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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 52

Chapter 052 – The Suicidal Girl

“Don’t worry, even if it’s just a verbal agreement, I have no need to deceive you, the life and fate of mortals, I don’t care about at all, what impact my actions have on society, what impact they have on you, has nothing to do with me.” Luo Feng said lightly: “Believe in the contract spirit of a devil.”

“When do I get off work?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

“Midnight.” Luo Feng said softly.

“I’ll bet!” Yukinoshita Yukino decisively agreed, losing just means singing a song, but winning means she can catch a serious criminal!

“It’s settled then.” Luo Feng revealed a slight smile.

Yukino’s sense of justice is her weakness, Luo Feng feels she’s not suited to be a police officer, a person with such a strong sense of justice, being a police officer in Japan, that’s just courting death.

If it wasn’t for him, she would sooner or later die under the weight of her own sense of justice.

After that, the two fell silent again, time passing bit by bit, Yukinoshita Yukino standing there not finding it boring at all, not moving much for a few hours, clearly she’s had special training.

Yukino watched the time passing, soon it was 11:30 pm, couldn’t help but get more and more excited, she won the bet!

But just then, she saw a figure with an umbrella slowly approaching.

“In extraordinary times, extraordinary people will come to discuss extraordinary matters.” Luo Feng had a confident smile on his face.

“You anticipated this?” Yukinoshita Yukino’s gaze was a bit complex.

“No.” Luo Feng shook his head: “It’s just that the other shops are already closed at this time.”

He didn’t bother calculating this just now, for him, the outcome of this small bet doesn’t affect his overall calculations at all.

“Then the answer…”

“Cooled for a week.”

Seeing Luo Feng insist, Yukino felt a bit helpless.

Soon, the young woman stepped into the shop.

She had beautiful long hair, quite good-looking, should be the type that ranks fairly high in the class.

Due to the heavy rain, parts of her body were wet.

She was wearing a school uniform, seems to be a student.

She put away her umbrella, placed it in the umbrella stand at the entrance, and said to Yukino: “Please get me a bottle of sake and an order of fried chicken.”

“Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol.” Yukino automatically replied.

“Mind your own business!” She glared at Yukino: “I’m almost done with high school, why can’t I drink?”

“Twenty years old…”

“Yukino.” Luo Feng called out to Yukino: “This is the time for your work here, not your regular work, everything is done my way.”

“Okay…” Yukino took a deep breath, helplessly said.

The law prohibiting minors from drinking alcohol, in many cases is just a joke, like in China they have clear regulations that any business premises cannot sell tobacco and alcohol to minors, but this law has never been paid attention to…

Can’t manage them all.

Moreover, some people can’t really tell if a high school girl is a minor or not just by looking.

Like the girl in front of her, if she wasn’t wearing the uniform, who would know if she’s an adult or not?

She’s noted down this girl, let whoever wants to manage her go manage her.

“Thank you.” The girl politely bowed to Luo Feng, then casually found a seat.

“You’re welcome.” Luo Feng went ahead and fried her some chicken skewers, didn’t make her wait too long, placing the side dishes and sake in front of her.

She poured herself a glass of sake, downed it in one gulp, her face revealing a somewhat bitter expression.

“Seems like you have something on your mind?” Luo Feng sat down in front of her, speaking softly: “Since we’ve met, it must be fate, mind telling me about it?”

Luo Feng is not bad-looking, especially his expression is very gentle, at this moment he can easily give people a sense of security, making one instinctively want to trust him.

Plus when the girl just came in, Yukino had already advised her that minors can’t drink, no matter how you look at it, he doesn’t seem like a bad person.

“Why are there so many bad people in this world?” The girl’s face looked a bit bitter: “At school, why can’t everyone get along well?”

“Were you bullied?” Luo Feng asked softly.

Yukino heard this and instantly thought of something.

Campus bullying!

Bullying among female students, is mostly verbal threats, intimidation, ostracization and silent violence. Therefore, campus bullying among girls is more concealed and harder to detect.

Yukino herself has experienced campus bullying, this kind of thing doesn’t surprise her at all.

“It’s just because I got a bit close to him, that everyone started ostracizing me…” The girl poured herself another glass of sake, drank it down: “I’m the class rep, I usually have to help everyone with their studies, getting a bit close to him isn’t my fault, he’s the one who kept pestering me…”

She feels that since she probably won’t show up in this shop again in this lifetime, might as well just say it all, tell them about her experiences!

People in this kind of situation often have a strong urge to confess, as long as the other party is willing to listen, she’s willing to speak.

“Then what happened? They gave you the silent treatment?” Yukino clenched her fists.

This campus bullying is really too difficult to deal with, hard to stop it legally.

Not just excellent people get ostracized, introverted people, those who offend the circle of normies, will also be ostracized.

The word “person” is often interpreted as people supporting each other, but the written form isn’t slanted to one side?

“The class funds I collected went missing…” The girl bit her lip: “I know who stole it, but I don’t have any evidence… A classmate I thought was very kind lent me the money, but, but she lent it to me like a loan shark.”

“When you lost the money, you should have sought the teacher’s help, sought your family’s help, or even chosen to report it.” Yukinoshita Yukino also walked over, sat down next to Luo Feng.

“The teacher? How would the teacher help me? If he knows the class funds went missing, my recommendation spot will be gone!” She slammed the table hard, growled: “I need the good grades to get into the university I want, but I’m still far behind!”

“Mother, mother is working so hard, if I ask her for money, she, she…”

“Recommendation…” Yukino muttered softly.

High school recommendation for university, this is indeed a shortcut for enrollment, the ones recommended aren’t necessarily the best, but must be the ones the school trusts the most, seems this child is probably quite excellent too, otherwise she wouldn’t have been recommended.

“Then what?” Luo Feng asked softly: “You won’t just want to die because of this, right?”

“Die?” Yukino suddenly looked at Luo Feng.

“How did you know?”

The girl was shocked: “No, I, I didn’t want to die! Really! Didn’t want to!”

“It’s hard for you to lie in front of me.” Luo Feng smiled: “Tell me, tell me everything, maybe… I can help you? After all, you have no other choice, why not try seeking my help?”

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode