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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions chapter 11

Chapter 011: Greeting

As Yaichi Kuzuryuu admitted defeat, everyone present was a bit surprised.

He… lost?

The Dragon King actually lost?

The Dragon King actually lost to a female shogi player!

Shogi wasn’t like Go. In Go, there could be some female prodigies, but in shogi… there had never been an example of a female professional defeating a male player above 4-dan.

Ginko Sora truly deserved to be called the first woman in 1,400 years. She really won.

Even if it was just an ordinary game and not a competition, it was still praiseworthy, right?

Could it be that he let her win?

No, if he didn’t take shogi seriously, the Dragon King wouldn’t have achieved such accomplishments. His opponents would also feel that it was disrespectful.

“Senior Sister, yesterday’s match had a big impact on you.” Yaichi Kuzuryuu admired, “You broke out of your usual patterns. I didn’t react in time and fell into a trap. In this game, you won beautifully.”

He didn’t go easy on Ginko Sora, but he wasn’t going all out like in a competition either. It was a fair and square game.

Hearing the surrounding praises and seeing Yaichi Kuzuryuu’s appreciative gaze, Ginko Sora’s heart was extremely excited.

She couldn’t help but tremble. This was a tremor brought by joy, the joy of defeating a strong opponent, the person she considered the strongest in her heart. It was a joy that came from the soul.

I won. I beat Yaichi!

Even if it wasn’t in a professional match, I hadn’t won against him for over two years!

Have I… truly reached his level and become a shogi prodigy?

I never knew there could be such a wonderful feeling in this world!

“Be even happier.” Luo Feng stood outside the crowd, showing a satisfied smile. “Enjoy this feeling more.”

Ginko Sora forgot that this talent could only last for three days. She forgot about the other people present and could only see the shogi board.

It was like an ordinary person suddenly winning 5 million yen. At first, they would be filled with immense joy. At that moment, how could they have the mind to think about their boyfriend or girlfriend? Their minds would be filled with thoughts of their happy life.

It was like a great scholar parting the clouds and figuring out a problem they had been stuck on. At that moment, they wouldn’t be thinking about their wife or children, but about the changes they could bring to the world, the prosperity of their country, or their own breakthroughs.

Some were vulgar, some were great. This wasn’t about whether their love for their significant other was enough or not. It was just human nature.

Seeing Ginko Sora like this, Luo Feng couldn’t help but lick his lips.

“Gin, congratulations!” Keika Kiyotaki didn’t have the mind to care about Luo Feng beside her or the other people in front of her. She hurriedly squeezed through and walked to Ginko Sora’s side, sincerely congratulating her.

“It’s no big deal.” Ginko Sora’s mouth didn’t spare anyone. “My junior brother was careless.”

“Yeah.” Yaichi Kuzuryuu nodded.

“Next time, you have to go all out against me.” Ginko Sora tapped her small hand with her fan.

“I will.” Yaichi Kuzuryuu agreed with a bitter smile.

“Keika, I’m a bit tired. I’ll head back first.” Ginko Sora said to Keika Kiyotaki.

“Alright, go back early.” Keika Kiyotaki clenched her fist, cheering her on. “Accumulate your momentum and become a professional within half a year!”

“I will.” Ginko Sora calmly nodded and stood up, walking out with big strides.

Seeing Ginko Sora leave, the people around began to disperse. Luo Feng put his hands in his pockets and followed her out.

Before leaving, he virtually pointed in the air, in the direction where Keika Kiyotaki was.

Seeing everyone disperse, Keika Kiyotaki walked up to Yaichi Kuzuryuu.

“Yaichi, why didn’t you see Gin off?” Keika Kiyotaki said.

“Um… the train station is right at the door, isn’t it?” Yaichi Kuzuryuu asked puzzledly.

“You, hurry up and see if she’s gone far!” Keika Kiyotaki glared at Yaichi Kuzuryuu. “You should at least see her off at the door.”

This dense guy, he was quite capable when flirting with her, but how come he didn’t understand anything when it came to Gin?

“Alright…” Yaichi Kuzuryuu was speechless and quickly chased after her.

Keika Kiyotaki saw that everyone was discussing the previous game, so she wanted to find Luo Feng to continue playing teaching games with him.

However, she couldn’t find Luo Feng and felt a bit puzzled. Could it be that he couldn’t understand shogi, found it boring, and left?

She had seen quite a few people like that. They were all enthusiastic for three minutes. After watching a movie, they thought they could do it, but when they actually tried, they found it too difficult and stopped learning.

“How does it feel? Comfortable?”

Ginko Sora hadn’t walked far when she heard a playful voice.


Cold sweat flowed down from her head.

Even though she was wearing a coat, Ginko Sora felt a bone-chilling coldness.

It was him, the God of Shogi!

She turned her head and saw Luo Feng leaning against a wall, his hat brim lowered. Only the lower half of his face could be seen.

“What did you come to find me for?” Ginko Sora quietly swallowed her saliva.

“Nothing much.” Luo Feng raised his head. “I happened to be passing by, so I went to the Kiyotaki Dojo for a visit. Don’t forget, I’m the God of Shogi. Of course, I have to see if anyone needs my blessing.”

“Don’t touch Keika.” Ginko Sora took two steps and stood in front of Luo Feng, looking up at him. “And don’t touch Yaichi either.”

Even if he only appeared last time to return her fan, Ginko Sora didn’t dare let her guard down.

Keika was too obsessed with and loved shogi too much.

In Keika’s heart, shogi ranked first, and she often complained about not having a boyfriend.

If this wicked guy went to make a deal with Keika, she might not be able to resist such temptation.

“Tsk, it seems that in your heart, she can’t resist temptation?” Luo Feng said with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile. “Don’t worry, my deals are very fair. As long as you can pay the price, it’s fine. I don’t just bless you alone.”

He didn’t say that he looked down on people like Keika Kiyotaki who were only beautiful on the surface. Anyway, Ginko Sora didn’t know.

Her personality was a bit domineering, but Luo Feng’s personality was even more so.

“Would others want this kind of blessing?” Ginko Sora asked unwillingly.

“Do you believe that under the same conditions, there would be plenty of people willing to agree? Want to make a bet?” Luo Feng said softly.

“You…” Ginko Sora gritted her teeth. “Why do you want… that kind of deal?”

She knew that what Luo Feng said was true. Indeed, many people would be willing.

“Because I like it.” Luo Feng looked as if it was only natural. His face approached Ginko Sora’s. “And also because you disrespected a god, young lady. If you hadn’t disrespected a god, I might have asked for something else, like… ten years of your life.”

Ginko Sora felt that she would rather give up ten years of her life.

“Oh, your junior brother came out.” Luo Feng straightened up and looked towards the Dragon King who had just walked out of the dojo and happened to look in their direction.

Smiling, he greeted him.

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode