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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 36

Chapter 036 – The Banquet

After separating from Gabriel, it was already dusk, and the two had been playing games for nearly a whole day.

Luo Feng could sense that the woman who had come to make a deal before was waiting in his shop all day, but he wasn’t in a hurry to go back.

Since there was no direct contract at first, the price now would not be the same, better tease her appetite a little first.

Moreover, she doesn’t seem to be in too much despair.

Not desperate enough, how can he negotiate a transaction that brings him pleasure?

Compared to the transaction itself, what he has always liked more is the joy that the transaction can bring.

Soon, Luo Feng arrived in Chiba.

For him, the so-called distance is like nothing, in the morning he was in Osaka, the next moment he appeared in Tokyo, and the moment after that he appeared in Chiba, distance can’t really restrain him.

Chiba can be said to be the embodiment of all regrets, from Narita International Airport, Tokyo Game Show, Tokyo German Village, to the so-called “Chiba Shibuya”, none of them have given up on keeping up with Tokyo. But Chiba people also like to retain the taste of Chiba in strange places, and add some variations, this is Chiba.

Compared to the crowded Tokyo, Luo Feng prefers Chiba, and this has nothing to do with Chiba’s sister complex, it’s purely that Luo Feng doesn’t like the extremes of Tokyo.

Tokyo should originally be a vibrant big city, but those ordinary office workers often give him a sense of soulless zombies, as if living is just to rush against time.

Going through the motions every day, having their own trivial troubles, without dreams or ambitions, their souls are folded up, not very useful.

Not everyone is like this, but the majority are, which is already enough to make one uncomfortable, just to breathe there.

Now that the transaction method has been reformed, it is easier to transact with people like Yukinoshita Saori, because she will ignore the cost and forge ahead for her own goals, instead of being timid and hesitant.

Knowing it’s a trap but still wanting to jump in, Luo Feng loves it the most, it saves him so much effort?

Luo Feng adjusted his hat and strolled into a spacious mansion.

Mansions of this scale are relatively secluded, but the foot traffic at this time is not particularly low.

There is a banquet being held here today, hosted by a famous diplomat who particularly enjoys such occasions.

The guests invited here are mostly famous figures in politics and business, with a few of their drivers, attendants, and family members.

The security on site is nothing to Luo Feng, he naturally blended in.

Since there are all kinds of people present, not all of them Japanese, Luo Feng’s attire doesn’t stand out among the crowd.

Just then, a blonde girl passed by Luo Feng.

Luo Feng saw the tray she was holding, which had two glasses of orange juice, and he casually picked up one and took a sip, the taste was not bad.

“That’s…” the blonde girl stared at Luo Feng in disbelief: “That’s the one I got for myself.”

“I see, I just had a sip, you can continue drinking it?” Luo Feng handed the glass back to her.

The blonde girl was suddenly at a loss for words, you want me to continue drinking it? You actually said that out loud!

Come to think of it, do I really look like a waitress?

No, this is a self-service banquet, and there are only two maids bustling about, do I look like a maid?

Luo Feng looked her up and down, blonde hair, blue eyes, with a cute fang.

Although she looks dazzling, Luo Feng saw a sense of decadence in her, the same decadence as Gabriel, this girl is a shut-in, or a girl who is very good at pretending.


It’s quite interesting, who would have thought that a shut-in’s soul wouldn’t be much worse than Sora Ginko’s, she also has her own obsession.

Some obsessions are with shogi, some with light novels, some with painting skills, some with medicine, some with math problems, more or less related to art or academics.

Since we’ve bumped into each other, should I lend a hand and ask if she has any needs?

This obsession is a bit weak, seems a bit forced…

The blonde girl has attended banquets more than once, but this kind of weirdo is the first she’s encountered.

Freely drinking my own juice, as if he doesn’t know me at all.

Could it be, he’s trying to attract my attention?

“I’ll go get another glass.” The blonde girl turned and left, since he’s one of her father’s guests, whatever his purpose is, it’s better not to be too nosy.

Whew, maintain politeness, maintain politeness…

Luo Feng shook his head, he had other business here today, his gaze quickly fell on the distant Yukinoshita Haruno.

She was chatting amiably with several wealthy ladies, even with the family teetering on the brink of disaster, she didn’t show it on her face.

Just as Luo Feng was looking at her, her gaze also swept over to Luo Feng.

Her pupils shrank, she couldn’t help but find it unbelievable, how did this guy get here?

“Excuse me for a moment, I saw a friend.”

Yukinoshita Haruno greeted the few wealthy ladies, and with graceful steps, walked towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng went to a table with a self-service buffet, picked up a pastry and casually tossed it into his mouth.

The taste is not bad, this chef’s skills are better than mine.

“Are you here to see me?” Yukinoshita Haruno approached Luo Feng and got straight to the point: “Here to push your transaction again?”

“Yes.” Luo Feng said with a half-smile: “When talking to a devil, can’t you be a little more polite?”

“Devil? I admit your magic skills are advanced.” Yukinoshita Haruno frowned slightly: “If you keep pestering me, be careful I don’t call the police and get you arrested. I’ve checked your information, you’re just an ordinary chain izakaya manager, I don’t know how you got in here, but I don’t feel like playing your devil roleplay today.”

Her voice was cold, but her expression was always that mild smile, as if she was wearing a mask.

“A chain izakaya manager, huh.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but remark: “It seems that after this month, even if I’m just a chain izakaya manager, I should be richer than you, right?”

“The waters in Japan run deep, do you think simply having money is useful?” Haruno placed a hand on her waist and said softly: “I warn you, don’t try anything with my mother, she’s old now and easily deceived, I’m not the same.”

“Mm, I know you two are different.” Luo Feng smiled: “For your mother, the interests of the family are above all else, for you, your sister’s happiness is above all else, am I right?”

“Did she tell you anything else?” Yukinoshita Haruno raised an eyebrow.

“Not important, what’s important is that the person you’re waiting for is here, let me show you a good show.”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode