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Mistaken Era 27

Chapter 27

It’s just that the time for the spiritual spring to gush out had not yet arrived, so Qin Lingxiao lingered here for a few days. During the day when he had nothing to do, he would go out for a walk.

He never expected that today, on the opposite shore of the lake outside Mount Tuyun, he would accidentally see Wei Jie and Cui Xiao Xiao.

Qin Lingxiao was even more surprised that the girl Cui Xiao Xiao was actually so shameless, getting entangled with this demon king Wei Jie in such a way!

The man and woman, under the guise of being master and disciple, were actually hugging together without any restraint in broad daylight.

Thinking of Cui Xiao Xiao’s indifferent attitude every time she saw him, Qin Lingxiao felt inexplicably stifled. Seeing this scene, Qin Lingxiao’s expression became even more disdainful!

Cui Xiao Xiao was unwilling to marry him, the leader of a major righteous sect, and firmly refused his marriage proposal, but she mixed together with someone like Wei Jie. It was clear that her character was despicable and she was not a kind-hearted person.

She was so frivolous, fascinated by Wei Jie’s appearance. She was just a vulgar woman! She really disappointed him!

However… what surprised him even more was that former Master Wei Jie.

Back then, when Qin Lingxiao hid his identity and joined Wei Jie’s sect, Wei Jie had not yet completely transformed into a demon.

Because of his female demon bloodline, Wei Jie’s appearance had an indescribable evil charm.

His bewitching appearance indeed enchanted many women. Even the fox tribe girl Yu Ling’er he saved was one of Wei Jie’s infatuated admirers.

However, Qin Lingxiao had never seen Wei Jie being bewitched by female charms and messing around with a woman in such a flirtatious way.

Wei Jie had a rarely seen cold and hard heart in the world. Moreover, when his demonic nature was deep, he had completely lost his humanity and would not devote himself to a woman.

Qin Lingxiao despised Wei Jie, but he unconsciously imitated Wei Jie’s behavior. As a result, after Qin Lingxiao became famous, he also unconsciously learned his former demonic master’s way of treating the women who were fond of him, always being cold and aloof.

Now it seemed that in this life, Wei Jie had lost his opportunity and ultimately could not succeed. He had become even more degenerate, and even his previous lofty pride was almost gone…

Thinking of this, Qin Lingxiao sneered again. He originally wanted to teach Cui Xiao Xiao a lesson and let her suffer by Wei Jie’s side for a while before finding an opportunity to give her the key.

But unexpectedly, this pair of man and woman had already become so close. Since that was the case, he didn’t need to bother for her sake. Just let this pair of man and woman be locked together for a lifetime!

However… why would Wei Jie appear at Mount Tuyun at this juncture? Could it be that Cui Xiao Xiao leaked the secret again, leading Wei Jie here, wanting to come to Mount Tuyun to drink the spiritual spring and seize the opportunity?

Qin Lingxiao’s handsome eyes slightly narrowed, and he sneered again – unfortunately, he had already arrived here first. Even if Wei Jie racked his brains, he could not set foot in Mount Tuyun!

“Benefactor, what are you looking at?” At this moment, a soft whisper came from behind Qin Lingxiao.

A white-clad girl with a pointed face and big eyes was holding a basket of freshly picked mountain fruits and walked up behind Qin Lingxiao.

She was the fox girl Yu Ling’er rescued by Qin Lingxiao. She was the beloved daughter of the fox tribe leader and could be considered the pearl of the fox tribe.

Every hundred years, the members of the fox tribe would face a tribulation.

Yu Ling’er was still young, and this first tribulation was the “human tribulation”. When she was picking fruits at the foot of the mountain, she suddenly felt unwell and transformed into a white fox, but encountered hunters trying to kill her. Fortunately, she was rescued by the young pavilion master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion who happened to pass by.

Thinking of when her hind leg was injured and she was held in the arms of this handsome young pavilion master, the face of the inexperienced Yu Ling’er turned red.

The fox tribe valued righteousness and gratitude. Since Qin Lingxiao saved her, she should repay him with everything she had.

So when he mentioned that he was always unable to raise his true qi to the fourth level of heaven due to his limited cultivation, Yu Ling’er took the initiative to bring Qin Lingxiao to Mount Tuyun to wait for the spiritual spring to gush out.

The spiritual spring of Mount Tuyun could never be found by outsiders without the guidance of the Tu tribe people. With the blessing of the spiritual spring, she believed that Benefactor Qin Lingxiao would definitely be able to rapidly improve his cultivation.

However, when she walked over just now, she saw that Young Pavilion Master Qin seemed to be in a bad mood. His eyes looking ahead also seemed to be spitting fire.

She followed his line of sight and saw a pair of man and woman fooling around on the opposite shore of the lake.

Although it looked indecent, there was nothing inappropriate about it, so Yu Ling’er asked in confusion.

Qin Lingxiao turned his head to look at the fox girl and thought: In the previous life, Wei Jie had bewitched this fox girl, making her lose her mind for him, and she was willing to offend the heavenly rules for him.

Although in this life, he had seized Wei Jie’s opportunity, he still had to avoid this fox girl being bewitched by Wei Jie’s charm and falling in love with Wei Jie.

Thinking of this, he said indifferently, “I just saw a lecherous thief who is used to playing with women. It makes me feel a bit disgusted!”

Yu Ling’er looked again in the direction of his gaze, just in time to see the young man by the lake pressing the woman in his arms to the ground, lowering his head, not knowing what he was doing.

At this moment, a scholar holding a fishing rod came running from a distance. He stood beside the entangled man and woman, seeming at a loss, and could only bend down to persuade them.

But the man pressing down on the woman didn’t restrain himself at all. He was still wantonly lying on top of the woman, simply lustful and shameless!

Even if they were in love, in broad daylight, to take advantage of a woman like this while others were watching, how could he be a good person?

Yu Ling’er’s eyes were filled with disgust. She couldn’t help but say to Qin Lingxiao, “Benefactor, should we go over and save that woman?”

Qin Lingxiao sneered, “I see that the woman seems to be willing to be with them. If you and I rush over, we might disturb their fun. You are now at a time when you should focus on cultivation. Don’t get tainted by the secular world. Let’s go. The spiritual spring is about to gush out. Let’s head back.”

After shamelessly splashing dirty water on Wei Jie and Cui Xiao Xiao, Qin Lingxiao took Yu Ling’er back to Mount Tu along the secret path in the mountain.

Tonight, the spiritual spring would gush out, a perfect opportunity. He didn’t want to waste time with boring people. As for Wei Jie, he would deal with him later.

On the other hand, Cui Xiao Xiao, who was pressed to the ground by Wei Jie at this time, was convulsing all over, almost biting off her own tongue from the pain.

Afraid that she would hurt herself, Wei Jie, who had been pressing her down tightly and pinching her chin, raised his head and said to Tang Youshu who was at a loss beside him, “Quick, go find the medicine bottle in the package over there! The yin poison in her body is acting up!”

Upon hearing this, Tang Youshu hurriedly threw the fishing rod in his hand, rushed to the place where the package was placed, and found the medicine that the old matriarch of the Wei family had given to Xiao Xiao before.

After taking out the medicine pill, Wei Jie quickly took out one and put it into Xiao Xiao’s mouth.

It turned out that just now, Xiao Xiao’s poison suddenly acted up. Wei Jie was afraid that she would hurt herself, so he pressed her down tightly. But from a distance, it looked like a man and a woman were shamelessly flirting with each other, to the extent that Qin Lingxiao could splash dirty water on them.

At this time, Xiao Xiao, who was tortured by the suddenly activated yin poison, was already drenched in sweat in an instant and could only collapse in Wei Jie’s arms, exhausted.

This was the first time Wei Jie saw Xiao Xiao’s poison act up. Although the medicine given by his grandmother reduced the frequency of the Demon Bead’s yin poison attacks, once it acted up, it was still very tormenting.

Wei Jie carefully wiped the sweat from Xiao Xiao’s forehead, then asked her in a low voice, “How is it? Is there anywhere else that feels uncomfortable?”

Xiao Xiao finally let out a long breath when the medicine took effect, and she struggled to sit up from Wei Jie’s arms.

Just now, she didn’t expect that the yin poison would act up again while she was “wiping” Wei Jie’s face.

Although she had taken the medicine from the Wei family’s matriarch, reducing the number of times the poison attacked, it seemed to be like blocking a flood. The more it was blocked, the more powerful the poison became. This time, the delayed attack felt even more domineering.

The suffering she was experiencing now should have been endured by Wei Jie back then. She just didn’t know how he resolved it and was finally able to force out the demonic turbid qi and transform it into the Demon Bead.

When she rolled up her sleeve and looked at the pattern of the Demon Bead on her arm again, she found that those patterns had actually turned into patches of snake scales, looking quite horrifying.

Xiao Xiao stared at those scales, inexplicably feeling that something bad was going to happen. If she let this Demon Bead possess her body, would she eventually turn into Wei Jie’s original half-human, half-snake appearance?

Perhaps because she looked too pitiful when the poison acted up, Wei Jie actually put aside his bad intentions and stopped teasing his little master.

He took his own change of clothes and spread them on the ground, letting Xiao Xiao lie down and rest. Then he went fishing with Tang Youshu, preparing to stew some fish soup for Xiao Xiao to nourish her later.

Xiao Xiao was lost in thought, lying half-reclined with her eyes closed, regulating her breath. When she opened her eyes, she saw the green mountains on the opposite side of the lake.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, just at the moment when the slanting sun was halfway up the mountain. When the sunlight fell into the mountain hollow, it happened to shine on a rock.

She squinted at the rock, and no matter how she looked at it, it resembled a fox. But this light only lasted for a moment. When she mentioned it to Wei Jie and Tang Youshu, the two said they didn’t see any rock.

Xiao Xiao knew that her eyesight was different from ordinary people’s. Since they couldn’t see it, it meant that what she saw was an unusual phenomenon in the mountain.

In this situation… it seemed to coincide with a strange encounter mentioned in her master’s secret manual.

Her master said that after he took Wei Jie as his master, he once saw his master unintentionally rescue a fox girl. As a result, he got the opportunity to drink the spiritual spring, which better suppressed the discomfort brought by the exchange of snake blood. Moreover, Wei Jie’s strength improved by leaps and bounds because of this, achieving the effect of traveling a thousand miles in a day.

And the name of that fox mountain seemed to be Mount Tuyun. At the entrance of Mount Tuyun, there was a fox rock that would be illuminated by the setting sun at dusk, emitting a glow.

Xiao Xiao suddenly sat up. Was the heavens seeing that she had suffered too much and specifically guiding her to Mount Tuyun?

She hurriedly took out the secret manual and carefully read it. She found that the time for the spiritual spring to gush out seemed to be exactly tonight!

If she could drink the spiritual spring water, it would definitely alleviate the pain of the yin poison attacks. Time was of the essence. They had to find the entrance to Mount Tuyun as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this time, due to her appearance, a part of Wei Jie’s trajectory had changed. Wei Jie didn’t seem to have rescued a fox girl like in the previous life and obtained the benefit of entering the mountain.

But now that her yin poison was acting up, she could only try everything possible. Her master said that the fox girl was in love with Wei Jie. Perhaps with a handsome man leading the way, they could persuade the fox girl to give them a ladle of spiritual spring water.

Thinking like this, Xiao Xiao immediately sat up and pointed to the mountain path on the opposite side of the lake, “Let’s go. We’ll spend the night on the mountain tonight!”

When the grand-master gave the order, the disciples naturally obeyed.

However, when they entered the mountain and walked around the mountainside six times, Tang Youshu stared at the familiar-looking big tree in front of him and couldn’t help but say, “It seems we passed by this big tree before… Master, are we lost?”

Wei Jie held up the torch and looked at the tree. There were still the marks he had carved with a dagger when he passed by before…

At this moment, Tang Youshu suddenly remembered something and said to Wei Jie in a low voice, “Master, when I went to the nearby village to buy a fishing rod earlier, the villagers seemed to have told me that we shouldn’t go up Mount Tuyun. There’s a ghost wall here…”

Ghost wall, as the name suggests, no matter how many marks you make, you can’t escape the demon’s illusion and will be trapped on the mountain until you die of exhaustion.

Wei Jie looked at his beloved disciple and also sneered, “You could have mentioned this unimportant matter a bit later, like when we’re about to die of exhaustion on the mountain. It wouldn’t be too late to say it then!”

Tang Youshu knelt on the ground with a thud, his face full of shame, “Master! It’s all this disciple’s fault. At that time, this disciple was only focused on buying a fishing rod from the villagers and thought it was just the ignorant words of a village man. Who knew that this Mount Tu would be so sinister!”

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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