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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 19

Chapter 19: Good and Evil

“Sorry, I’ll definitely have a good talk with my daughter. We’ll take our leave first.” Seeing Luo Feng so agreeable, Yukinoshita Saori couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and bowed to Luo Feng.

As for Yukinoshita Haruno, she glared fiercely at Luo Feng, her gaze icy and bone-chilling, as if she wanted to kill him.

Luo Feng paid no attention to this kind of gaze.

In hell, there were people everywhere looking at him like this, but not only did he not get killed by their gazes, he lived more and more lavishly.

After the two left, Luo Feng started reading the news about the stock market circuit breaker.

This scene seemed familiar.

He only had some memory fragments from when he was alive, and it seemed that he had experienced these things in his original world.

It seemed to be… March?

Now it wasn’t March, but January.

This world was another dimension, and such a thing would actually happen here too?

It should be said, as expected of the United States. In whichever world, such a funny situation would occur.

Regarding politics and US stocks, in his impression, there should be a large group of people wanting to jump off buildings.

He didn’t want to interfere in this matter, after all, it had nothing to do with him and had no benefits for him.

As a devil, he definitely wouldn’t think of saving the world.

“Memories from when I was alive.” Luo Feng sighed with emotion. Only by becoming a Lord could he have the power to gather his memories from when he was alive, right?

He really wanted to know what kind of person he was when he was alive and how he died.

And why was his power so strong that even as a small devil, he possessed strength above that of a great demon?

He shook his head, opened the app, and started looking at the wishes.

Hmm, these wishes were all so interesting. They were all from people at the end of their rope who discovered this app and made all sorts of strange wishes.

For example, there was a person who wanted to use his everything to exchange for a girl’s happiness. Then satisfy him, take away his lifespan and soul, and give that girl a chance to rise to prominence.

He had seen in the news before that a man gave his cornea for a woman, but the woman soon stopped acknowledging him.

For her, he sold his soul and everything to the devil. She might not even be grateful. Was it worth doing this?

Such a strong desire… Perhaps he really wouldn’t regret it.

Human emotions were sometimes really hard to understand.

Luo Feng quickly immersed himself in this app, watching his wealth of souls and lifespans rapidly increase, and he showed a gratified smile.

That scheming angel could stop one or two, but could she stop a hundred or two hundred?

Moreover, even those one or two had to be questioned.

Currently, too few people were using this app. It should be heaven interfering.

There was no need to pay attention. If heaven didn’t interfere, that would be something worth paying attention to.

Even if they interfered, what use would it be? This was the devil’s temptation.

The next day, in the afternoon.

Yukinoshita Saori had tried to persuade Haruno all night, but no matter what, she couldn’t convince her. Haruno had already determined that Luo Feng was a scammer, and Yukinoshita Saori had no way.

However, if her family really couldn’t hold on, she would definitely find a way to persuade Haruno to sign the contract.

She sat on the sofa at home, tiredly watching TV, and turned on a news program.

A white feather she couldn’t see fell on her head. She didn’t see the feather but felt unusually warm.

She didn’t know what she was thinking and randomly changed the channel.

Then, her expression changed.

“We are reporting a traffic accident from last night. Two people died, one of them being the only son of a department store owner.”

“From the surveillance footage, it can be seen that it was a truck driving in violation of regulations. The driver at fault has already fled, and the pursuit is currently underway.”

“Our station will follow up on the report…”

Yukinoshita Saori’s face turned extremely pale.

She knew these two victims. They were the young man who exchanged lives yesterday and his childhood friend!

How did they die? Didn’t they say that the young man would have the rich second-generation’s life?

Could it be that something happened while he was lost in his thoughts?

Did that devil know? Did he know that he didn’t let that young man enjoy the rich second-generation’s life…

Or did he know all this and just wanted to quickly obtain souls?

Even if it was just for a second, he still enjoyed it. This couldn’t be considered as not fulfilling the wish!

That truck driver couldn’t have been bewitched by that devil, right?

The more Yukinoshita Saori thought about it, the more shocked she became. Then she thought of a bunch of legends about devils again.

What she was thinking about now was what exactly Luo Feng had done. The possibility of an accident was quickly ruled out by her.

If it were her in the past, she would have definitely thought carefully, listed out countless possibilities, and then carefully verified them. But now, her heart was completely filled with a chill.

She felt that if her wish was spoken out and a contract was signed, it would definitely be fulfilled in a distorted way!

What kind of possibilities would appear then? Her family had just received capital injection, but would they be arrested because the source of the huge wealth was unknown? Wouldn’t the Yukinoshita family still be finished then?

In Japan, the law was a tool of capital. Usually, even if they committed some offenses, the police would turn a blind eye, and even if it went to court, they might not necessarily lose. But the past was the past, and the present was the present!

In the past, they were capital, but now they were just fish on the chopping block!

“Fortunately, Haruno persuaded me last night.” Yukinoshita Saori muttered to herself. “If we didn’t know the truth, we might have really fallen into a trap because of his magical powers. The consequences would be unimaginable. We absolutely can’t have any more problems. There’s still really a chance now. Let’s think of some more ways.”

Thinking of this, she changed her clothes and went out.

Some prices could be paid as long as the family still existed.

Raphi saw from outside the window that Yukinoshita Saori had started to question Luo Feng and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, she ran around all night and couldn’t stop much. She had to let those above strengthen their interference.

It was too easy to sign a contract with that kind of app. It was like how the money in the card was just a number, and only when spending cash would one feel the pain.

If those people crazily used up their lifespan and soul, how could Gabriel compete with them?

How to interfere?

Make them vividly think of the price after signing the contract when they sign it, and how miserable those who made a contract with the devil were, and in what way their wishes would be fulfilled.

Or make them instinctively unwilling to have contact with Luo Feng when they see him?

Fortunately, Luo Feng had no bottom line when doing things and liked to mess around. He had even less scruples than ordinary devils.

It was precisely because of this that she had room to operate.

The more he went overboard, the easier it would be for the upper levels of heaven to interfere.

Thinking of this, Raphi showed a dark smile.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode