal aunt. We were raised together as parent-cousins under the same grandparents. We few brothers and sisters are all who remain in this world. Treat them as your own maternal family and care for this widow and orphan wholeheartedly.”

These words were clearly directed at Lady Bai.

Lady Bai immediately knelt to apologize, vowing, “Rest assured Mother, the Old Master and I will properly serve Aunt and Young Master from now on.”

She turned to reprimand Bai Erlang, “Erlang, no more bullying your cousin. If I hear you bully him again, I…I will beat you.”

Pursing her lips, Lady Bai said, “I will beat you.”

Under his father’s glare, Bai Erlang didn’t dare cry despite his stinging bottom.

With things settled between the family of four, they dried their tears and returned to their rooms.

The steward who delivered the compensation gift to the Zhou family had just returned and reported to Old Master Bai, “…We sent a bottle of medicated wine for treating bruises, two pieces of meat, two fish, and two packages of pastries. Old Master Zhou was very agreeable, saying the child only had some superficial bruising that would heal with some rest.”

Old Master Bai rebuked his unfilial son again before saying, “She’s just a girl, as long as she doesn’t scar.”

The steward lowered his head. “It seems unlikely. I caught a glimpse of the little lady of the Zhou family – no visible injuries, just some swelling on her forehead, no open wounds.”

With a wave, Old Master Bai dismissed him.

Over at the Zhou family compound, the children led by Man Bao squatted in the courtyard, eyeing the two fish, two meats, and two packages of pastries, all struggling not to drool.

Da Tou and the others were so envious. “The little cousin really is something else, even gets meat, fish and pastries after a fight!”

Da Ya emphasized, “Pastries too!”

Man Bao felt her forehead. “Why don’t we pick another fight with Bai Erlang next time?”

Overhearing from the side, Old Master Zhou nearly slapped his daughter’s head before remembering her injury – a blow to the head could make her foolish. So he settled for a verbal dressing down instead. “Don’t talk nonsense, fighting is fun? Not to mention you’re younger than him, you could only lose. You started this, yet you want them to send gifts? How could that be?”

Old Master Zhou said, “If the Bai family asks us to compensate them, we can’t afford two meats and two fish.”

Man Bao sighed wistfully before eyeing the pastries and drooling. She then turned and clung to her eldest sister-in-law, acting spoiled. “Sister, can we open the pastries to eat?”

Though she didn’t like sweets much, she loved pastries.
She had sniffed them earlier – so fragrant!

Without hesitation, Xiao Qian Shi checked with her mother-in-law Qian Shi, who nodded approval. She unwrapped one package, first giving Man Bao two pieces before one to each child, then re-wrapping the rest to let Man Bao slowly finish them.

But with a sly look, Man Bao first stuffed one piece each into her father and mother’s mouths before staring yearningly at Xiao Qian Shi.

Unable to refuse, Xiao Qian Shi gave her another two pieces.

Man Bao smiled sweetly before doing the same, stuffing the pieces into her two other sisters-in-law’s mouths, then looking at Xiao Qian Shi again.

Exasperated to see her sisters-in-law had gotten some, Xiao Qian Shi opened the oiled paper and shoved the last two pieces at Man Bao. “There, that’s all of them!”

But Man Bao brought one piece to Xiao Qian Shi’s mouth, her voice dripping with sweetness. “Sister, you eat too. It smells so good!”

Xiao Qian Shi’s exasperation immediately melted into laughter. “You really are clever.”

He Shi didn’t eat the pastry but laughed, “Man Bao treats her sisters-in-law differently. Ours didn’t make it to our mouths.”

Feng Shi joined in, “Well, she was nursed by the eldest sister-in-law after all.”

A hint of pride in her voice despite humble words, Xiao Qian Shi said, “This child treats everyone in the family the same. Her honeyed words could charm anyone – all our children combined don’t match her.”

The three sisters-in-law continued their mutual admiration until Qian Shi instructed from the side, “Have the meats cut up and stir-fried. With no well, leaving them raw won’t keep long. Cooked, they’ll last a bit longer.”

She added, “Dinner is prepared but take some out to stir-fry together as supplemental dishes. Man Bao is injured and needs nourishing.”

The three daughters-in-law dared not continue idling and busied themselves with the tasks.

They didn’t eat the pastries themselves but handed them to their respective husbands to enjoy.

Of course, Zhou Dalang and brothers weren’t foolish enough to just eat them, instead taking them back to store properly and share among their small families later that night.

Qian Shi also called her daughter over, giving her the pastries while smiling and gently touching the injured forehead. “Eat up, it’ll help you heal faster.”

But Man Bao pushed the pastries back. “Mother, you eat.”

Qian Shi shook her head. “I’m taking medicine, can’t eat pastries. You eat.”

Unsuspecting since her mother did have dietary restrictions, Man Bao happily took a bite before scampering off to play with Zhou Wulang and the others.

Sitting nearby, Old Master Zhou broke off a large piece to stuff into his wife’s mouth.

Qian Shi smiled, not refusing this time.

Man Bao was very interested to hear about Zhou Wulang and the others’ county town visit that day, peppering them with eager questions.

Having felt they’d seen the wider world, Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang allowed themselves to be surrounded by their brothers and nephews, puffing up as they vividly recounted the day’s events.

After incidents of even adults being abducted in this area, the villages had established travel rules for going to town.

Leaving aside those from the same village, which was small anyway – anyone intending to go to the county town the next day would give a shout, and those interested would agree on a meeting time at the village entrance. If no one else, they would set off alone, but even the departure timing had a principle.

Zhou Wulang said, “The best timing to reach the county town is around the Chen hour(7:am-9:am). Everyone walks at roughly the same pace, so counting back from the town, villagers hoping to travel together know exactly when to wait at their respective village entrances.”

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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