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Farmer’s Blessed Girl 7

Chapter 7: Storybook

The early meal was ready, and the group of children scampered out to take their respective seats.

Old Zhou sat at the head, directly across from where Mrs. Xiao Qian should have been seated. But due to Man Bao being the favored one, that position was always occupied by her instead.

After setting Man Bao onto the stool, Mrs. Xiao Qian stood to portion out the porridge for everyone.

Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang eyed the watery porridge and couldn’t help but purse their lips. Normally their early meal was plain rice, since they needed the energy for farm work during the day, with the thicker porridge saved for the evening.

But with their parents present, they didn’t dare voice any displeasure.

The three elder married brothers solemnly passed their bowls to Mrs. Xiao Qian, while Zhou Silang looked like he wanted to bury his head in his chest.

Mrs. Xiao Qian glanced at her fourth brother-in-law before taking his bowl, ladling extra porridge into it such that it practically overflowed.

If the others’ bowls could still be considered porridge, then what Zhou Silang received could only be described as rice soup.

Zhou Silang was on the verge of tears as he glanced pleadingly at his sister-in-law, only to meet her cold gaze, forcing him to lower his head in silence.

Man Bao looked around, recalling she could still eat the deep-fried dough twists at study hall later, so she poured half her porridge into her parents’ bowls.

Old Zhou and Mrs. Qian were extremely touched, too moved to even chide Mrs. Xiao Qian as they showered Man Bao with praise. “Our daughter is truly the most considerate, knowing to honor us elders.”

Everyone else silently ate their porridge. They too wished to show filial piety, but feared going hungry.

Mrs. Qian pushed the extra portion back. Smiling, she said, “Man Bao, you eat. Mother doesn’t need to work, so I’m not hungry.”

But Man Bao protectively covered her bowl. “I don’t want any more, my tummy is tiny and I’m already full.”

Seeing she couldn’t dissuade her daughter, Mrs. Qian divided the extra porridge between her three sons instead, instructing them, “You three need to go work in the fields. Eat a bit more in case you get hungry on the way. Once we repay the village head, our family’s circumstances will improve.”

The three sons murmured in acknowledgment.

Old Zhou shot his wife a glance. “Enough, that was Man Bao honoring you, don’t just give it all to them.”

He then addressed his second son, “Tomorrow when you go to market, take a sack of grain to sell and bring back some money. The debt to the village head isn’t urgent – your brothers can earn some over the New Year. But your mother needs medicine, so we can’t be completely penniless.”

Zhou Erlang responded in assent.

Mrs. Qian seized the opportunity, “Tomorrow, take Man Bao and the others from your household too. And you,” she looked to Zhou Wulang, “you tag along to help watch the children.”

Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang immediately piped up, “Mother, mother, what about us too? We’ll also keep an eye on Man Bao, Da Tou and Da Ya.”

Mrs. Qian didn’t really want the fifth and sixth sons going, frowning slightly as she asked, “What about the land your fourth brother is clearing?”

Zhou Wulang had a bad feeling, regretting he was too far from Man Bao to kick her, only able to glare at her from afar.

Fortunately, Man Bao seemed to sense his thoughts, glancing between her brother and mother before saying, “Mother, let Fifth and Sixth Brothers go too. Otherwise I can’t keep Da Tou and the others in line.”

Da Tou immediately looked up. “Little Niece, I’m older than you, you don’t need to watch me.”

Being close enough, Zhou Wulang viciously kicked Da Tou, silently cursing the brat for ruining things.

“Oww!” Da Tou jumped up crying, “Mom, Fifth Uncle kicked me!”

Mrs. Qian glared at Zhou Wulang, smacking her dull-witted son as she admonished him, “Quickly eat your porridge. Always running your mouth, didn’t you see your little niece hasn’t said a word?”

Da Tou lowered his head dejectedly.

Old Zhou observed everything, happening to finish his porridge as he set his bowl down. “Let them all go. They’re still children. Da Tou and Da Ya may be too mischievous for your second daughter-in-law to handle alone. Have the fifth and sixth brothers tag along to make sure the children don’t get lost. Fourth Son can continue clearing that land.”

Old Zhou glared sternly at the despondent Zhou Silang, setting a deadline. “You have one month. If you can’t manage to clear at least an acre, then no more porridge for you.”

Zhou Silang felt utterly dejected.

To make matters worse, Man Bao twisted the knife by purposely sitting beside him after the meal to ask, “Fourth Brother, do you know why you’ve ended up like this?”

She answered her own question, “It’s because you gambled!”

Zhou Silang: …..

Man Bao let out an exaggerated adult-like sigh, patting his shoulder with her little hand. “Gamblers are all bad people. Even I know this simple truth, so why don’t you?”

“Man Bao, let’s go to study hall.” Mrs. Xiao Qian had packed the dishware into her basket, about to put Man Bao into the carrying basket on her back. But Man Bao waved her hand dismissively, holding her chin up proudly. “Sister-in-law, I’m all grown up now, no need to carry me.”

Mrs. Xiao Qian couldn’t help but laugh. “Our Man Bao has grown up, has she?”

“Yes, I’m six years old now.”

The utterly demoralized Zhou Silang immediately reached out to ruffle her short tufts of hair into disarray, mocking her, “Six years old? You’re not even five yet. Do you know what it means to go by year of birth?”

Shaken by his roughhousing, Man Bao let out a wail, not even waiting to look up before Zhou Silang dashed away. Her hair in complete disarray, Man Bao cried furiously.

The outburst startled Mrs. Xiao Qian, as her little niece rarely cried these days, especially not so intensely since turning one years old. Momentarily stunned, Mrs. Xiao Qian hurried to embrace and console her.

Inside, the commotion caused Mrs. Qian to abruptly toss her sewing basket aside. Nimbly leaping off the bed in her half-donned shoes, she rushed out in alarm. “What happened, what’s wrong with my precious daughter?”

Man Bao had only felt a momentary sense of grievance, mostly recovering after her initial cry. She had already forgotten her previous upset, but seeing her mother now reignited those feelings of resentment. She flung herself sobbing into her mother’s embrace to tattle, “Mother, Fourth Brother bullied me, look what he did to my hair!”

Mrs. Qian immediately smoothed her daughter’s disheveled locks, seething with anger as she issued orders, “That wretched boy, he really needs to be disciplined. No dinner for him tonight, let him go hungry!”

Mrs. Xiao Qian readily agreed.

Consoling her daughter by wiping her tears, Mrs. Qian said, “There now, our Man Bao won’t cry anymore. How about Mother boils you some eggs, would you like that?”

Mrs. Xiao Qian wondered, “So we’re not going to study hall then?”

“No need, I’ll boil eggs for Man Bao and make her lunch instead.”

While feeling it was a bit indulgent, Mrs. Xiao Qian considered that some comforting was warranted after her little niece’s ordeal, so she nodded in agreement. But Man Bao was unwilling, wriggling free from her mother’s embrace.

“No, I want to go to study hall.”

Her reasoning was quite sound too. “I’m going to market tomorrow, so I can’t attend lessons. I need to inform Master Zhuang.”

Mrs. Xiao Qian reassured her, “Don’t worry Little Niece, I’ll let Master Zhuang know for you.”

“No, I’ll tell him myself. Also, I need to check if he has finished the manuscript I’m supposed to bring back today.”

Mrs. Xiao Qian hesitated, glancing at Mrs. Qian.

Seeing her daughter’s spirits had lifted, Mrs. Qian stroked her chubby cheeks with a smile. “Alright then, if you want to go, then go.”

Man Bao immediately turned and happily left for study hall with Mrs. Xiao Qian.

Once the two had departed, Mrs. Qian’s expression turned stern as she addressed her two daughters-in-law and two youngest sons who had been observing. “Go fetch your fourth brother back here. That insolent boy, swaggering around placing bets and losing money, only to return home and bully his own family.”

The four quickly dispersed to search the entire village for Zhou Silang.

Upon arriving at the study hall, Man Bao leaned against the window to listen to Master Zhuang’s lesson, which happened to be on the Analects of Confucius today. She had heard a few lines before, but had never systematically recited the text. This time, Master Zhuang was teaching the advanced class, so all the students were studying the Analects, starting from the very first lesson.

Man Bao followed along for the entire lesson. However, Master Zhuang only repeatedly drilled the students in recitation without actually explaining the meaning behind the passages.

Not having a copy of the book herself, Man Bao could only vaguely mimic the recitations. While her memory was excellent, allowing her to memorize the text after just three or four repetitions, she did not recognize the specific characters, let alone comprehend the meaning.

Seeing Master Zhuang continue with more drilling exercises, under normal circumstances Man Bao would have remained eagerly engaged in memorizing the text. But today her mood was somewhat dampened, affecting her ability to concentrate fully.

Feeling she had memorized enough, Man Bao stealthily slipped away from the window and snuck into Master Zhuang’s courtyard.

The study room was always left unlocked, either out of habit or to accommodate a certain little visitor who liked to secretly clean it.

After wandering around the courtyard and study, Man Bao ended up sitting on the steps, propping her chin in her hands as she appeared to ponder, though she was actually conversing with the system.

“Ke Ke, do you think Fourth Brother dislikes me now?”

The system replied, “Host, there is no one in this world who can remain universally likeable forever. Even money has times when it is disliked by people.”

“But I’m not money, I’m Fourth Brother’s sister. How could he dislike me?”

The system fell silent for a moment before responding, “In this world, it is quite normal for fathers to dislike their children, mothers to loathe their offspring, and siblings to detest one another.”

“You’re talking nonsense. How could there be parents who dislike their own children in this world? Aren’t siblings supposed to love and support each other?”

“That is merely the host’s wishful thinking.” The system felt it may have grown too isolated, hence sharing such perspectives with its young host. But it also believed this would lay the foundation for her safety and future development. If its host remained too naive, it would truly worry endlessly for her later on.

So it searched the Encyclopedia and found a book titled ‘History’s Top 10 Evil Fathers’ to lend to Man Bao. “Host, consider this a borrowed book from me. Borrowing books costs points, so remember to pay me back once you’ve earned some later.”

A book suddenly appeared in Man Bao’s hands, her eyes sparkling with delight as she forgot all about her brother’s mistreatment. Delighted, she asked, “Is this a gift for me?”

The system reiterated firmly, “This is a loan to the host for reading. You must return it once you’ve finished.”

Man Bao was overwhelmed with gratitude. “Ke Ke, you’re so kind. This is my very first book!”

Again the system stressed, “Host, you must return it after reading, otherwise many points will be deducted.”

With an airy wave of her little hand, Man Bao replied magnanimously, “Deduct them then, buying books also costs a lot of money.”

The system reminded flatly, “…Host, you have no points.”

But Man Bao had already opened the book, engrossed in its contents.

The text had been converted into the contemporary written language, and with Man Bao’s extensive vocabulary, coupled with the conversational prose style, she found herself utterly captivated, as if reading a storybook.

In fact, it was indeed a book of stories, chronicling the top ten deadbeat dads in history.

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Status: Ongoing Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
Zhou’s fourth son incurred debts whilst gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino thugs wanted Man Bao to sell herself to them to offset the gambling debts. The villagers claimed the Zhou family’s darling’s (Man Bao) good days has come to an end, and Mrs Zhou was crying while holding Man Bao’s hand. Man Bao used her “system” and led her family to open up the wasteland, grow vegetables, plant medicinal materials, and open shops… As the days got better, her sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao’s marriage. “Man Bao, Mr Zhuang’s grandson looks good. He is gentle and educated. He is a good match for you.” “Man Bao, it’s better to choose the Qian family’s son. He is handsome and obedient. He will definitely not talk back to you.” Man Bao pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’ve already thought about it. I’ll choose Bai Shan Bao, whom I have beaten up since childhood!” (NovelUpdates Description)


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