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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 41

Chapter 041 – Erasing Zeros


Hearing this surname, Yukinoshita Saori instinctively paused. Wasn’t Haruno attending their family’s banquet today?

Wait, Ishiyama! Isn’t he the one who wanted to buy our construction company?

Dead? Just like that? Died before he could even make a deal with us?

Yukinoshita Saori was filled with fear, how could he just die like that!

If it wasn’t for him, the few options Haruno mentioned, like becoming a small family, would no longer exist, since there wouldn’t be enough capital!

Then, the only choices left are relying on a bigger family, becoming someone’s vassal, or going abroad?

No, I can’t accept these two!

Why did this have to happen, why did he have to die at this time?

“Sigh… People dying every day, don’t know if it’s revenge or what.” Luo Feng had a pious look, if one didn’t know better they’d think he’s a priest.

He said this as if this matter has nothing to do with him at all, very naturally.

There are countless coincidences in this world, the only thing lacking is eyes sharp enough to spot them.

Luo Feng’s eyes are very good at spotting them, otherwise he wouldn’t have combined these two matters to handle.

Can both strike a blow at Haruno, and fulfill that person’s wish.

“Revenge, huh…” Yukinoshita Saori murmured.

That’s right, I haven’t given up hope yet, isn’t that why I came here, to find that last glimmer of hope?

She’s different from Haruno, Haruno was at the scene, this matter was also something Haruno was involved in, she didn’t participate, so her inner turmoil isn’t as intense as Haruno’s.

If she was in Haruno’s position, it would be her breaking down.

The experience of being at the scene or not is indeed quite different.

For example, some events seem like just watching the news, just entertainment, until it happens to yourself or your loved ones, then you’ll know how absurd, sinister, and desperate it is.

For example, reading in history books about how many people died in some battle, some experts would even propose all kinds of perfect solutions, from the god’s perspective, those who died are just numbers to them.

Only by becoming that number yourself, experiencing the information at that time, will you know what it’s really like.

“What, your expression doesn’t look quite right, does it have something to do with you?” Luo Feng ‘puzzled’ at Yukinoshita Saori.


Yukinoshita Saori was startled.

She knows that the biggest taboo in negotiations is exposing one’s cards and weaknesses. If Luo Feng knows the hope of turning things around on their side is gone, won’t he make an outrageous demand, like making her daughter work for him for life?

Ten years and a lifetime are different, after ten years Haruno can still return to the Yukinoshita family and help the family rise.

But what if it’s for life? Can she still help the family?

To make the family rise, only she and Haruno can do it, Yukino can’t be relied on at all.

“I see.” Luo Feng carried three servings of fried pork cutlet, came to her, put down the tray, and smiled: “What, want to make a deal?”

“I want to know, how much is my own soul worth…” Yukinoshita Saori said cautiously: “The money I want must be clean, can’t bring any trouble to the Yukinoshita family.”

This is very important, if there are issues with the source of the money, the Yukinoshita family will still end up ruined.

She feels Luo Feng should agree, because devils play with information asymmetry, if everyone’s deals are all losses, no one would be willing to make a deal.

“As for cleanliness, no problem, but your own soul isn’t worth much money.” Luo Feng shook his head: “I told you, your and your elder daughter’s souls are very average, the two combined still can’t fetch the price you want, if you want to return to your former glory, now your two souls plus her ten years of servitude still isn’t enough.”

“Why?” Yukinoshita Saori was taken aback.

“Because the US stock market had a third circuit breaker.” Luo Feng chuckled: “The money you invested, can only be considered non-existent, right? You don’t really think I won’t take advantage of the situation, do you? What humans would do, let alone a devil.”

“…” Yukinoshita Saori was at a loss for words.

“I only want to trade my own soul, just tell me how much it’s worth.” Yukinoshita Saori said: “Haruno won’t come serve you, she’s not even worthy of your favor…”

“Don’t misunderstand, I’m not interested in her body, I just need a suitable secretary.” Luo Feng waved his hand: “If she really does, and one day I’m in a good mood, I’ll just take a small loss.”

Yukinoshita Saori saw that Luo Feng not only has no interest in Haruno, but even has a hint of disdain, she couldn’t help but find it puzzling.

No matter how you look at it, Haruno is better than that girl who just went in, right? A little girl, how can she compare to Haruno’s maturity and elegance?

And this “take a loss” thing, that makes no sense at all, how could it possibly be a loss on his part in this kind of matter!

The devil’s shamelessness is on another level.

“As for the value of your soul, this is the number.” Luo Feng opened a software on the computer, the camera lit up, took a photo of Yukinoshita Saori, then displayed the number 1 billion, meaning 1 billion yen.

After all, Yukinoshita Saori is a powerful woman, even in hell there is still a lot of room for exploitation, this is worth much more than an ordinary person.

This is a pricing software for hell, for reference only, and only Luo Feng would openly use it.

“Tsk, too much.” Luo Feng right in front of Yukinoshita Saori, directly erased a zero.

Yukinoshita Saori: ???

He’s erasing a zero right in front of me?

Wait, he erased a bit too much, a whole digit less!

The previous price was still acceptable, how can I accept this price?

Sora Ginko looked at the maid uniform in front of her, her pretty face flushed red.

Really have to wear this?

She’s not like she’s never worn a maid uniform before, but she still finds it so embarrassing.

Especially wearing this maid uniform in front of Luo Feng and the so-called “guests”, she absolutely can’t do that.

If she wears it, she just needs to keep him company in the shop, if she doesn’t…

I’ll endure it, to avoid feeling nauseated for a bit longer, I’ll wear it!

Thinking this, Sora Ginko gritted her teeth, but at this moment she found her top seemed to weigh a ton.

Yesterday she vented her dissatisfaction with sheer force, like smashing a pot.

But after a day of shogi, plus that collapse has turned into hope for the future, she’s a bit hesitant.

Sigh, it’s just not at home, just changing clothes, nothing to be embarrassed about, she’s even walked on the street in a maid uniform before…

Thinking this, she changed into the maid uniform, found the size fits her perfectly, as if it was tailor-made.

Suppressing the blush on her face and the urge to run away, she stepped out with heavy feet.

“Devils like that should all just die…”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode