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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 35

Chapter 035 – Natural Sora Ginko

Sora Ginko arrived at the teacher’s house just as Luo Feng had gone to visit Gabriel. He really didn’t follow Sora Ginko.

This is also part of the training, to first let her let her guard down, thinking that Luo Feng has already obtained everything he wants, so as long as Sora Ginko endures the nights, her daily life will not be any different.

As long as she rents an apartment herself, claims she lives in the apartment to focus on shogi, the problem won’t be big, and she can also cover it up.

Her parents don’t really manage her much either, whether it’s shogi or anything else, she discusses more with her teacher.

“Ginko, you’re here.” Kiyotaki Keika saw Sora Ginko come in and quickly greeted her.

This time, it was not only Kuzuryuu Yaichi, but also the two teachers, Kiyotaki Kousuke and Kiyotaki Dojo’s master, the so-called Emperor of Speed.

“Teacher, Keika-nee, junior, I’m here.” After breaking her illusions about Kuzuryuu Yaichi, Sora Ginko found that meeting him wasn’t as difficult for her to accept as she thought.

Even though she was with another man last night…

Her face flushed slightly.

Could it be that I really let go that quickly?

More cold-blooded than expected…

No no, who I like is my own business, a private matter, and has nothing to do with him.

Moreover, you were the one who hid from me and got close to another woman, being ambiguous with too many women, scumbag!

Regarding the part about Kuzuryuu Yaichi, it was her subconscious hiding her feelings, a self-protective mechanism, and not something Luo Feng had meddled with.

Luo Feng is still waiting to see her expression of despair, how could he do any unnecessary things?

“Senior.” Kuzuryuu Yaichi nodded slightly.

“Ginko, come, sit, I heard you’ve developed a new strategy.” Kiyotaki Kousuke immediately invited Sora Ginko to sit down.

“Mm.” This time Sora Ginko was very confident, and sat down cross-legged boldly.

“Tell us…”

“Dad.” Kiyotaki Keika glared at Kiyotaki Kousuke: “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“A new strategy, a strategy we don’t know about.” Kiyotaki Sosuke said dissatisfiedly.

“Let’s have a snack first, chat casually, and then talk about shogi.” Kiyotaki Keika said.

Kiyotaki Kousuke found it strange, he knew his daughter loved shogi very much, why did she want to chat about other things now?

Kiyotaki Keika didn’t respond to her father, sat down at the table, and didn’t take out the shogi board.

“Ginko, was that person who came to pick you up last night? What does he do exactly?” Kiyotaki Keika asked Sora Ginko.

“He…” Sora Ginko had already thought of an explanation on the way, but when she glanced at Kuzuryuu Yaichi, she had the urge to get revenge by saying he was her boyfriend, but thinking about it, if Keika-nee and the others asked her to bring him over to meet them… wouldn’t that be letting the wolf into the house?

Even though she no longer had those feelings for Kuzuryuu Yaichi, they had grown up together since childhood.

In addition, her heart was now completely focused on the only glimmer of hope for her, shogi, and she didn’t hate her own people out of love.

“He’s an older brother of mine.” Sora Ginko said softly: “I don’t get along well with my relatives and friends, and I don’t have much to do with him either, he just suddenly got interested in shogi and wants to learn, so he often comes to find me.”

Many women are born actresses, their lies come out smoothly without blushing or panting.

Hearing Sora Ginko’s explanation, the few people present nodded understandingly, not thinking much of it, her personality indeed made it difficult for her to get along well with relatives and friends.

Even if they wanted to think more about it, there was a white feather on the roof weighing them down…

Raphiel was afraid that this group would all go to Luo Feng one by one.

Everyone had their own obsessions, Kuzuryuu Yaichi with shogi, Kiyotaki Keika with shogi as well, Kiyotaki Kousuke with 2D wives.

Raphiel was afraid that Kiyotaki Kousuke would lose control and make some deal with Luo Feng, and be kicked into the 2D world by Luo Feng.

“I see.” Kiyotaki Keika heaved a sigh of relief: “Why doesn’t he go to the dojo to learn?”

“That requires money, doesn’t it?” Sora Ginko calmly gave an explanation that couldn’t be refuted.

“What kind of relatives are you?” Kuzuryuu Yaichi probed.

“We’re quite distant.” Sora Ginko said: “I occasionally go teach him, he also runs a shop himself, doesn’t have time to always come find me, his shop just happened to be under renovation these two days.”

Sora Ginko never lies, her expression isn’t that expressive either, so the few people really didn’t see through it.

“By the way, I had a dream last night about an angel.” Kuzuryuu Yaichi said: “She said you fell into a devil’s trap, and told me to go save you.”

Sora Ginko remained silent.

Save me?

Sorry, I don’t need you to save me.

The only ones who can save me are shogi, and myself.

“You’re at the age where you should stop dreaming.” Sora Ginko’s gaze fell on Kiyotaki Kousuke: “Teacher, let me demonstrate the new strategy I’ve researched, help me see if there are any flaws.”

She’s not just showing off, she’s really asking for advice.

In Luo Feng’s words, she just has computing power far exceeding her former self, not becoming a blank slate.

The number of moves she can pre-read, is something she can’t compare to.

Using shogi far beyond her own understanding to play against opponents is practically suicidal, she can only choose what she can use.

“Okay, let’s play a game.” Kiyotaki Kousuke saw Sora Ginko was eager, and nodded approvingly.

Not sure if it’s an illusion, but Sora Ginko’s passion for shogi seemed to have returned to how it was when she was young, unable to stop playing.

Kiyotaki Keika was more sensitive, she was the first to notice something was off.

Normally Sora Ginko would often lash out at Kuzuryuu Yaichi, getting angry and resorting to physical violence, but today her reaction to Yaichi was too calm.

Ginko really loves shogi, but Yaichi is also very important in her heart, she shouldn’t have just said a couple sentences like this.

She wasn’t like this yesterday, what’s wrong with her today?

Wait, could it be…

Kiyotaki Keika suddenly thought of something, and said to Sora Ginko: “After you left the Kansai Shogi Club yesterday, did you come back here?”

“The senior didn’t come back.” Kuzuryuu Yaichi said: “Afterwards, Ai came, and we’ve been studying shogi the whole time. If the senior had come back…”

After being glared at by Kiyotaki Keika, Kuzuryuu Yaichi shut his mouth.

“I just passed by here on my way to discuss shogi with that brother of mine.” Sora Ginko said calmly: “Anything else?”


Hearing Sora Ginko’s indifferent tone, Kiyotaki Keika inwardly panicked.

She must have seen that woman hugging Yaichi, right?

Ginko is sulking…

Oh well, in a few days she’ll be fine on her own, just like last time during the Meijin match, at most I’ll give her a pep talk.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode